Post pics and webms for motivation.
Motivation Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>"...A team mate of Dan told this story about waking up in the middle of the night in a Hotel Room to the sound of Dan doing push ups. He asked him what he was doing and Dan said that he had a Dream the Russians were working harder than him. He continued to do push ups and sit-ups until he fell asleep."
Is this even possible natty
>the hunchback
is getting a bf like this possible natty?
All I want one day, All I lift for.
Do it for pre-op Arvie
not a single fucking fat kid nor family member, nice shit
Requesting the pic with the statue and quote about motivation vs discipline. Something about motivation being fleeting and discipline the way of the gods or something like that.
achievable natty?
not anytime soon
Are there any really aesthetic physiques that are natty?
natty or nah?
just hop on you pussies lmao
no, a bf. a thicc, juicy, strong, bf.
Attainable natty yes
>motivational thread becomes a gay faggot thread
Saved. This is motivation.
It happens to the goal body threads as well. I skim these threads to see if any one posts any thing good.
This is my favorite motivational video:
I wish he could have given me some twink dick
What are this dudes stats? His physique doesn't look super jacked but it's bretty gud
dont ask me how i can recognise that body but its mjdelaney7 on instagram and he says hes natty
Royal Danish family, Prince Henrik just died, probably the only one who was overweight
It's just not fair, brehs...
>implying homotivation and goal body breads are not just thinly veiled gay threads
is it just me of does this guy have crazy lordosis?
>no filthy racemixers
Veeky Forums is just so gay man. You niggas are all:
>lifting for girls
Then you derive your motivation from threads like this, full of men.
handies from your bros is a automatic +10 test boost and in no way gay
The old fogies upfront are fat. Its kinda sad how Americans think that is a normal weight.