How does pinning test feel?

How does pinning test feel?

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It's not a lot until you get over a gram or so

I get insomnia, some emotional instability and a huge appetite

i don't know

I wish I know tbhfam

dunno. probably hurts a little 'cause it's a needle.

Would I see improvements in day to day life (outside of lifts) if I just topped myself off with like 250-400?

where the hell do you even get roids? I want to do a cycle so bad

If anything you'd be worse off cause you'd have to control the side effects (acne, insomnia, random sad fits)

The recovery enhancement is top notch though

can anyone tell if she's hot?
I just need to know if I can fap or not.

same. I'd like to know

To answer OP's question:
I bet it hurts.

Or internet if you're retarded and don't mind the possibility of getting scammed a few times before finding a real supplier.
It's weird to see drug dealers acting in the open internet like that

>can anyone tell if she's hot?
she was
she's aged... well...

>some emotional instability
How is that different from your normal self?

fuck that sounds shitty for life outside of lifting

Nah the soreness is very minor if your gear is made properly
You'll be a bit shook after the first few pins but now I actually look forward to doing my shots because it's fun

Don't you also get more confidence, more energy, and libido?
Or is that only if you have a deficit?

It's just something you have to proactively manage: clearasil wipes, making sure I don't forget to take my AI and having phenibut/booze or valium on hand when I start a new blast as that's when the insomnia hits, once my levels stabilise it's all gtg

Once you get over 800mg the mental sides are there: increased energy, constant hunger, insane sex drive etc

like bags of milk and pennies

>mfw seeing Jenna's pam-pams during pregnancy

Mostly if you have a deficit desu, one thing I've noticed is if I'm not sleeping or I'm sick or whatever my libido Dosent crash and I feel less dead but I suppose that's just that my levels don't get run down


I thought you weren't supposed to drink on cycle.

Only if you're using orals which I don't

Injectables don't really stress the liver and I hate not sleeping

ah, thanks for the info so far

This isnt her