Any exercise to increase height?

Any exercise to increase height?

I only need 1.5 inches to feel human again

Other urls found in this thread:

someone post the webm

I broke one of my legs, and now that leg is 1.5 cm taller.

Maybe if you break both?

Grows 3×F

Are there stretches that help with growth?
>late 17s
>5'9 (173cm)
>Father 6'1
>Mother 5'4

How do you live with that?

I'm doubtful that such a thing exists, but I'm 5'10 and would like to know if a miracle workout like that is real, too. Does anyone know about any diets or suppliment that could cause a growth spurt in relatively younger men?

Leg lengthening surgery is the only way but it is legit

173 cm is 5'8


>one change at life

You know nothing about pain

>tfw 5'4

at least your normal

Are you really going to let something you can't change impact your life? Are you really not able to enjoy life or feel Human again because you're not tall enough? Come on, anons, I thought you were better than that. I know you all are, I believe in you. Just do it man. Height doesn't matter if you don't have other qualities in life.

> t. 6'6" chinlet wristlet

>height doesn't matter
>t. above 6'

Shit that did make me look like an asshole but I still don't slay pussy because I'm tall as shit. What's the point of girls asking you do you play basketball if you're too shy to actually answer with anything other than a mumble?

Why do some companies change their name based on location?

Carls JR is Hardees where I live

>me thinkjin of u being to shy to talk

Just do exercises having to do with posture. Especially if you look in the mirror and see a buffalo hump.

I've seen the video OP's pic is from. I think that thing is an actual child, not a small man. He's there with his mother.

there is no saving me

wtf? How tall is that dude? How is he mogged by a gook? Let’s just assume that the gook is 5’5” and is 5’11” with 6-inch heels. She has a good foot above him.
I would just myself if I was him, damn.

If you're going to be a manlet at least be a manlet that's titty height, maybe you'll be pathetic looking enough a titty monster will want to mother you

>mfw about u being to short too take things from the higher shelf

I'm trying to make you all manlets feel happier about yourself, but it seems that I cannot do it. I'm not shy to talk to people, I can actually have conversations with them with out looking up. Is it my fault your parents are both midgets? No, it isn't user.

Ah shit wrong pic

Ive seen the video too, theres no mom in it you liar

Those chicks are really tall, so there's some compensation for the guy.

5'9 is aesthetic master race

>I only need 1.5 inches to feel human again
I can give you all 5 you sexy tremendous faggot

kill yourself and hope you get a better height on your reroll

I heard deadhangs are OK, but thats just for decompression. I think we're both outta luck brother.


fuck you!

It's only in your head, OP. It's not something you can really change and it's not as important as you think. Focus on other stuff.

Nudes of her?


Wtf i think i know her? Whats her name?

jesus fucking christ

>5'7 at age 23 and I will never grow

Someone post all of them.

He says thank you.

At least he's polite

Daily reminder that many athletes were 5'1-5'7 till college(21-24) and then suddenly a growth spurt and hit 5'10-6'3

I'm not saying you'll ever get that lucky cause you already know you're fucked but there's a chance

>He ended his freshman year at a height of 6 feet 0 inches (1.83 m).[3] By the beginning of his sophomore year, he had grown another 1 inch (2.5 cm), and he finished the year at 6 feet 4 inches (1.93 m)

There was also a story about a baseball player who was 5'6 at 18 and grew to 5'10 at 23.

You're just spreading false hope.

Do yoga for posture.

HGH x 10

lol the rest of the photos from this are gold. Pic related is my favorite.

I like how his sleeves stay in proportion with a normal sized tee, giving him a short sleeved tee that goes all the way to his wrists

>what is hgh
seriously though, coaches are pumping nigger college athletes full of steroids nowadays

>I'm 6,4
I'm sorry bros, I wish we could all be tall like me, I'm so sorry but that's the way things gotta be

The way he holds his arms when waiting for her to sign the photo I used to do that. Now I make a conscious effort to never do that and it's all thanks to this webm

Your American average lad

use neck extension rings
pic related


Hanging on bars fixed my lordisis partly I went to 178cm to 180 cm
I keep hanging and hope I get 2 more cm cause I still have lordisis

Lol i wanna be atleast 6'0
I don't to be tall like freak like you lol
>I'm you

There's like one normal guy in there. Is this what america has become?

holy fuck i thought it was photoshopped

what kind of manlet is that guy