Daily reminder to drink more water

Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH

Specially important if you've been drinking alcohol this weekend-edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks bro.

Thanks bro, just drank some water


Cheers boyos

I'm more in danger of drinking too much than to little desu. Already 2 liters in and it's 11 in the morning

Just drink when you are thirsty, are you guys fucking retarded holy shit.

Thanks brah, just took a chug of water

wrong, if you get thirsty you've already become dehydrated and have lost the hydration game.

lfmao fuck you yo ufucking idiot, drinking constantly only bloats you and flushes out your electrolytes

>getting thirsty
wanna know how i know that you don't drink enough water?

wanan k now how i know yo uare not a human but a camel?

wanna know how i know you're a dumbhead?

This is a really good thread. His documentary is very sexy and informative.


kys idiot


do you eat before you're hungry, sleep before you're tired and fuck before you're horny as well?

Stfu asshole

fuck off water haters

thanks desu


Drinking some right now, thanks bruddeh.

weird, i have been having dreams about this... thanks for the reminder . h too fucking oh

You sort of deserved that BTFO-ing, OP. Even though you’re a nice guy, you’re still an autismo that posts this thread every day.

I'm not mad, also don't have anything better to do at work these days