I as a man don't see anything attractive about him


he's probably more attractive than you OP

he is fucking aesthetic

you’re a soyboy probably

It's the jaw.

>symmetrical face
>nice eyes
>pisening jaw and lips
theres really nothing ugly at all about his face that i can see. truly an aesthetic individual

You don't see how a bunch of twitter sluts with glaring daddy issues would go for a con with facial tattoos, light eyes and a jawline? come on son

>as a man

try to be a little less insecure in your sexuality, sweetie. You're not gay for thinking a man is attractive, it's a science at this point

Hes attractive but face tattoos are for fagets

high cheekbones, symmetric rectangular face, symetric nose straight nose, jaw, thick lips light eyes/brown skin combination

he's an attractive man
these women do this because they act like what they say on Facebook isn't visible to others
ever see an older woman post a picture of a fitness model wearing firefighter gear or something like that?
the comments are always thousands of women saying so much more grossly sexual stuff than when men comment on a photo of a woman in a bikini.
like this one for example
these same women would probably cry sexism and try to come charged if you mentioned rape as a joking matter, yet here they are posting on a very public medium that they want to be raped.
like holy shit, if this isn't the smoking gun for women's hypocrisy and that they should not be taken serious in the slightest then idk what is.

come charged = file charges.

phone poster scum.

also, the large majority of women who comment absurdly sexual things like this that are not in any way okay, are in a relationship or married.
they are like old people on Facebook
completely blind to that fact that everyone on earth can see what they just typed out

women really are inferior

the same women saying that about him are probably the ones crying about #metoo

if you're attractive you can get away with a lot with women, hence why the #metoo movement mostly directed at unattractive men

>nice eyes
>good complexion
>strong jaw
>full lips
>masculine overall

He's objectively good looking

That's because men are actual asexual. Male sexuality is very clinical and utilitarian, solely somatic and never pneumatic. There is a reason male genitalia are extremities.

For females on the other hand, sexuality constitutes the entirety of their being.

>only became attractive as he hit 30
There's hope, fags.

Also, remember: it's not his face alone that makes him attractive for women, it's also his background, whether you like it or not. Women have a hormonal response to violence and aggression because WE have a hormonal response to those things as well by producing more testosterone. If some behavior produces testosterone, that's an evolutionary hint that it's an attractive male trait.

Get a jaw implant, learn to fight and get some tattoos and you'll slay too.

He's objectively good looking

cantha1 ti1t

>Get a jaw implant, learn to fight
VERY bad idea

Any particular reason?

But you aren't a man.
You never will be.

What do you think happens if you have a movable piece of plastic or titanium screwed onto your jaw and somebody clocks you?

There are dudes in MMA with implants after broken jaws/chins, like Rafael dos Anjos. People usually complain about it and think it's an advantage, and he himself said people broke their hands striking him.

It's really the eyes. His Jaw is average (I think). Like not a recessed malformed soyboy jaw bred from growing up on mac & cheese and soy milk. He shaped his eyebrows and somehow his eyes got lighter (probably just a shop or the lighting in the pic).

Block out the eye area and put him next to a normal average (non-soyboy average) male. You wouldn't spot a major difference. Put his eye area next to an average one and you'll immediately realize how good his eyes are.

Best advice:

>Get colored contacts (light blue)
>Accept your face

Pick one.

He's not aesthetic in reality, he basically looksmaxxed himself. He actually has subhuman tier brown eyes since he is a mulatto, but is wearing blue contact lenses.

Typical plastic surgery != emergency cranial facial repair

Corrective orthopedic plates provide a theoretical structural deficit, yes, but it's hardly as severe as a cosmetic jaw implant.

You really don't want this thing moving around or getting impacted.

what is so special about his eyes?

A silicone implant is not the same as that shit

Pretty interesting and well stated.

Fucking go to your doctor and ask the MMA special, I don't fucking know. Stop bothering me.

This hes got the tall dark n handsome for white girls an just light enough for ethnic girls...best of both worlds

Welcome to Veeky Forums

full lips are good? I have somewhat full lips, I wish they were thin and drawn.

why are they crowded around each other like children?

i've seen other pics of this guy, thats his only good one basically. also he has a severe case of manletism

mirin jaw and fake eyes though

>only progress shots are mugshots

>like children?
check'd and you answered your own question

He does look aesthetic in that mugshot, and he's semi-attractive in real life. But I think it's mostly luck in the picture looking really good, especially for a mugshot. I remember seeing a normal picture of him after release while the internet was moistening their panties about it and he looks way shittier.