>jeff nipphard >Gay porn twink to Turbo Chad in 1 year
QUESTION: are laterals necessary? Nipphard says they are optional. They really make the neck workout burdensome, especially if it's not even worth it to work them out. Are flexions and extensions enough to get a bigger neck?
No dude looks like he should be playing acoustic guitar in Hillsong or something
Adrian Davis
Most people who've made sick gains don't do laterals. Anyone got tips on how to hold a 5kg plate behind my head for neck extensions? It's really awkward
Luis Mitchell
you gotta hang it
Carson Green
This one is hot off the press.
Liam Butler
your neck muscles will automatically grow through osmosis if you just lift heavy all around your body. you can also try to swallow really big bites of food to increase neck muscle mass too
Camden Phillips
this nigga is 5'3
Mason Reed
and he bangs hot insta thots and has a successful youtube
Parker Reed
Jack Hall
Theres a study that heavy compound exercises did not trigger neck growth, so no. you need to do neck curls or steroids to grow the neck, or both if u want NFL mode
Joseph Powell
I thought about logans neck too. thick neck really is the hot trait
Alexander Davis
what meme? neck is everything u literally cant look aesthetic without a wide neck as a male
Benjamin Ward
Which exercises give neck gain? Bodyweight or lifts are both welcome
Jaxon Flores
Can you try thickening this guy's neck? Especially bottom right.
Ryan Torres
>this is a 10/10 according to lookism
Christopher Ramirez
Sure, just give me a moment.
Asher Gray
Nah he has a week lower third very pretty boy esque not very masculine
Thomas Cook
I didn't want to increase his neck a ridiculous amount, but you get the idea.
Jacob Diaz
I saw people on reddit shit talking Logan Paul because his neck was wide. Couldn't help but chuckle
Jason Butler
I made it a bit bigger for visibility.
Joseph Scott
oh shit nice job. He looks way better and older in the right one. What tool do you use?
Brayden Gray
>swallow really big bites haha this is a meme gone too far
Ian Torres
Formula 1 drivers have strong ass necks to support their heads from the g forces they experience cornering.
Beginner neck routine?
Asher Howard
Neck curls 20 x 5 Neck lateral raises 20 x 5 Neck extensions 20 x 5 You're going to look like a retard doing neck training just ignore the normies and in a month or 2 you'll see nice results
David Rodriguez
Using GIMP, I select the color near the edge of the neck and use the airbrush tool to fill in mass. It's really simple.
I know some other neck-pillers use warping tool but I'm not sure how to do it.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Are lateral raises a meme or not? It doubles the time of your workout for shitty results I hear
Brandon Carter
>memes Every guy I know that bangs lots of girls has a thick neck. The biggest pussyhounds weren't the best looking, but they were the most masculine looking and acting. Having a thick neck looks very masculine. It's pretty much a prerequisite unless you're 6'1+ and have a good face I bought a 5kg and 10kg plate to use at home because I don't wanna be seen in the gym doing neckshit lmao
Jaxson Flores
Even with a thick neck, he still looks like a fag.
Robert Diaz
that dude's jaw would fill out too, not just his neck
Jace Foster
Honestly I kinda like doing neck work at the gym and everyone laughing at me. I'd say lateral are optional but I do my neck training on days I go to the gym to fuck around when I'm not lifting (full body 3 times per week) so the time thing isn't really an issue, but I know the lateral raises give you a sick neck pump
Kayden Williams
>necklace though neck
Alexander Garcia
What? Most neck exercises target the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which would be enlarged exactly know I did it.
Add in some more facial hair and he would look like a slayer that could kick your ass.
Like a tree growing into something. The true power of the neck pill.
Zachary Reyes
Kayden Harris
the reducing neck size ones aren't nearly as good as the adding mass ones (real or shopped)
but good job brah
Jacob Perry
What? Most neck exercises target the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which would be enlarged exactly know I did it.
I'm referring to the fact that anyone who works out will see changes in the musculature of their face as well.
James Phillips
>/no neck/
Robert Long
I haven't looked into it, but as I understand it, jaw gains are hard to come by. Improvements are just due to dropping body fat instead of working out somehow targeting the muscles.
Justin Hernandez
How do I into poz mode
Juan Wood
ADVICE TO THOSE WHO'VE TAKEN THE NECKPILL: Get something to bite down on when doing neck curls. Be it a mouth guard, towel, sock, whatever you choose. It's really good to bite down hard when you do the curls, but can be tough for your teeth. Something to bite down on can really help that.
Charles Collins
thank u
Kevin Young
Shit I've been noticing this, thanks bro.
Brandon Fisher
Just in case anyone questioned the power of my photoshop abilities, I made him look like a Dilophosaurus, or at the very least, someone with a tumor.
Cooper Barnes
I've been wearing a mouth guard for Bout an hour or two throughout the day based on what Mike mew said hopefully developing my jaw muscles
William Sullivan
ah shit nigga now he's gonna steal all our bitches
Julian Gray
>Jeff Nipphard >Having a 10/10 blonde gf to having a 56% goblin gf in 1 year
Charles Murphy
>gay porn twink to gay porn mini-hunk*
Chase Thomas
Austin King
well they have to learn sometime
Logan Turner
The break up is what unironically turned him to the neckpill. He was too late
Thomas Campbell
I haven't tried this, but what about one of these? Attach the weight to it and set it on your face.
Daniel Ward
Shit forgot pic
Jacob Edwards
That quad sweep tho
Christopher Walker
You can thicken your neck by a lot from heavy deadlifts/rackpulls, if you have proper head and neck position, but it still can't compare to direct neck work
Jose Walker
>through osmosis uhhhhh what
Jonathan Anderson
this manlet is obviously taking roids no?
Landon Davis
These measurements are worthless
You just need to have a neck that goes straight flush with the corners of your jawbone
Andrew Wright
I do raises with a harness and I also put a towel through a kettlebell and clamp down on it with my teeth to do raises. Used to do bridges but cba.
Hudson Rivera
Hang yourself for ultimate neck gains
Ethan Edwards
looks like orb lol
Wyatt Rivera
why would you bother with neck exercises when you can just listen to death metal and get a neck like this
Tyler Wood
His new GF is a lot hotter.
Dylan Hall
How does he do it. He's 5'3 with the personality of a mouse
Benjamin Bennett
>barely 5' >turbo chad had a good laff
Andrew Watson
thats literally the look hes going for, young model twin
Cooper James
Don't really see it, but made me chuckle
Isaac Martin
hes fairly facially handsome, is very successful and obviously confident, not to mention his physique is so good he's built a business around it and is constant accused of using steroids
i'd imagine almost any fitness thottie would be attracted to him
Mason Martinez
doesn't change his height
Robert Moore
How the fuck does a neck grow like that
Brayden Cook
>tfw brontosaurus mode
Luke Fisher
my neck is wider than the widest point of my face. im pretty sure its genetics since ive never trained it
Isaiah Anderson
i just measured its 17 inch and im slightly above 5'10. i feel blessed now lol
Christopher Stewart
other than direct neck work looking up doing compounds like squats and deadlifts engages the neck.
Adrian Kelly
be part shark
Noah Moore
It should fill the width of your jaw, not dwarf it. YOu're probably fat and look lulzy to have it too big
Zachary Green
lol at necklets, I don't even directly train my neck and it just keeps growing as I get stronger. How pathetic do you have to be not to be able to grow a strong wrestlers neck?
Noah Anderson
More like TurboFag
Tyler King
post neck lets take a look at that bad boy
Jayden Robinson
>Gay porn twin That got me lol
Julian Robinson
That v neck shirt isn’t helping It’s only making his upper body look narrow. Someone shop a crew neck and you’ll see the difference (itsallabouillusons
Sebastian Wood
My neck is apparently two inches too small
Adam Hall
How do you properly measure your neck circumference? If I measure just under the larynx and horizontally around I only clock in at a hair over 16", but if I measure closer to the collar like you'd measure for a dress shirt I'm 17.5". My dress shirts are all a 17" collar and uncomfortably tight but all the literature says measure under the larynx (Adam's apple) and that would suggest I am, in fact, a necklet.
Ryder Collins
Ok gringos I'm sold, I will swallow the neckpill.
What my weekly routine should look like in order to obtain consistent results?
I hit the gym 6 times a week btw, pic related is me
Carter Powell
>Being 6'1 >only having 16.5inch neck Never did a neck exersize in my life. How should i start.
Jacob Morgan
it is slightly wider than my jaw im far from low bf but im not fat
Camden Lewis
You need to put your shit back on and cover up those boobies and trash tattoo.
Christopher Ortiz
I've lost 25 lbs since the beginning of January eating nothing but taco bell and protein shakes. Being fat is a fucking joke holy shit
Easton Gray
What about the neck routine?
Ayden Morales
Well i see you got boxing gloves on so look up Tysons neck routine. He never lifted a weight in his life and had 20.5inch neck. All he did was neck bridges.
John Clark
Christian Taylor
Wanna join the active Fitness Server on Discord? Only quality contributors are welcome. discord.gg/WfgghsW
Jaxon Martin
If anyone in this thread is fat and has a big neck, you're like a fat chick having big tits. Cut weight and then see.
I usually move my head back until my neck is flexed, then I pull it forward a few inches and take my measurements under the Larynx.