>HOW DO I SAFELY FAST? >take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max >2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max >MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated. This is regularly referred to as snake juice.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5064803/ "Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."
>WHAT SHOULD MY FASTING ROUTINE LOOK LIKE? If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.
>WONT I GO INTO STARVATION MODE AND DIE?! You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.
>WONT I LOSE MUSCLE? This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.
They are, homo. You enjoy it because you know they have a dick. You think the idea of them having a penis makes it hot. That is gay, because the reason you find it hot because it includes a penis.
Ayden Ward
Jonathan Brown
Should I take creatine while fasting?
Ayden Barnes
I feel sorry for you. You close minded fuck. Traps are not gay. It’s normal to be attracted to hot woman with dicks.
Nolan Garcia
>the reason you find it hot because it includes a penis. Assume much? Maybe I like them because they have a higher sex drive than real girls. Ever think of that? No you didn't because you are a retard.
and it made TONS of sense to me. i'm currently like 135lbs and chubby af; wanting to be lean and pretty. designed my own fasting routine following his routine, except my heavy lifting days are friday, sunday, tuesday. so i fast monday, wednesday, saturday. thursday is supposed to be my one "maybe fast" day.
problem: i'm hungry and keep wanting to eat. right now i'm like 11 hours fasted and i want to eat? how can i not eat? it's like i have zero willpower
t. trap
Elijah Young
Traps aren't real. At least not here in 3D land.
Tyler Howard
Good for you, but that doesn't make it less gay. You can't claim to be straight while you fuck traps.
David James
>You can't claim to be straight while you fuck traps. >t. retard Then why do all these people claim to be straight while fucking traps? It's not gay unless you're slobbing on dick.
Liam Lewis
>They have a higher sex drive. So basically a dude. Gotcha, def not gay. *wink wink*
Ayden Ortiz
i started my fast today and bought no salt and pink salt. instead of mixing them in water i ate it straight up but 5 mins after that i had a horrible stomach ache and now i have the liquid shits and gas. is snake juice just a meme Veeky Forums?
Easton Thomas
What is the definition of homosexuality to YOU, that's what matters. Literal definitions mean nothing compared to your OWN definition!
Jace Smith
too much at once.
cole is kind of a fucktarded manchild, but he does talk about this in his videos.
add it to water, and take it easy until you find the right amount for you
Juan Taylor
You took too much at once. Also you don’t need them until day two at the earliest. Some say not until day seven. But I get headaches if I don’t start by day three.
Grayson Reyes
>cole is a fucktard manchild how dare you insult the snake god. wheres your 7 day dry fast survival video nibba?
Blake Richardson
Traps are not gay faggot
Charles Allen
>snake juice just a meme Veeky Forums? No, snake juice is not a meme. But if your only doing fasting periods of less than a week you wont need it. Cole is an gay, mentally deranged asshole.
Josiah Carter
he's going on about fasting curing hiv and aids. once he stops that shit maybe i'll change my opinion of him.
he's doing some good in the world by pushing fasting, but if you don't understand why he's a fucking moron then you should probably take a long break from the internet and read some books or something
Leo Taylor
i like how everyone sperged out over whether traps are gay or not and completely ignored the actual trap posting here
William Lee
You blew it.
Elijah Watson
If snake juice is just salt water, then what makes it different from drinking sea water? Won't it dehydrate you?
Justin Jenkins
don't just drink snake juice.
drink water mostly, and take some sips from your snake juice once in a while.
Aaron Foster
It's less concentrated. Duh. And it doesn't have the fish shit and piss.
Isaiah Sanchez
You’re only sipping it throughout the day. It doesn’t dehydrate you because you’re not drinking enough to shit liquid.
Jace Ross
so how bad is vomiting really?
i'm really close to ordering a fucking pizza but i want my keto strips to stay pink...
Brayden Barnes
Sea water dehydrates you because sea water has a higher isotonic concentration than your blood and body tissues. As a result when you drink it osmotic pressure pulls water from your tissues.
Hudson Davis
cause irl traps are ugly and unconvincing
Benjamin Collins
You’re not gonna make it.
Daniel Diaz
This is the reason tripfags are literal cancer.
the guy is literally telling people he's got the cure for HIV/AIDS, how vaccines are dangerous.
Spewing this bullshit is an automatic sign of an intellectual midget, and your defense of him shows you're even dumber.
Jeremiah Sullivan
Is keto/omaw guy ever coming back /fast/?
Samuel Baker
i'm the trap everyone ignored here... seriously is vomiting that bad? i hear it's bad for teeth but so is eating oranges and people do that sometimes
how do you guys motivate yourselves to not eat? i hear it gets better sometime past the 48hr mark but this is super hard right now
Gavin Roberts
you like a high sex drive female looking penis
Gabriel Williams
>Is keto/omaw guy ever coming back /fast/? Why? Does fatty miss his fat messiah?
John Campbell
If you're having that difficult of a time with it, then take about 15ml of MCT oil or coconut oil. or have some bulletproof coffee. Exogenous fat will help spike your serum ketone levels. Ketone's have a mild appetite suppression signaling effect.
Alexander Morgan
dear fucking god
you're all turning gay from fasting, eat something
Jack Robinson
would coconut oil work too? i don't have mct oil
Eli Butler
If he does, he better have looked over his studies and realized he's wrong about muscle not being lost during a fast
Adrian Howard
Jaxson Russell
lol wtf
David Russell
>then take about 15ml of MCT oil or coconut oil. >would coconut oil work too? are you fucking serious?
Lincoln Rogers
what are you going on about omfg
Matthew Nelson
Dude. I literally said to take mct oil OR coconut oil
You can take either fucking or.
whichever one you fucking want.
"You can take mct oil, or you can take coconut oil. Whichever you want" >HURR DE DURRR CAN I TAKE COCONUT OIL!?!?
Mason Thompson
I'll take Dr Fung's view over your anonymous postings. The studies at best are conflicting.
Thomas Bailey
oh sorry. i'm super tired. didn't get enough sleep last night and had a hellish day of running around at work.
anyway thanks i guess. hoping that seeing pink on my keto strips keeps me motivated. this thread is a fun distraction but people are kinda mean
John Flores
>tfw too skinny to fast how do i fatten up without eating sugar or flour
Ayden Morris
>how do i fatten up without eating sugar or flour All natural Peanut butter.
Jaxson Edwards
Go keto and lift. Don't "fatten" up. What are you trying to achieve anyway? The ability to fast?
Grayson Rogers
Anything but sugar and flour? So whole grains, tubers, legumes, meats, oils, vegetables, fruits, nuts? Almost all food?
Luis White
im very skinny but i want to try out the godly powers and health benefits what comes with fasting its hard to eat a lot of peanut butter
Jacob Morgan
>I'll take Dr Fung's view over your anonymous postings. The studies at best are conflicting.
Julian Richardson
Eat more often
Dylan Nguyen
Suppose you’re 120 lbs at 8% bf. That’s about 10 lbs of fat. Or around 35,000 kcals. Three days of fasting would be just fine. Two weeks would probably be your limit before you start to actually consume muscle. You don’t need to go longer than three days to benefit from autophagy, though.
Blake Nguyen
>you lose weight if you don't eat Really makes you think...
Blake Johnson
>how do i fatten up without eating sugar or flour Home-made energy bars.
6 Scoops of Chocolate Whey (standard scoop being 24g) 1 Cup Oats 1 Cup Dried Non-Fat Milk 1 Tbsp Flax Seeds 1 Tsp Vanilla 5 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
6 Scoops of Vanilla Whey 1 Cup Oats 1 Cup Dried Non-Fat Milk 1 handful of crushed almonds/macadamia nuts 1 Tsp Vanilla 5 Tbsp ALMOND BUTTER
1) Mix dry ingredients together well in a large bowl. 2) Add in Peanut/Almond butter and mix until clumpy 3) SLOWLY add SMALL amounts of water mixing until it "gloopy and doughy" 4) Spray a shallow 8"x8" baking dish with non-stick cooking spray (Pam) 5) Spoon all of dough into dish 6) Lightly wet your hands with tap water and press it down into the dish. Tap water stops your hands from sticking to the batter 7) Place in fridge for a few hours, or freezer for less until firm and set. Then cut into 6 equal bars. Wrap in aluminum foil and store in fridge until ready to eat.
Its like 22g protein, 16g carbs, and 8g fat per bar. If i recall correctly. The only thing in there i don't like is the dehydrated milk.
Carson Wood
is anyone able to actually not eat for this long?
feel like everyone in this thread is lying
Blake James
anyone cleanse the booty here?
don't want week old food rotting away caked to your colon
Jeremiah Parker
i've done it a few times before sex. sometimes you get paranoid :/
Dylan Russell
James Harris
wow my keto strips are getting dark!
this is exciting :)
Brayden Brooks
>wow my keto strips are getting dark! >this is exciting :)
The (((medfag))) thinks you are a faker if you don't use his patented digital keto meters.
Andrew Bennett
I would like some insight on some struggles I am having related to a joint keto and intermittent fasting diet I follow. Simply put, I fast for 20-26 hrs between meals, eat a large meal with >=20g of carbohydrates in a single period, and resume my fast. Before reading further, what are your thoughts about such a diet?
I have been questioning the value in a 'true' ketogenic diet (one in which >= 20g net carbs are consumed daily) over a simple low carb (>= 50 or >=70g net carbs) diet. My energy levels haven't been very consistent either, despite eating within my net carb limits. One day, as I ate a great meal, I was feeling very explosive and energetic. Another day, my energy was so-so, and I was even a bit sleepy. I feel hungrier than I did when being more liberal with my carbohydrate intake as well.
I was hoping to improve my energy levels and promote fat reduction in my body. The latter has been achieved to some degree, but my energy levels are still inconsistent. I am still low-energy, and somewhat sleepy as I have been when consuming high-carbohydrate meal items. The only difference is I am missing out on a lot of the foods I like. I really miss having a simple cereal mixed with oats, milk, and a chunk of peanut butter. I can't even eat my Greek yogurt cups without worrying about going over 20g net carbs.
Any input on my statements would be greatly appreciated. I'm used to fasting for extended periods, but not being able to eat everything I like too really sucks, especially when I don't feel a lot better. I could use some guidance.
Xavier Thompson
>he takes it in the butt
Justin Richardson
maybe she just doesn't want to spray shit during brap sessions.
Brandon Myers
If you want a healthy trap mode, eat like japs. Eat whenever you're feeling hungry, fasting if for morons such as ketos etc. If you dont feel hungry at mornings, then dont eat, simple as that.
Hudson Richardson
Get your math symbols right. '>=' is MORE than or equal to.
Easton Lopez
I didn't know this. Thanks user!
Caleb Cox
>healthy >trap Hmmmmm..
Gavin Brown
>she Are you joking?
Nathaniel Adams
>your brain on fasting
Asher Robinson
girls fast.
Christian Davis
pics or it didn't happen
David Turner
except there arent any here
Alexander Hughes
>pics or it didn't happen Plz no. Ive only just got my lunch back seeing after granpa OMAWs fat ass.
Easton Green
Sounds like there are several girls(male) here.
William Turner
the way you guys talk about me, i am probably the closest thing to female here
Asher Davis
See? This is what happens when I'm on keto.
Justin Adams
>It would be straight to fuck a fully transitioned (besides genitalia) ftm >Intersexual and intrasexual power dynamics don't exist. >Sexual attraction is defined by genitalia >Appearance has nothing to do with sexual attraction
Ian Garcia
The absolute state of /fast/
I'm out...
Owen Green
i'm a girl! mostly...
Brayden King
Leave... NOW!
Luke Cook
meshuggah is the proper soundtrack for fasting, specifically chaosphere
Anthony Reed
>not fasting on gregorian chants by candlelight with your hoodie up larping a monk
John Gomez
post bouicci and we'll judge
Jace Morris
ITT: Faggots and fatties LARPing
Justin Rodriguez
haha i mean that would be kind of cool if you are deep on the hallucinogenic game
Robert James
Larping as what?
Hudson Myers
Straight people and Zyzz
Jeremiah Perez
that atmosphere plus fasting is enough to make you feel it desu.
Benjamin Mitchell
Can fasting cure cancer? I have this weird benign cyst/tumor thing under my left ear. It's about the diameter of a penny. Will the autophagy effect of fasting kill it? If so, how long might it take?
Hunter Barnes
> Fasting as an inducer of differential stress resistance, where it can simultaneously make cancer cells more sensitive to death while also making healthy cells more resistant to these same death stimuli (such as chemotherapy) which might otherwise induce cell death amongst healthy cells as collateral damage. youtube.com/watch?v=d6PyyatqJSE
Jackson Young
dead/dying cells are targeted for recycling in your body. when it is starved for protein through fasting, this process will be accelerated, as there is nowhere else to get the protein required by your organs on a daily basis.
dead/dying cells secrete a variety of biological compounds to signal "hey fucker, recycle me!". check out c reactive protein on wikipedia, good luck
Lucas Sanders
whoever that is is incredibly ugly
DON'T eat like this person
Lucas Roberts
Replying so we can move onto the next edition
Brandon Flores
Cameron Long
I think we're being invaded. Fast grew to fast for its own good. I keep seeing it brought up on other boards.