Never Veeky Forums in my whole life

>never Veeky Forums in my whole life
>trying to lose some weight
>just a basic "stop eating like a fucking pig and move more than just to kitchen and back" routine
>meeting with parents last weekend
>tell parents I'm trying to lose weight
>mom: "Oh a friend from work has been trying to lose weight as well, she's using some weight-loss pills and they do wonders"
>roll my eyes
>mom: "Should I ask her to get some for you?"
>don't want to hurt mom's feelings
>"Sure mom, why not, I'll give it a try"
>Expect some herbal bullshit from the local witchdoctor
>A few days later
>mom hands me pic related

Am I going to die lads?

Take them fat boy

>Chaos and Pain
The Bugez dropped 'em to make sure his not taking any substances that would make him fail his WWE natty test. Take this pill and you will hand in your natty card OP.

>Chaos and Pain
>Cannibal Inferno Amped Apocalypse
>Full-Tilt Thermogenic Insanity

10/10 branding

I'm afraid I might turn into the Red Hulk

whats in em?

The obvious that everyone has guessed already. Ukussumi Guklimissu & S M S M

That is the most metal thing I have ever seen

>We want the death metal audience

>and Pain

Yeah wtf is this shit

You made my fucking day. Holy shit. Who the fuck are these marketed at? Fat neckbeard pseudo-metalheads?

I'm guessing this are loaded with caffeine and ephedra. They'll Jack you up with energy and suppress your hungry. You'll lose weight. I used to take them before I started planning for my kids. I went on clean diet one year before my wife went of birth control. One more kid to go then I'll be back in the pills and finally get some juice pumped into me as well

I bet you'll feel something if you take them

DON'T take them.

Not because they don't work, but because if you take them, exercise, eat right, and lose the weight, then your mom will just claim it was the pills.

If you exercise, eat right, and lose the weight then you can hand the full bottle back to her when she says "those pills must have worked"

don't ever give a fatass normie a reason to doubt that your hard work paid off

that said, it's dope you mom wants to help.
maybe you can find a better way to channel her energy. in a weird way, getting you pills is showing that she's supporting you... she just doesn't know what it takes to lose weight and thinks (like most people) that a diet pill is going to help.
see if she'll do a meal prep for you at the beginning of the week instead. then you can show her that eating right and controlling your portions paid off.

gl user

Actual contents

Chaos and pain makes some good sups but idk about any thermogenics, might pop hot for something on a drug test desu

also the usage

Good point user.
I've actually seen people going "my thing must have worked" so many times, primarily a crazy aunt of mine who always goes "oh no, grandma is sick, I'm gonna pray to my moon crystal at midnight" and then when grandma gets better thanks to her meds, aunt is always like "see, you shouldn't doubt my crystal prayers, they work"

yeah, just caffiene and 100mg of "Thermo-V"

can't find any info on what that might be, but it's just a proprietary trademark of Duracap Labs LLC.
probably just the equivalent of random sawdust that they want to claim burns fat.

They are just caffeine pills, and not even very strong. These have 100mg caffeine which is the same as an 8oz cup of coffee.
literal snake oil

what's ALCAR?

"L-Carnitine, in the form of ALCAR, is anecdotally reported as a stimulant, but effects are less than of other known stimulants (such as caffeine). It is currently not known why these effects occur"

Also snake oil stimulant with flimsy studies behind it (I could actually only find one)

you need to start fucking your mom's friend

do you really want two fat people to breed

No kidding. A few years back I was losing weight and my mom would interrogate me about starving myself...while I was grilling chicken.

The only legit substances that cause fat loss are dnp and clen. Everything else is snake oil.

Underrated toast.

Shit niggas, Chaos and Pain literally makes Powerpuff Girl ingredients