>hit 105lb OHP today
What achievement did you do in the gym today?
Hit 105lb OHP today
you meant kgs right
i went
No, I broke my plateau of 100lb for the first time
good job user that's better than 50%+ of my job
NYEfag, deadlifted 2 plates for 5x5 today, got my bodyweight up to 157 up from 150 at Christmas (6’0 height). I was running competitive marathons and 5ks up until this fall (2:50:43 and 15:40) but decided I want to give lifting a try and am really enjoying it! Now I have to grow my chest a LOT.
Good job, keep eating like a tank and you WILL make it
Well it was cardio day but I was feeling motivated after dinner so I did a second cardio workout in the evening.
might not sound like much but I finally hit 5x5 1pl8 without failure on bench
150kg squat for single after being back for 2 weeks after an 8 months pause
Every victory counts
Cardio for cardio gains or to lose weight?
it doesn't sound like much because it isnt much. get serious
>on GSLP
>only got to 7 on AMRAP with 40lbs
Fuck this stupid right shoulder. I know The Press™ is usually slow to progress, but I'm not even up to the fucking bar yet.
Broke 2pl8 squat for reps today with an injured shoulder
>today's top deadlift was supposed to be 550x1 @8 with 450x8 backoff
>today's top 2ct paused bench was supposed to be 305x1 @8 with 270x6 backoff
>only did 530x1 @8.5 and 420x8 and 300x1 @8 and 260x6
Front squats felt good, I'm back into doing my 3x5 LP, currently sitting at 110kg which is still pretty weak but I'm nevertheless making progress. Also tried beltless OHP for sets of 8 as an assistance exercise, seems like a decent way to do some lighter volume work.
I also walked 11k steps today.
I finally broke 1pt on squats, only took me a couple of weeks starting from nothing
I did 4 95lb weighted chin ups with a full range of motion today with a bodyweight of 185lbs. Is that decent, lads?
I do 135 lb weighted pull ups wide grip sets of 3 x 5 at 160lbs get stronger nerd
155x6 when i could only do 3 reps 2 days ago. will move up this week again too
70 kg bench today
25kg dumbbell press (each arm)
pretty gud
You're gonna make it bro I'm rooting for you just don't let the eventual stall or plateau discourage you, persevere and you'll ascend past mere normies
205 diddly.
>t. dyel
I didn't kill myself. Daily achievement.
>beltless OHP
How much goddamn weight are you Press™ing that you feel the need to wear a belt??
im a weak piece of shit and i hit 95lb in OHP today
Got 335 front squat yesterday. I'm not sure what's considered a good front squat but I felt proud
Hit 190OHP 2 weeks ago.
I hit 250lb on ohp a few weeks ago and havent really done one since. Maybe ill hit them again this week for you user
I hit 95lb 1x4 db tricep extensions. God I'm so close to 100....I can almost taste it...
50kgs bench