Cut or bulk ?
Cut or bulk ?
Frontal pic
start lifting
>hey guys, I'm in my car, should I drive forward or in reverse?
You faggots need to learn how to be descriptive.
Have you for any chance performed SS ?
While cutting or bulking ?
Wanna reach ottermode.
No I've just had a big arse since I was prepubescent. Also the picture angle exaggerates it, it's not nearly as disproportionate as it used to be, in fact shrinking my gut is my main concern now.
Fix your antelope penis hilt
I'd guess you need to gain about 15 pounds of muscle and lose about 20 pounds of fat for ottermode. This is obviously just a guess but something like that. If I were you I'd cut first and then bulk up slowly. You could bulk first and then cut but if you do you're going to look like shit for at least like a year.
get into full tranny mode
SS+Gomad for ottermode gains
Also just stop eating processed foods
Mobility work.
Lots and lots and lots of back. It will fix the look of your womanly hips that could birth all my offspring. You don't have the body for ottermode.
Like mainly focus on your back, shoulder mobility and gluteus for a month.
He can't be ottermode. Hips too wide. His best bet is to fill out his back and delts to fill out his frame.
I have love handles still but I row and do so many pull ups it balances out. It will also fix his shit tier posture.
I would say cut while doing a basic strenght routine like 5x5. Cut until you cant recover anymore and start failing. Then reevaluate your goals at that point.
I'm assuming you are a novice lifter. You can easily progess and lose weight at that point.
Holy shit, cut. How is this even a question
This too. Train for the body-type you have. Not the one you wish you had.
How to fix?
Post butt
Learn anatomy, lumbar lordosis is completely normal.
What, he is kyphotic right? Fairly sure that's all just back, glutes and abs.
You could fix a lot by just correcting posture Tbh
Out of shape fuck asks whether he should cut or bulk, further thinking too hard when he should spend time lifting and working out
Like I said. Strong back, strongs abs, strong glutes, hip mobility work.
I'd really recommend just getting a EXPERIENCED trainer for a few months and tell him "I am kyphotic, I want to fix this and get strong on compounds".
Otherwise, look into fixing kyphosis. You gotta stick to this. Harvard studies literally show better posture=higher test levels.
Oh no like 10 million people have it. It can literally be fixed in 3 months of strength training.
Nothing to stress over, especially when under 50. But, he is doing himself a HUGE favor by doing this. Probably dodging arthritis and even potential surgery that hospitals seem to be such big fans of. Any chance to get you into the insuaruance funded butcher shop lol
Did rippletits claim another victim?
This guy is right.
Cut, work on mobility. You could potentially end up bulking this year if you do it right.
Look into "kyphosis". Do some reading and talk to a trainer if you can afford for a few months.
cut on 2000 cals
2000th post best post.
Just fucking lift.
Isn't what he has actually lordosis ? His lumbar region seems to be sticking out forward, his chest and head seem okat
It’s time to move on from ss. You are entering t-rex mode. Skip the summer cut this year. You will just look like shit anyway. Might as well get a bigger upper body.
Dont listen to these fools
You want to get big right? You should bulk and lift heavy, dirty bulk for faster gains, you will gain fat but more muscle
How is this even a question, you look like shit and have no muscle, cut while lifting, get rid of the fat then lean bulk from there.
He has tits, looks pregnant and has no muscle and you want him to get even fatter?
You can only gain a certain # of muscle per month, we can put on fat way faster than muscle.
Dirty bulking does not speed up muscle building, it just makes you fat quicker.
nice reddit tier image you fuck, go back
this thread has gone on long enough.
OP, you should cut.
Start doing HIIT
Stop eating processed food
Honestly, that should be all you need
Looking perfect
Whatever the results you want to archieve.
soy intake X3
get an abortion
If I were you I’d figure out my maintence calories and go from there. A cut won’t help you build muscle and a bulk might make you too fat. Eat at maintenance for your current body weight and build a solid base
bulk unless your an faggot
dont listen to these smelly fuckin twinks telling you to cut
they are just crabs in the bucket trying to trick you into a life of being tiny.