How do I reach this mode?
How do I reach this mode?
Mongrelize you bloodline for 500 years
Let the Jews have a say in how you run your country. Wait 20-50 years.
El abomination finalmente por los Judeios...
Squad goals btw.
Someone redpill me on the story behind this chubby andro weakfag. Another political shitstorm?
I'm emotionally compromised, turn in your guns.
This is shopped right?
she's a survivor of one of the horrific mass shootings endemic to america, and now she's a political activist pushing for common sense laws.
basically a young american hero.
and a real human bean
watch drive and you'll understand
La creatura
isn't that some mindless action movie?
no thanks...
>Banning guns
>Common sense
>common sense laws
Not that this has anything to do with Veeky Forums but why the fuck did these kids become be poster children for the entire mass shooting? Out of all the other kids who survived the gunman, why are these ones getting the most coverage?
It really doesn’t make any sense to have these kids take up the spotlight because it takes away from the atrocity and makes it about these 5 in particular. Also being a survivor of a school shooting isn’t a big fucking deal. Nobody was shoved in front a camera after Columbine, or Sandy Hook, or MIT. This whole thing is disgusting
They agreed to shill for CNN so are getting the MSM version of forced meme status.
These kids are opportunist sociopaths
>horrific mass shootings
But nobody died retard.
never gonna make it
They were handpicked by the Democratic Party to be the crying child face of gun control. My gf came home from work and started talking about how nobody needs a machine gun, as if they aren't already illegal. Normies just don't know anything about funs.
they weren't shoved in front of a camera. these kids chose to speak out, and we should respect them for it. really it's pretty courageous of them.
there are a lot more than these 5 lol, but these ones seem to be the ones taking charge.
go troll somewhere else.
are you a concerned citizen?
Stoneman Douglas was my high school before I went to FSU and actually went through the Strozier library school shooting there. After a day all the CNN trucks left as only the shooter died and shot three other students.
Everyone has a plan until someone has a gun and fuck you NRA for declaring war on my hometown of Parkland.
Looks like the ADL needs to hire a different intern, you're really bad at this
Give every kid a loaded revolver.
sure am.
wtf are you talking about
Every time something like this happens no one on the left offers any "common sense laws."
Usually it's just a ton of virtue signalling about how "bodies in pools of blood" are horrible and that "something needs to be done."
Then the right will offer some proposed solutions that will be promptly mocked for not caring enough or being NRA solution stooges, and then nothing happens.
Right now the big idea seems to be arming teachers or having armed guards in schools, and no one likes that because more virtue signalling about "omg our children will have to be around GUNS???"
I would respect the left a lot more if they would just come out and say that they want to ban guns. But they can't do that because it's political suicide so they're stuck larping about the NRA is a supervillian hypnotizing all of Capitol Hill and trying to play endless mind games with people.
la creatura right here
No, just a FBI
>these kids are crisis actors
>this is a hoax
Screw you right wing conspiracy nut jobs.
Imagine being this naive
All these Parkland kids are remarkably pretty, professional, and well-adjusted.
When I was in high school I was an alien looking retarded autist who had been bullied 6 feet into the ground years and years prior.
The media is telling me smart phones and instagram made these kids so competent, like damn I have no chance at all.
common sense laws:
require a background check whenever a firearm is purchased. close the gunshow loophole.
bar people with documented mental illnesses and people who have been convicted of violent crimes from purchasing firearms.
let the fucking police officers working at the ATF use fucking computers.
No one cares you faggot, I would take some people dying over losing my rights. Also the odds of dying in a "mass shooting" are astronomically low.
El goblino...
There have always been kids like that. They are hand selected by CNN.
>gunshow loophole
Post immediately disregarded.
>gunshow loophole
How many people have died due to the gunshow loophole?
>entirety of second post
Already exists
>tfw when USA averages one mass shooting a day and 95% of them are in black neighboorhoods
Well for one the ATF is a shit organization and also
>the gun show loophole
90% sure you are trolling now but if not kill yourself
Because the media chose them to be the poster children, stupid. Those that are deemed most suitable to push the chosen narrative get put in every single interview slot. This literally happens every single time.
>bar people with documented mental illnesses
Don't like this one.
You need to specify which mental illnesses, what constitutes a mental illness, and for how long these people are barred.
We have a big enough problem in this country with mental illness being stigmatized and not taken seriously. This seems like it's going in the wrong direction.
Imagine you're suffering from depression but you know that if you go to a clinician they have the power to take away your right to defend yourself with a single signature. Would you go?
He looks a little feminine, but if he hit the gym that gyno would go away.
>be american
>get shot
I always wonder how these "tough" women would react if I gave them a swift, square punch to the nose.
>be europoor
>get raped/stabbed/ran over
does it matter how many have died? we don't need to ban all guns, but we DO need to make them harder for criminals, kids, and the mentally ill to obtain.
why is the atf a shit organization? they're a police agency like any other.
i'm not here to hammer out the exact details, but i'm saying that a lot of common sense reform is pretty obvious and would be simple for our government to enact.
another big one would be requiring people to be 21 before being allowed to purchase a firearm. the spergy af 19 year old that shot up the florida high school would have been too socially awkward to go the black market route and this simple change really could have prevented that massacre.
>strength training is the process of inducing damage to muscles to elicit adaptation
>gunshot wounds are the ultimate form of muscle damage
>therefore, gunshot wounds elicit the biggest adaptations
We should really be making it easier to obtain firearms...for the gainz
>bar people with documented mental illnesses from purchasing firearms
How do you stop being with UNDOCUMENTED mental illnesses from purchasing a gun fuckwit? You want the police to put hidden cameras in their room or something?
>be american
>spend 250K on college degree
>get sick
>die because no health insurance
>black dude at work is shilling for gun control
>"durr we cannot let these mentally ill kids get guns there's no reason you need a gun in 2018"
>bring up the fact that the VAST MAJORITY of american shooting related deaths are black on black shootings in urban areas
>gives me the biggest assdevastated stare in the world
why are you sperging out.
my suggestion is basically that you would need an official diagnosis to be blacklisted. so like a school guidance counselor couldn't add a kid for having anxiety, but a certified psychologist could add someone after several sessions with them.
If you can't hammer out the details then stop using passive-aggressive labels such as "common sense" "obvious" "simple." The details kind of fucking matter.
Drop the bullshit rhetoric. Can't believe I took you seriously.
Veeky Forums
>>bring up the fact that the VAST MAJORITY of american shooting related deaths are black on black shootings in urban areas
Pretty sure it's still suicide.
>be american
>be fat (to bulk?)
>able to catch more bullets by increased surface area
>get shot more
Maybe we should consider how stupid kids are now and can't control weaponized social media
That's already the law.
I would smash this Latina lesbian just to watch it twitch
>literally did nothing
they are not "survivors". they were never hurt. they hid. a person that got shot and lived is a survivor, these are witnesses.
ultimately the lawmakers will have to be the ones to hammer out the details. if you want my opinion though i'm happy to give it. how's this?
and i would really only care to have people who are known to be violent as a result of their mental illness on the blacklist. like again, the 19 year old with a history of fighting and his habit of sending creepy ass death threats to people he sort of knew?
it was.
wow. did you watch that liveleak video?
seriously what a horrible thing to say.
Be parented by Sinéad O'Connor and Cheech Marin.
This one has enough diversity points. The other one has enough connections. MSM has been taking an ass ramming recently in front of the normies so they are desperate enough to use shilldren as a political prop.
I'm not clicking on that.
el atrocidad...
uh. okay?
then stay misinformed i guess.
you do realize many of the other kids who survived are pro-gun, right? the media does pre interviews with kids to find out their views.
if they're pro-gun, they don't get to speak.
Anyone who is anti-gun is 100% fucking retarded. All strict gun laws do is keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens.
Newsflash: CRIMINALS DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE LAW. They will get guns no matter what.
And guess what? The stricter you make the laws, and the more "gun free zones" you put up, the more shootings will occur.
Had their been teachers that were armed and trained to use firearms at the school, they would have ended the threat quickly. Hell, the shooting wouldn't even have happened.
By your retarded logic, putting up a sign saying "gun free zone" is a better deterrent than having people who are carrying.
lol are you from Parkland?
I am, I grew up my whole life there. We're a bunch of a spoiled rich, white Jewish kids who are afraid of guns. My mom has installed security cameras on every part of my home in Pine Tree Estates. She's so incredibly neurotic.
okay we get it, you're a liberal
>uh. okay?
>then stay misinformed i guess.
you do know that snopes is just run by an old democrat couple that just googles shit right. they have absolutely 0 background in investigative research of any kind.
why anyone still uses snopes as a reliable source is beyond me
>uh. okay?
>i guess
Stop writing like a teenage girl, you low test faggot
>white Jewish kids
3x5 empanadas
Drama club 8 hours a day
Articulate baby-tier questions to NRA
Be sure to have a IMDB profile before you start flexing your acting muscle. Also,
Oh I think You know What I'm Talking about
shave your head.
(((Broward County))) is nearly 30% Jewish. it's not surprising that this was the location they picked for their false flag, with a significant % of the population being willing to go along with it
doing nothing is not working. it's time to do something.
and again, why do you think this florida shooting would not have been prevented by not allowing kids under 21 to purchase firearms?
that guy obviously had no friends, and no one in their right minds would buy the guns for him. he was very obviously unhinged if you read about him. and like i said before, he lacked the social skills and confidence to purchase the guns illegally.
there's one shooting that honestly probably would have been avoided with one simple change.
i am a girl, asshole.
There we go, the anti-semite appears.
Was waiting for it.
i'm not from parkland.
as far as being afraid of guns, i guess it comes down to two options:
stay "scared" and vulnerable (the fear only comes from propaganda, and lack of understanding)
, or learn more about firearms and be safe.
post tits then, whore
even if that were true (it's not), you could at least do the googling yourself. if you don't trust the old democrat couple.
it's not like this information is hard to find. public record with a great deal of publicity surrounding it...
fuck you
>left wing shills advocating a gun ban
Second Amendment rights also apply, and are cherished, by members of the gay community. Veeky Forums is the last place you'd want to shill anti-gun bullshit :^)
>fuck you
It's actually in the rules.
>There we go, the anti-semite appears.
>Was waiting for it.
Ah yes, more restrictions on human rights using vague qualifications.
We can't have laws that change the way we raise our kids so they don't turn out to be bloodthirsty psychopaths or laws that require the armed deputy that was stationed specifically to stop mass shootings to go stop the active mass shooting. Oh no, we can't have any of those. We can just let the entire police force sit on their asses for an hour while the shooter runs out of ammo, gets bored and goes to lunch.
Can't see any reason why I might want to keep my guns.
then i guess i'm a dissident rebel.
Nigga, now you absolutely have to watch Drive.
what did you expect, a pro-semite
>dissident rebel
>blindly supports the establishment, academia, international finance, the EU, UN, etc and seeks to destroy the nation state
>it's time to do something
there's the virtue signal lol
>and again, why do you think this florida shooting would not have been prevented by not allowing kids under 21 to purchase firearms?
shit-tier thinking
knee-jerk react to every incident and make laws on a case-by-case basis
welcome to endless incremental legislation
What if the next school shooter is 21? What's the common sense solution that time? Bump the age limit up to 22?
if you were serious about gun violence you wouldn't approach these issues as your flavor-of-the-week pet cause
the problem is that real solutions are difficult and don't give you the easy dopamine hit you crave
what's it like having your mind completely dominated by corporate media btw?
Given my background from Parkland, my godfather being a retired member of the Broward Sheriff's Office. A trained gun user and a military sub-contractor who has been on just about every major base in the D.C. area (WHERE EVERYONE HAS THEIR WEAPONS LOCKED AWAY AND CONFISCATED). Usually the military police are the only ones allowed to have guns on base.
I know what damage assault rifles can do, I was at the Markham Park Target Range back in early January with several variations of the M4 and AR-15 doing basic target practice with my godfather. The FBI and BSO dropped the ball heavily. These weapons are made to kill people as a efficiently in possible. Hunting rifles are made to kill animals, the AR-15 and it's variations are civilian versions of military grade equipment.
There's no place for the mentally ill like Cruz to have ever purchased and retained his weapon of choice. Assault rifles should be banned with ones already purchased godfathered in. I'm fine with handguns with smaller magazine sizes and hunting rifles, but bump stocks and large capacity magazines need to be outright banned or housed exclusively at lockers in gun ranges.
i wonder what all those countries are doing differently than america....
guess it's impossible to know, right? :/
If they want to raise the gun age to 21, then they should raise the voting age to 30.
>doing nothing is not working. it's time to do something.
Yes it is time to do something. Never did i suggest to do nothing. Did you even read what I said? If there had been teachers or security at the school who were armed, well trained, and prepared, the shooting would have been prevented. Just like you said, the kid lacked confidence. He wouldn't have started shooting if there wasn't a "gun free zone" sign, and if he knew that there were multiple people in the school who were armed.
>and again, why do you think this florida shooting would not have been prevented by not allowing kids under 21 to purchase firearms?
because criminals don't give a fuck about the law, you idiot. He would have found a way to get guns. If he didn't, what would be stopping him from waiting until he was 21 to buy the gun and THEN commit the shooting? This is what you call a band-aid solution. Having people armed at the school is the best option at the end of the day that takes all variables into account.
Tell me one thing that is wrong with the idea of having school staffed armed.
And how many of those are with firearms that were illegally obtained. Nice omission, faggot.
What is your sexual history?
Are you married?
Are you a virgin?
If not, how many men have you slept with?
Have you ever slept with a non-white?
How many male friends do you have?
Do you have any children?
Do you have any STDs?