I have a gf. I have a life. But I still am so so addicted to porn. I am now on day 2 and I can feel it call out to me. It wants me to drop all my work, ignore my loved ones, and give in.
How are you holding up, Veeky Forums?
/nofap/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
>Almost went 2 weeks
>Broke my streak today, fapped twice
I'm getting too aggressive and horny, but far from relapsing
27 days of Nofap and noporn
Is there really a point in me doing nofap if I won't have a gf for years?
I quit weed, cigarettes, alcohol, -EASY SHIT.
But porn and fap, i've been trying for 4 months without success. Best I can do is 20 days before I relapse.
Brehs... Help
What do you do when you feel urges? For me it's helpful to remember:
>two layers of clothes always over your dick
>only touch dick two times: pissing, and cleaning in the shower
It's also helpful to have a coping mechanism you immediately do when you feel the urge. For me I start up a video game I liked as a teenager that just occupies me.
>going on 5 days
I think I'm gonna make it lads. Got tempted today and avoided it by reminding myself how much I hate it and how stupid I'm gonna feel afterwards. And all just for making my dick feel good for a few minutes
Anyone else give it up for Lent? I'm not catholic so I didn't realize lent had started but I'm almost exactly 1 week into Nofap. I've had sex with my wife like 3 times and it helps but it's not enough.
Reached 28 days
It's hard from here on out lads.
I just ended three days of nofap because I couldn't resist sissy hypnosis. Someone kill me
you should be killed. faggot
Porn will fuck up your psyche if you get addicted
>t. recovering twink
Day 51 here. Who else /nofap2018/ here?
ive been addicted to porn for 8 years, only lasted a day before today so i guess ill shoot for 5 days next
Me again
Girl I've been courting just told me she's sleeping with a guy
Real fucking hard not to do it right now
Any help lads?
I didn't nut for 4 days and almost killed my coworker for flirting with a girl I like. I don't think this is the method for me lads.
100 day streak porn, disgust me now. Tfwng though
>its no fap fault guys
Enjoy unemployment retard
I mean, I didn't even hurt him but I was close.
nofap is a meme, in reality it's a discipline exercise. But the mental benefits are real.
Yep! Day 57 here. 2018's gonna be /ouryear/.
>Day 24
Feel calmer and more balanced. Holding eye contact is also easy since I'm now "pure" and don't have to fear that people will see my vices. I think girls notice that but I don't about them at the moment.
Having a gf is the worst for porn addiction. You feel content and not like a loser, so the addiction can grow stronger. My advice is go all out Tiger Woods mode.
what app is this?
>blame nofap for actually behaving like an alpha
At least your coworker will respect you now
Not him, but found it with some effort: IMQuit
Replied to wrong post
current is day 93 nofap/nocum
>How does it feel to know that chad beats off in the morning and get's pussy in the afternoon?
You guys realize that there is no benefit to nofap besides disciplining yourself to not be a fucking needy sperg who cums himself 4 times a day right?
Last weekend I was Chad, pulled home the hottie at the party, and nope, I could't get it up.
We can all be Chad at certain positions in time and space, but to have those moments ruined by porn addiction induced erectile dysfunction is truly one of the worst feels I have experienced.
Tbh, if I hadn't been Chad and pulled the hottie, I would never have felt this feel and just gone on in my happy little porn-bubble. Probably it must be experienced to truly understand the devastation.
How the fuck do I stop jerking off the memories of my ex gf?
Broke streak of about a week today, feels bad. But I didn't use porn, so that's good at least, I just need to try harder next time.
I'm currently on day 127, had to check. I don't really feel urges anymore, and life feels a lot better nowadays.
Day two. Just deleted all of the porn I had saved. Feels fantastic lads.
Get a new one. It worked for me.
day 7 here
>mfw 2/10 inbred bongland girl walks past
it's starting to become painful being this testosteronous all the time I can feel my brain getting nuked with chemicals every time i just look at a girl
Nofap lent here too
Veeky Forumsbros how long should i do nofap for to cum a decent amount of semen
>bases his life around LOTR memes
>thinks not ejaculating makes him more balanced
>thinks being able to hold eye contact with someone is a big success in his life
protip: no female on the planet would notice someone like you. you reek of autism
How do i get my bf to realize that nofap or atleast noporn would benefit him?
He seriously lacks energy despite healthy lifestyle. He masturbates atleast once a day and never without porn. Idk, i feel like it would improve his life and our sex life but i don‘t want him to think i am „forbidding him“ to touch himself/watch porn. That would be ridiculous.
Any idea? I‘ve once showed him that „your brain on porn“ website, but he didn‘t seem interested. We also once watched some interview with a sexologist who kind of explained the impact porn has on sex. (We didn‘t watch it for that, it just came up randomly).
>/noporn/ for two weeks
>forgot I ordered a google cardboard set a month ago
How fucked am I?
Fight the urge user, meditate, lift, fix your car, do something else other than fapping to hentai or porn
Fucking broke the streak of 15 days.
But I have to say it was the fastest jerk I had ever and the load was gigantic, so I don't know what to think now.
>nofap is a meme
>the mental benefits are real
Because you can do other things to build discipline, like gym or quitting Veeky Forums. Some nofappers think stopping masturbation gives special powers because they learned how to reach a goal and now it's a retarded meme.
If I start to wank but catch myself before I finish does that count as a reset? or do I keep my streak?
first day almost gone, going fine
For myself I've decided it's a reset. I think once you start edging it's already too late. It's a chain of events:
Thought -> desire -> porn/imagination -> edging -> ejaculation
I think it's necessary to attack the root of the problem not it's symptoms. Defeat the thoughts and the chain crumbles.
/noporn/ is so much easier than /nofap/
I cut it out cold turkey and fap once or twice a week to what ever million mind comes up with along with sex with gf and I've never felt better
been there bruh. Im going downtown this weekend and im holding off from porn and masturbation for 4 days leading into the weekend. Hopefully im horny enough to get hard
I get white dreams around the 1 week mark like clockwork and wake up to creamy underwear. The only benefit I've felt is that my animalistic instinct starts to take over. My mind switches to 'on the hunt' mode and I begin to actively court girls. I need to fap to keep my brain sedated and focused on other stuff.
>Dating a girl for around 6 months
>Been doing everything besides sex most of that time
>Wants to stop everything until marriage for religious reasons
I've been noporn for a while, but the urge to fap is coming back now that I don't have someone to do it for me.
guys it's ok to fap sometimes just not every day
You didn't join the Official Fitness Server on Discord yet??
Share ideas, motivate each other, awesome greentexts stories, feels, food and diet stuff
All instant chat with active memberbase.
Only quality contributors are welcomeee
Not memeing but are you guys all extremely low test? I've been jacking off four or five times a day for a decade, never had any problems getting hard with a live girl, fucking her, and cumming at least twice.
I'm gonna go ahead and say that if you can't lift, and you can't fuck, your genetics were a wash from the get go.
>Sex drive is essentially dead for some reason but could still fap to porn.
>I've given up porn, booze, and fast food for the lent season.
>Sex drive essentially gone
>No random boners or physical urges
>Diet, sleep, and exercise levels all good
This from porn or is dick broke?
blog post
>be me, last night
>at a concert jam packed with 8-9/10 Korean and Chinese women
>One of them hits on me (thats what it seemed like at least) and keeps smiling at me and grinding on me despite the fact you literally could not move because it was too packed
>It's fucking hot and everyone is super sweaty
>pic related
>Go home by myself because not single
>Fucking wet dream
First one in probably like 6 years. Did I break nofap, brehs
Dream was cash btw. Lasted probably 7 minutes in the dream world and I unloaded into that bitch with the full intent of impregnating. I proceeded to dream about fucking an ex after I woke up and cleaned up
7-10 days
Wet dreams dont break nofap or noporn obviously. Stay stronk brah
it's almost as if the nofap meme was just...fake
who would have thought
You guys da real mvps
Wish it was me
Its a reset. The only honest motivation for fapping is orgasm.
>that feel when just fapped for 8 hours
I can barely feel my legs. Don't know if it's the doms or something else.
I'd fuck that fish
Started on 1st. Failed once on 5th. Last three days, been bonking the new gf. Thanks Veeky Forums, you kind of got me laid (and my motivations been through the roof).
Day 22 here
Doing brilliantly
Cutting out porn was difficult, I relapsed and watched porn for the first time a few days ago, but didn't fap. Just edged myself. Gotta stop doing that
brehs help me, i came upon a goldmine of kino deviantart fetish porn and i must resist the urge to fap
think about that one time you couldnt get it up with a hottie
think about how billions of evolutionary years adapting males to be ready at all moments to impregnate a female as soon as she show the signs was interrupted by your lack of willpower
think about how that alpha stag in the woods with the big harem that never watched porn once in his life
think about how even terry crews was addicted to porn, someone who has everything can still fall into the porn trap
Leave him for a Veeky Forums user
2-3 day of nofap because I’m about to visit an escort.
dump your gf. Cumvampires are holding you back from true greatness. You can't progress in life unless you have balls full of little soldiers.
>get a gf
>by the 3rd fuck I'm 100% cured
Shit that was easy. But now I'm terrified she might get pregnant, she's on the pill and says she does not want a baby but I fucked her raw yesterday and didn't even realize I came, and I'm surgical with that shit. How the FUCK did I lose the ability to tell when I come? I'm 100% sure I didn't come, can precum be white?
Congrats on being a daddy
She's on the pill so no. But I'm worried about not being able to tell when I cum
>She's on the pill so no.
Sure she is
Tell him you find masturbating and watching porn to be beta af.
A what?
It's cold up in the north (-30 C) and it's fucking freezing and I use my dick to warm my fucking hands. Fuckkkkk.
Tried nofap for 2 days the good of me and my gf's sexlife, was easier to stay hard for longer, she finished multiple times before me and had to give me a blowjob to finish, in which i came buckets and she couldn't swallow it all. Also asked afterward if my dick got bigger so yea will be trying again
Why did he go to the mountains?
>by the 3rd fuck I'm 100% cured
Breh, I got some bad news for ya
if I'm fapping to videos of my exs or girls I've fucked, is that the same as fapping to porn? Limiting myself to fapping once a week now as otherwise my dick remains hard for hours on end.
Day two, I want to kms but I would rather have a dick that works
Here's the golden ticket to no-fap.
It's not about
>omg i gotta stop fapping
It's about
>What else can I do beside fapping?
Shift the focus.
I jerk one out occasionally, but it's usually when I feel like I need a quick pressure release, no big deal since I know what I'm doing. But in my worst porn-addict phases it was always when I was feeling shit about myself and acting like I had nothing to do. So I just dulled out to stupid porn.
So really, just think about what you actually want to do, then do it, and you'll get so caught up in it that you'll forget all about fapping. It's pretty cool once it happens.
That's what happened to me. Pulled a hottie I never thought I could get (thanks noob gains) but couldn't get it up because porn fucked me. We're all gonna make it
Plus there’s nothing normal about his behaviour
Maybe yourbrainonporn.com is not appealing to him. Let him watch this talk from the site author instead. Is a pretty good summary on nofap and only 16 minutes long.
Reminder that the "nofap critics" are probably kike shills. They even weaponized it.
11th day for me boyos. The Natasha Aughey thread on here has made it difficult, but I'm staying on in there.
Go find another girl instead of taking the easy way out, faggot
Day 13 here.
Question for the 50+ guys. How is it going? Do you have urges, or no libido ? Are you going hardmode?
A fap every 3 months is the best fapping routine you can have faggots.
I get boners when I itch my nuts at night but I generally find myself not sexually stimauled or thinking of grills, just admiring ass and totties as per usual. Now even sensual stories can arose a boner.
no urges though generally, when I do something usually arises that needs to taken care of.
One of my major points for doing this though is: I haven’t spent more than ten minutes browsing or looking at porn. Nada, nothing.
I am hardmode for I need the testosterone boost and I want to reduce pleasures in my life
The cure is temporary