>be me >start at new job >almost all female >only a couple of men and they are beta cucks >kinda big from lifting >colleagues and assistants always smiling and keen to ask me questions about stuff they already know >forget my card reader today, joke about them making me forget >"we're just staring at you user" 3 of them >"2 I can handle but 3 is too much!" >laughs >while walking past them i hear one saying: oh I doubt that...
Holy shit Veeky Forums could I make it?
Alexander Martin
Grayson Ortiz
already have one OP sage
Jordan Fisher
>5'8, 22 years old >lifting for almost a year >walking down the street where all the bars and hangout places in town are >a group of drunk women walking towards me >one of them reaches and out feels my pec >"you're cute, but you seem a little young for me" >I smile at them and just keep walking
Was this a 'mire?
Jackson Turner
My bad
Logan Bell
>"Oh yeah? You know what they say about young bulls..." >Proceed to hit and run That easy op
Elijah Morris
>lifting at gym >Roastie walks up and asks me how many sets I have left
Feels good man
Elijah Hernandez
>be at a meeting >girl from my department asks what time it is
Feels good man
James Foster
>flex a cep >I don’t know, gorgeous, you tell me
Brayden Ortiz
>been eating a lot of steak lately >haven't shit in about a week and half >need to take a shit at work >hate taking shits in public restrooms, that's where your are most vulnerable >first bathroom has some fag taking a shit >speed walk like i have a light bulb in my ass to the far bathroom >it's empty >get in the stall take off all my clothes and sit down >push really hard to the point I start seeing stars and almost pass out >just one gigantic piece comes out >wipe ass no shit just a little blood >put clothes back on and flush toilet >turd is so massive it wont flush down it's just sticking almost completely out of the toilet >hear people coming into the bathroom say fuck it and leave >come back a few hours later >3 guys are looking in the stall I was in earlier one guy has his phone out taking pictures >walk over "whats going on?" >guy points at the toilet "look at this shit" >my enormous piece of shit is still there getting mires
i think i'm gonna make it
Jonathan Cooper
>take off all my clothes
William Anderson
>be at store >cute cashier says hello to me
Feels good man
Joshua Stewart
Just happened >making shake in my dorm kitchen >4 black girls in there talking. Two sneaking looks at me >as I leave one of them says "bye Ethan" and winks >"that's not my name" "oooh? What is you're name?" >proceeds to ask if I'm in the dorm and what room I am in the hall >leave. Hear them get loud again. Friends giggling at her >I heard one of them say "buff"
Feels good desu
Jaxon Sanders
Jayden Wood
>kinda big from lifting never gonna make it with that attitude there is no kinda, only small or big
Jayden Ramirez
>5'8 (lol)
>only been lifting a year
>not fucking older MILFs and Cougars
Jacob Sanchez
Adam Cooper
David Robinson
What kind of chump job do you have where you're actually working with women? There isn't a single woman at my job except the office ladies, Women couldn't physically do my job
Jaxson Barnes
No gains lanklet detected
Thomas King
>>not fucking older MILFs and Cougars how
Zachary Peterson
posts like these make me wonder why I ever left fit/ laughs were had
William Perez
You have already made it brother
Cooper Perez
>be at cafe >cashier puts two sugars in my coffee
Owen Adams
Adrian Gomez
>got to work >girl says hello and smiles DID I MAKE IT?
Grayson Gomez
Got crazily drunk at a pub on Friday night. Chilling near this chick out the back. Some DYEL who knows her is touching her and her handbag intrusively (he is even more drunk). I tell him to fuck off and he stands up and wants to fight. I'm 6'0 and 175lbs, so not big at all, but I'm bigger than this weed. He sits back down realising I'm serious. The guy asks the girl why she would want to talk to me an not him, and she says she thinks I'm 'sweet'. Later another guy tells me she said I looked 'tank', so that sounds like a mire to me. Too bad I had way too much to drink and couldn't be bothered to talk to her. Maybe next time bros
Landon Jenkins
this is the kind of quality content I subscribe for
Lincoln Perry
In order to bang MILFs and Cougars, you just have to remember the trifecta:
All you had to say was something stupid like "i can prove you wrong" with a smile and you could have literally had sex with that woman in 2 minutes. This should be posted in a cringe thread, not a mire thread
Connor Cooper
>be me >see self in the mirror >wink >get a boner >mfw
Mason Taylor
>at work >walk into common area during break >group of mostly female colleagues sitting at a table >they're talking about who they find attractive in work >one girl says 'I think user is really handsome' >they notice that I've walked in >another colleague says 'I think there are two guys called user' >I say 'yeah my names user' >they burst out laughing >'lmao this is so awkward hahaha we were talking about the other user sorry' >'y-yeah I know heh' >sit down alone as far away as possible >the other user is really handsome but he's like 5'7 so there's no way they were talking about him
Feels good brahs
Cameron Jackson
Is there a saying about young bulls?
Tyler Cox
>In crowded public transport >Girl steps on my shoe and says sorry Goodbyeeee fuckers
Noah Rivera
>cute chick >ay yo, can i get your number? >why? made it
Josiah Reyes
black girls are so forward, i love it too bad im not attracted to them, but they make for good bros
Ryan Cook
That's rape user #metoo
Eli Thomas
They are better than wrinkledicks
Julian Lee
I feel like when I fix my hair a certain way I catch women looking at me
Ryder Price
He's a delusional
William Gomez
>hate taking shits in public restrooms, that's where your are most vulnerable Autism >get in the stall take off all my clothes Autism >wipe ass no shit just a little blood You might have hemorrhoids
Carson Turner
>at gym working out >doing squats >chad walks in during my rest and starts OHP'ing my barbell >I walk up to him and yell "milk truck just arrive" >Chad praises me for not splerging out >stacy comes over and lets me sniff her brap feelsgoodman
Nathaniel Green
Don't have to be attracted to them to stick it in them.
Noah Garcia
Anyone notice they get more free shit after getting in shape?
The other day I went to go get food and realized I forgot my wallet when I went to pay. The girl behind the counter looked at me for a second and told me to just take it.
Picked up lunch for the office the last week and someone wanted to add a drink at the last minute. Girl at that place gave me two and wouldn't let me pay for it.
Adrian Richardson
Adrian Ramirez
>Be me >6’3” 195lbs Slowly on the road to making it >Been lifting 2 years >Out shopping >There’s a VR demo booth outside the game store >QT need girl approaches me and asks if I wanna try it >I absolutely do >The VR has loads of demos to try but I only get 10 minutes >Play a space shooter game >Pretty cool >Got a few minutes left, pick the beach simulation >Get immersed in the simulation of being on a beach with bikini babes all around >Start flexing my ceps >Striking poses >tfw no virtual mires cause it’s just a video >take off goggles and everyone’s looking at me >Occulusly they were mirin >Strut away without saying thanks
Nicholas Anderson
>Occulusly I cracked a smile
Kayden Richardson
>take off all my clothes though I was the only one
Jack Richardson
>go to college for exam >Its pretty early on a Saturday but it's a senior exam in a very specific subject so not that many people take it. So its not that uncommon >Most of the building is in the dark >Go downstairs to dark corridor >Smell something nasty >Stupid chemists fucked something up again >As i walk right in front of the door where I'm suppose to take my exam >A FUCKING PEACE OF SHIT >RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE GOD DAMN DOOR >AND ITS FRESH >professor walks out >I steps in it >Looks at me >"Did you do this?" >"N-no?" >"Goes back inside" >Mi sides leave the building >"Tells me to come back next week exams canceled"
I don't know who did it, but thanks man. Mirin your balls
Hudson Ortiz
Epic. Put me in the screencap, bros!!!
Kevin Edwards
Jason Wood
you tried
Dominic Hill
>Walk past a girl on the street so this is how it feels to make it
Carter Baker
How is this a mire story
Luis Bell
They literally were talking about the other one.
Liam Miller
This story doesn't make any sense. Why do you have to bring the card reader to work? Shouldn't they stay at the place of business? What the fuck is your job
Owen Evans
>go to timmies >early in morning, not many people there >good looking older blonde lady working the cash >turns out she's eastern Euro >as soon as I walk in she tells the other woman working to look at the handsome young man >get big grin on my face, she compliments my smile >order a coffee >asks me what I do that I need to be up so early >tell her private investigator >NiagaraFalls.mp3 between her legs >gives me free danish and winks at me >tells me to "go get em" She was old enough to be my mom but damn do I love milf mires
Carter Martin
>insecurity: the post
Liam Jones
Because most of these are shit.
Jose Parker
>go to class >see prof class on me Made it
Ryder Russell
Bentley Thompson
Tell her you want to investigate her privates.
Xavier Perez
> at the gymnasium > I'm calm lifting my dumbbells, in my fart well. > I'm finishing giving him hard after a long day > I get pulled by triceps. > I can not find the pod that I need > Friend of the gym tells me that he is using it on a machine that is behind > I'm going to look for the pussy > A pretty cute girl sees me > "That rope is using a guy there" > She tells me this in a flirtatious attitude and with the eyes of I want to take you > H-haha quiet guy is my friend, I'm clear of the fart. > I see her seeing me when I return to the machine she was using
Matthew Carter
> I get pulled by triceps. > I can not find the pod that I need > Friend of the gym tells me that he is using it on a machine that is behind > I'm going to look for the pussy
What the fuck language is this
Julian White
What the fuck are you trying to say?
Eli Mitchell
I think it's trying to communicate
Elijah Gomez
>head to the rack for some squats >some fat chick doing australians in the smith machine >leaves to go do something else as i warm up >load up lmao2.5pl8 >pull up my pants >do squats >look in the mirror >same chick is back in the smith machine >doing more australians >turn around >see her rapidly look in another direction >do this again after my next set >bitch is still doing australians >end up doing extra sets just to see her try to sneak more mires
Ethan Powell
>go get em If only she knew that what you do doesn't really involve "getting" anybody.
Tyler Williams
the fart is that without google translate I can not write the pods I want to say in English
Kevin Nguyen
What's your original language lmao
I'm sure someone can help you out with this
John Morris
It must have been a real bad shit if you had to remove all of your clothes
Angel Ortiz
kek just spat out oats onto my screen
Tyler Wilson
I just turned 27, and haven't actively browsed Veeky Forums since I was 20-23, but the effort I put into working out during that time is paying off now that things have slowed down a bit with work and responsibilities.
>Girls and women at work smile and blush at me >Girls stare at me on the train to work >Cashiers and baristas smile and blush everyday >I get hit on like crazy whenever I go out with friends >Try to maintain friendships with girls from my old university, but their boyfriends are incredibly jealous and concerned
>Most of this is not because of my body >Grooming, dressing right, studying, having ambitions, getting frequent haircuts, reading, landing a good job and having a good face is actually the reason.
Leaving Veeky Forums for a long time was actually the best thing I ever did. Fun to be back tho
Asher Powell
>walking down street feeling confident >cute girl walking towards me >lock eyes >she smiles >smile back >she stops in front of me >"hey, how are you doing?" >oh shit it's happening, this is not a drill >"you knows those annoying people who both people on the street about donating to charities?" >produces clipboard from out of nowhere >die inside >politely decline and walk off
Starting to understand why everybody hates women. She was clearly purposefully misleading me to start a conversation and then guilt me into donating.
Daniel Butler
why you back brah?
Joshua Ross
Jose Stewart
Jacob Bell
I got a better job, but it's requiring a bit more effort now in the beginning. Evenings during weekdays are too short now to be social. So I browse Veeky Forums for shits and giggles. Also excellent fap material while I cut back on porn.
Justin Howard
Pretty sure my gym crush turned her head to look at me yesterday but I couldn't tell for sure because I wear glasses and have no peripheral vision. I may have caught her looking at me before but it's hard to tell if I'm looking at her or if she's looking at me. I should talk to her but I don't know how to talk to strangers very well. It'd be awkward as fuck for sure.
Jacob Flores
>be at work >customer walks in >she tells me she is embarrassed >ask why >she’s looking for a selfie stick
Girls only get embarrassed when they think you’re hot right?
Liam Torres
>walking down street feeling confident >cute girl walking towards me >lock eyes >she smiles >smile back >she stops in front of me >"hey, how are you doing?" >oh shit it's happening, this is not a drill >"you knows those annoying people who both people on the street about saving your soul?" >Oh nice, it's not one of those. >"Well, I was born again 2 years ago and before that I was sucking and fucking every guy I could while shooting up heroin during my freshmen year of college. etc." >Damn, should've gotten here over two years ago >die inside >start autistically screeching
Isaac Morgan
>not offering to be her stick
Luke Thompson
Cameron Gray
Yea, I’m thinking he’s back.
Isaac Bailey
Oliver Wright
I came across one but missed my shot cause I took to long. This girl was even making dirty jokes around me but when my dumbass finally asked her out she was on some other guys dick. FML. She was a hot little slut too.
Nathaniel Thomas
Are you the protagonist of this comic
Cooper Hughes
user I think you may need some assistance with posting
Parker Rivera
Caleb Thomas
>eating in fast food restaurant alone >3 girls sitting at the next table >2 of them face me, 1 sits with her back at me >2 girls keep looking and smiling at me while they talk with each other >3rd girl is flipping chairs so she can see me better >smiling and looking all the time >1 of them turned red when i keeped eye contact and smiling back
i was afraid that they rape me the moment i had to walk past their table.
another story >be at party >one women is flirting with me all the time >she wants the D >1 hour later i heard that her boyfriend was watching us flirting the whole time >she didn't even mentioned that she is in a relationship
i didn't fucked her because of principle, i don't fuck women the same day i meet them the first time. she grabbed me everywhere when we were dancing. feels good that she totally forgot her boyfriend around me.
Jayden Cox
>role playing dungeons & dragons with my 5 other friends >I get the role of small wizard >actually swole as fuck >2 girls there say I don't deserve that role because im too big for it >one girl starts playing footsie with me under the table >get boner >lead her hand to my boner >she starts feeling my cock up all the while acting like nothings going on >after finishing hanging out with friends, we go back to my car and she sucks my dick >she then lies down and tells me to fuck her >im about to cum while fucking her, she tells me to get off and quickly puts my cock in her mouth as im cumming. >swallows all of my cum and says "see you next week"
Aiden Anderson
>get in the stall take off all my clothes and sit down My nigger
Elijah Jenkins
Silly cuck--i mean canuck
Evan Morales
nice larp
Austin Gutierrez
Owen White
>walk on gym >receptionist tells me that i have to renew my subscription See you later, guys
Kevin Garcia
They're also really good at destroying society and spreading disease.
Brayden Hernandez
>Being this obsessed Pathetic
Jace Parker
>you could be getting mired by black chicks but instead you /pol/post on a homosexual bodybuilding forum
Carson Smith
Can't you read? He was playing tabletop, not LARP.