ITT we give non-chads advice to finish the chad transformation!
here is mine: watch your body language. no matter what your body or face looks like, if you look confident, people will recognize it. keep your back straight all the time. lift your chin just a little bit, if you overdo it you will look arrogant. shoulders slightly back, chest out. when you sit down lay your hands on your legs. educate yourself about nonverbal language.
don't use words like good or bad when you talk to others. your day was prosperous, not good. the meeting was exhausting, not bad.
dress yourself pretty. buy clothes that fit you perfect. it doesn't have to be expensive.
smile more, even if you don't have a reason to do so. you should always smile when you talk on the phone because your voice will sound more friendly.
Sebastian Martin
even if this sounds stupid but you should start writting a "luck-diary". write down 5 things that you liked today before you go to bed. this will actively manipulate your longterm memory. you will keep the good things in your memory and your overall feeling will become better. you will become more confident in the long run.
Mason Morgan
>your day was prosperous
if you said this to me your jaw would be orbiting fucking pluto in 0.3 seconds
Andrew Brown
unironically a great idea
Brandon Barnes
What is that facial expression trying to convey?
Wyatt Bailey
Great ideas. Not a chad but a little advice here: When walking do so as if you're content and have all the time in the world. Slow stroll, straight back, not looking down into the ground but straight ahead.
Dominic Harris
Don’t do this. Smiling is a beta behavior. Women dislike smiling men, tolerate ashamed looking men, and prefer frowning men. Even other men recognize a smiling face as beta.
Go for male resting-bitch face.
James Edwards
A great face and height will always take you far, but there are a million things that can be tweaked to your advantage.
>Invest in yourself and your education >Study hard, stay curious, ask questions, be versatile >Buy slim and perfectly fitted clothes >Find a haircut that suits you and trim that shit every 3-4 weeks >Wear sunscreen you stupid fuck >Stand up straight, never look down unless it's to avoid slipping on ice or fall down a ledge >Look people in the eyes, men and women alike >Always be friendly and ask more questions than you answer >Educate yourself about fucking history and watch comedians like Kevin Hart to learn how they can deliver even the most basic story in a funny or interesting way >Stop caring about failing, stumbling or not being perfect >Never take people, comments or jokes too seriously, but always be prepared to stand up for yourself. Men and women alike will test you, even if they're not aware of it themselves >Nothing is more charming than listening to people talk about stuff they're passionate about, given that they know how to deliver a story and have a fucking vocabulary
I've been fairly successful for the past few years, and these are things I do both subconsciously and consciously.
Grayson Watson
Also, always make sure your movements are slow, deliberate and determined. I've noticed that twitchy or neurotic people freak me out. This will usually come with confidence though, when your fight-or-flight response isn't turned on 24/7
Luke Bailey
Actually accurate. They presented a few dozen prisoners with footage of busy crowd scenes and asked them which people they would attack. It wasn’t necessarily manlets or grannies they targeted. The most often chosen targets were.
>People with their heads down and shoulders hunched >People walking too slow or too fast >People with very long and awkward strides >People who don’t make brief eye contact with fellow passerby >People with tense body language >People who didn’t let their hands swing >People with hands in their pockets
They wanted to rape/kill/rob/torture people like this
Ayden Roberts
>watch comedians Bad advice
Jacob Ross
> your day was prosperous, not good
Yeah, the only people who use language like this have fucking neckbeards and assume an irl of their d&d character.
No matter how far you go into this larp you've already outed yourself as a lying autist.
John Lee
Chads are born not made
>pic rel
Dylan Martin
“My day was prosperous” lmao
Dylan Turner
Be confident. Not because you are but because other people need you to be confident for them
Dylan Cooper
i'm sorry when i used this term in the wrong context. english is not my first language but i hope you get the idea behind it. use your language as specific as you can.
Jaxon Murphy
Fuck that noise. Your goal in life is you.
Christopher Richardson
Evan Jones
Waiting for the "just be confident" black ops shirt guy pic
Brandon Harris
Chad does none of these things lmao
Camden Allen
fellas how do I quit drinking? I used to drink 12 beers a day, 5 days a week but I'm down to 2 times a week.
Ethan Morales
>all this autistic advice >implying you'll ever be alpha if you have to practice how to fucking sit and walk LMAO
Carson Nelson
If you're not confident,doesn't matter Fake it,be slightly cocky but not annoyingly so Always maintain high contact when talking to people,especially with girls and ESPECIALLY if you're talking about sexual tension inducing subjects like sex Don't stick your dick in crazy Wear your own condom not a girl's ( crazy bitches out there,you never know ) Cut down to 10% or lower to reveal facial features ( cheekbones/jawlines ) or at least to get a ripped body Skinny clothes are for faggots or twinks,tailored/fitted is where it's at ALWAYS smell good,having a distinct smell ( not wearing mainstream perfume for example ) is even better,girls will remember you better Fix your teeth if you can,the earlier the better.Crest whitening strips should remain an option in your mind,a great smile can do wonders Smile more daily Don't be afraid of rejection,even being a 10/10 will not get you everything,accept it,brush it off and move on.
That's only a few i can think about right now,good luck in your future endeavours,aspiring Chads.
Joseph Myers
Chad is about facial BONES and body FRAME
nothing else, you can behave like an aristocrat and talk smooth all you want, unless you look the part you won't make the cut. Fucking hell
Aaron Long
eye contact*** jesus christ i'm fucking tired
Elijah Clark
I'm schizophrenic and now you've given me things to be worried about. How do I know I'm walking at the right pace? If there's nobody around I'll look below parallel but I don't hunch my shoulders. I'm always tense because I have anxiety issues. I keep my hands in my pockets on cold days.
You've given me more reasons not to leave my apartment today.
Jaxon Lewis
Been doing this for over 3 years now, it's pretty dope to look back at stuff sometimes.
Jacob Sanchez
For me, i stopped drinking because I became autistically obsessed with my gains. Now I don’t really care because it’s all about balance. Just keep track of your lifts and make them want to go up. You don’t wanna be all dehydrated the next day after from drinking 12 beers, do you?
William Sanders
>Chads are born not made Chads are certainly not born, do you honestly think the popular kids in your school got popular because they got "born" that way. Of course not, they emulated behaviour of people they wanted to be like.
By just brushing it of as something you're born with makes it really easy for you because you don't need to take personal responsibility for your own failures. And a mindset like that makes you a fucking bitch.
Alexander Jenkins
If there's nobody around, the murderer's not gonna have much of a choice anyway..
Cooper Thomas
Well senpai maybe Veeky Forums isn't the place for you
Dylan Lopez
>I'm schizophrenic and now you've given me things to be worried about. How do I know I'm walking at the right pace? If there's nobody around I'll look below parallel but I don't hunch my shoulders. I'm always tense because I have anxiety issues. I keep my hands in my pockets on cold days.
relax dude. walk in the same speed like the people around you. just hold your chin parallel to the ground and your back straight. if you get anxiety take a deep breath in and feel how your lungs get filled with fresh air/keep your attention at things you can control. one hand in the pocket and one out is ok. switch hands when it gets too cold.
Jace Rodriguez
what do you mean? like 5 things I liked that I did today? Or 5 things I generally like, like pizza or some shit?
Isaiah Bailey
But user I don't have all the time in the world. Also slow people are insuffurable slobs.
Austin Wilson
this ugly nigger is loved by women get the fuck back to lookism you retard
Jackson Russell
this ugly nigger is a famous Hollywood actor you brainlet
take that away from him and he won't get shit from women
Colton Jackson
Guys, it non-meme just boils down to face. In all seriousness. Think of it like this; the men and women born with Chad & Stacey looks are the equivalent of those born with 140+ IQ. It's a superpower. You read superhero comics and think ''hmm imagine if there was like people with actual superpowers''. Well there you have it. They exist.
Andrew Russell
He literally married an attractive woman before he became famous, you people underestimate his looks.
Joseph Allen
> like 5 things I liked that I did today? yes my 5 things today are: playing with my children a good conversation with my wife dressing myself nicely the selfmade chicken nuggets for dinner the warm sunlight in my face
just write down things that gave you a good feeling, or were better then excepted, that joke you laughed at, that feeling you have when you set a new PR. it don't have to be something special, just things that gave you a good feeling.
Noah Smith
>dress yourself pretty. buy clothes that fit you perfect. it doesn't have to be expensive.
Manlet detected
Jacob Robinson
that's not true even a 10/10 face will not help you if you lack the confidence to ask a girl out and act retarded. confidence is what makes women wet. confidence implys you're succesfully in life. confidence implys you have your life under control. you can have a ordinary 5/10 face and still fuck 10/10 women if you know what you're doing.
Sebastian Brown
>people think they can become Chad It's all genetics. If you set the bar low enough sure you can call yourself a Chad, but you aren't going to beat genetics. >"day was prosperous" What the fuck. This is shitty advice for being a normal person let alone a Chad.
Thomas Bennett
i'm 6'4" and sometimes it's a struggle to find clothes that fit me because they are either made for skeletons or jabba the hut. i have this problem every time i need new trousers.
Liam Thompson
>even a 10/10 face will not help you if you lack the confidence to ask a girl out and act retarded. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Read the comments and enter a new realm of enlightenment.
>It's all genetics. If you set the bar low enough sure you can call yourself a Chad, but you aren't going to beat genetics.
that's the typical "i can't do anything to better my situation" mindset. you, sir, will never make it!
Jack Moore
I'm chad Any questions?
Austin Cox
dick in ass
David Collins
>this annihiliates the Veeky Forums
Isaiah Peterson
Delete this
Adrian Ramirez
no coping in the face of this
Bentley Rodriguez
>Chads are born not made This. Chad is by definition an alpha male with excellent genes, he doesn't need to waste his time thinking or learning about this shit lol, it comes naturally to him, like breathing. Looksmaxing and behaviormaxing is for Brads, at best. Brad is the term you are seeking for what you're trying to define here OP - a guy who became popular and handsome through hard work instead of pure talent and genes of a Greek God.
Yes, Chads are born. Have you never met the type, seriously? That handsome white guy who is also charismatic as fuck without even trying or thinking about it? Among the best at sports too and has an athletic body just from playing sports, doesn't need to waste his time in the gym lifting things up and putting them down. Well, I've met such guys and they were like that since elementary school. They surely didn't make themselves so by reading advice and studying guides.
Ayden Garcia
realness + kek at jason genova comment
Tfw not of my business I'm chad sorry bois, Hope you all make it too
Austin Rogers
hardly attractive m8
Landon Lee
Post pics. Prove you're chad.
Connor Baker
Man,what the fuck. An autistic retard with a broked body,gets women to go: "Aaah ,he's just enjoying himself" "He's cute,god bless him" Fuck I thougth womer were the filter of humanity and will be ,discusted by him. Having a good face triumphs all. He is a manlet too.
Michael Edwards
Why would I want to be a woman?
Hudson Gomez
>they emulated behaviour of people they wanted to be like
Dylan Bennett
she qt
Gabriel Murphy
t. never had any actual positive male role models in his life
Cooper Diaz
Luis Reyes
This is the only thing keeping me from drinking right now. Don't want to fuck up my muscle recovery. Don't want to fuck up my next day in the gym. It's autistic, but it works.
Evan Hill
What the hell is she doing?
Nolan Nelson
calling that dude chad is insult no homo hes like god of chads
Jack Ramirez
Check out Craig Ferguson's interviews. His presence and charisma are unreal.
Dominic Sanchez
Wrong. Look at Conor Murphy.
Tyler King
Bruh the best advice to be a Chad is just be yourself. Juat try to be a guy and it should all come naturally.
Dylan Edwards
nice bait
Brayden White
Im kekking hard at the thought of some NEET autist going up to a stacy and saying "today was prosperous"
Evan Gomez
Michael Bennett
>Chads are born not made This.
Caleb Sanchez
>They presented a few dozen prisoners with footage of busy crowd scenes sauce?
Camden Martin
in order to be chad first you need to have the appearance, then you need to have normie personality you don't have to be extremely funny, witty or charming, but attractive sperg will still get no pussy
Tyler Stewart
cope harder chadlet sperg
Jeremiah Cruz
>being this delusional
Time to put down the self help books uglycel.
Lucas Moore
trigger discipline REEEE
Cooper Wright
here is mine: genetics
Aaron Russell
What if I have fucked up teeth
Elijah Rogers
>Chads are born not made >This. Chad is by definition an alpha male with excellent genes, he doesn't need to waste his time thinking or learning about this shit lol, it comes naturally to him, like breathing. Looksmaxing and behaviormaxing is for Brads, at best. Brad is the term you are seeking for what you're trying to define here OP - a guy who became popular and handsome through hard work instead of pure talent and genes of a Greek God. > # >Yes, Chads are born. Have you never met the type, seriously? That handsome white guy who is also charismatic as fuck without even trying or thinking about it? Among the best at sports too and has an athletic body just from playing sports, doesn't need to waste his time in the gym lifting things up and putting them down. Well, I've met such guys and they were like that since elementary school. They surely didn't make themselves so by reading advice and studying guides. You're bitter. Everyone gets what their ancestors earned them I suppose. Sorry you're a loser by default. Might as well off yourself with that mentality.
Mason Walker
>we post a pic
Jordan Cox
>People who don’t make brief eye contact with fellow passerby I usually stare at them from a distance up until we pass each other. Is this fine
Anthony Bennett
>You're bitter. hes realistic. sure everybody can improve themselves, but the top 1% and higher in any distribution are almost always people who started with a huge advantage.
sure, chad is not only about looks, but if you are a 9/10 you will be more confident then if you are a 2. always. even if, for some reason the 9/10 is actually awkward and shy, this will be easy to overcome as 95% of the feedback he gets will be positive. whereas the 2/10 will get 95% negative feedback. if he is lucky. if you were born disadvantaged, you are very screwed.
it is like with wealth. everyone can become a millionaire (in the us) in a lifetime by hard work, leading a spartanic lifestyle and investing all money not spend on food and rent as a roommate. everyone can do that. but that is a miserable existence.
but who you really want to be is the 22 y.o. with a lambo from his trustfund. and no matter how smart and hardworking you are, you will never be that guy, nor will you ever catch up to him.
Parker Taylor
>your day was preposturous
Whoever wrote this is a fucking GEEK
Hunter Diaz
Why are there so many fucking morons on and Veeky Forums?
I'm talking about the lookism morons that seem to be infesting the Internet. The faggots who think in black and white and think that you can't improve your life. It's always the same shit like if you're a manlet you're doomed, or if you're balding you're doomed, if you have narrow clavicles you're doomed, if you have low cheekbones you're doomed. It's actually getting worse with time and I'm almost sure there are guys on here right now who need to get the fuck off this site an stop feeding themselves with retarded advice from morons who I know are living a shit life. I refuse to believe that someone who is actually happy and going somewhere with their life would spew this nonsense so there is no point in taking their advice.
Anyway I'm sure some moron will come in and try to argue some shit about 'muh genetics' and my response to that would be please kill yourself and do the world a favour instead of putting everyone else on a downer.
Jeremiah Evans
You're just talking out of your fucking ass mate.
Do you think 9/10s and rich people don't have problems too? And why do you feel the need to compare yourself to these people? Since when does it fucking matter and stop you from improving your own situation?
Please for the love of God kill yourself and we'll have one less beta faggot to worry about
Chase Hill
Psychfag here. Please tell me how that works? Specific genes that rob you of free will to act in certain ways?
Levi Murphy
The positive loop shit is actually super true, I'm not the most attractive man, but the positive feedback I receive is insane. When I started going out I told girls I was shy and didn't know how to talk, and they would guide me into it. Course I'm not slamming pussy yet, but I get occasional 7's with high confidence throwing themselves at me without me even having to start anything now. I just don't know how to escalate yet but I guess it'll come too
Cameron Thompson
There is literally no reasoning with some of the pathetic males on here. It's r9k tier bullshit. And we all know r9k is full of beta males who are too pussy to kill themselves so they just sit on their circlejerk board telling each other that it's not their fault. The problem is that they don't stay on their fucking containment board where they belong.
Tyler Morris
Completely agree. We should strive to improve ourselves in every way, not just muscularly, with how we talk, what we read, how we dress.
And on the posture thing, this should be something that a lot of us would find useful. The posture redpill, if you will
Benjamin Gomez
>exhausting, not bad.
exhausting is a synonym for tired, not bad
Chase King
Jesus fucking christ, you are calling him a brainlet, but the post he responded fucking said "Chad is about facial BONES and body FRAME, NOTHING ELSE" then u write that he has status, and will be nothing. THAT IS THE FUCKING POINT HE TRIED TO PROVE.
Grayson Jackson
What are some good ways to fix my posture? I'm good-looking and do well in social situations but everytime I walk I look like the virgin meme. My sitting posture is good, I just don't know how to walk like a normal human being.
Dominic Roberts
Probably more about genes inhibiting people from acting in certain ways by making them socially anxious
Ayden Sullivan
user said it, as long as the reason isn't physical, you can fix it by being conscious of the way you walk or carry yourself, do it long enough and it'll become natural.
Back straight, head high, chin up, shoulders back, chest out, look forward, eyes relaxed and looking forward, don't state at people but don't look away too fast, if they meet your gaze and you give a fuck just nod or give a friendly smile, and stride like you own the street, if you can't keep track of all this just picture the virgin walk and do the opposite.
>tfw was there when it first got posted. >tfw how hard it hit me.
Caleb Taylor
>Smiling is a beta behavior
Caleb Kelly
>looks are everything faggot she's perfectly attractive, would rather someone like that if she's well read / well spoken than an airhead materialistic modelfu
Leo Allen
I see. Thanks user, I will start doing this.
Justin Richardson
Regardless of what that user assumed, your genuine smile shouldn't be given out to everyone you meet like some roastie's pussy, it should be precious, only given to those who deserve it, those you wish to reward and bond with.
If the situation requires it just smirk, or smile just a bit don't go all out unless the person deserves it or the situation demands it.
Jacob Foster
yeah, he became CHAD from being a marine and a charismatic, famous actor you dumb shit. not from having a model tier face or amazing frame (look at those birthing hips).
the face/frame is just COPE from incels who don't want to work on themselves and their attributes they can actually change and just spend their days crying on lookism. of course pretty people have it easier, but it doesn't mean you just give up and die like a pathetic cunt if you're not up there. pretty cunts have a head start. it doesn't mean you can't make up that difference without sheer will alone. dumb cunt.
Christian Hughes
I'm going to grin at any fucker who dares to look at me.