BFR bands

My chiropractor recommended these blood flow restriction bands. He explained that they allow you to get a great pump without having to lift as heavy weights, which is easier on your joints.
They seem like a retarded meme to me. Anyone ever used them?

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I thought getting a pump was a consequence of lifting, not the point itself.



It is. Getting a pump isn't your goal, progressive overload is. You need to go heavier.

That is interesting because my wife's boyfriends chiropractor recommends training in a chastity belt to restrict the release of testosterone and to protect the back by reducing the desire to lift heavy,

>having a chiropractor
pic related, it's you

Don't take advice from your chiropractor

My astrologer says I need a bigger squat plug, what you think fellas

they're fucking retarded

Do you know how i know you're small?

Occlusion training is a useful tool for arms and lower legs yes.

No shit posting aside should I actually be pushing to get a pump in my arms to make them grow instead of just progressive overload to make them grow? Do you actually have big arms or are you just trolling people

My alchemist said bigger isn't better for those, he recommended a standard size one made out of lead, idk the theory behind it but he's the medical expert not me

Your alchemist shouldn't even be advertising his services if he hasn't figured out how to turn that lead plug into a gold one.

occlusion training is a great way to pump up your ceps and quads

In my country (switzerland) chiros are medical students... And it's quite competitive to get into medicine.

> (OP)
>>having a chiropractor
>pic related, it's you

He might not be retard. Chiropractors are not the same every where in the world. In some countries they are actually not scams and are almost the same as physical therapists.

Is there a risk of getting some blood clot working out like this?

There are three drivers of muscular hypertrophy
>Mechanical tension
Force generation and stretch. Moving a heavier weight through full ROM
>Muscle damage
Blasting it with volume
>Metabolic stress
This is what BFR does. It prevents the metabolites that build up in your muscles from being cleared. If you "feel the burn," that's your body telling you what it wants those metabolites cleared. It's why you want to shake your arms out when you get a massive pump.

this, although i understand volume isn't a driver by itself, but determines the... volume of the other drivers

i think everyone should try BFR for a month or so. i feel like it gave me some extra growth that i wouldn't get from normal training and it made my veins a lot more visible

don't let the dyels know

If you do it correctly, no. Don't go too tight.