Anyone tried this to lose weight?
Donate blood to cut
Other urls found in this thread:
>Cut off a limb to cut
Anyone tried this to lose weight?
>donate 1 pint of blood
>1 pint of blood is a little more than 1lb
>body literally just makes more blood anyway
Yeah who needs blood right? Dead weight.
I cut off my toes because they're like useless fingers
>also shave your hair for maximum gram-gains
>Piss in the toilet
Anyone tried this to lose weight?
I was donating plasma once a week
Got paid $50 a week for laying down and reading a book for 1.5 hours
>pays for my groceries
>burns a couple hundred calories
Win win
>Not knowing donating blood burns roughly 600 calories, in order to replace the taken blood.
OP here. That's what I was getting at.
But you can only do it like once every 3 months
The fuck is the point of that
I donate blood because bitches think I'm humane.
I secretly hope my blood gets given to a nigger and kills him.
Blood can only be donated once every 3 months. Better to donate plasma. You can donate plasma 2x a week, get paid for each time, and as a man in the 185+ catagorie, donating removes about 800 calories of proteins and fats from your body.
gotta get that blood from somewhere though
takes calories to make stuff this isnt magic dude
You can donate plasma twice a week and get paid for it dingus
Once every 2 month*
which reminds me, i'm due to donate now
why do you guys call it donation if you are getting paid for it? Its like only wanting to volunteer if you get paid for it
Although the whole process helps to burn more calories in that/next day it also means that you can't work out or do something really active.
You will get pretty hungry after donating, it's hard to resist urge to eat so you win nothing.
Also donating blood too often fuck with your iron levels in the body, watch out for that.
Fresh blood is better at carrying o2 so donating (or blood doping, I think it's called) is popular with some athletes. Either way, I just like getting complimented on my veins.
it takes between 600 and 650 kilocalories of energy for your body to replace the contents of a pint of blood
>giving your blood to someone you don't even know
can cuckholding go any farther?
which isnt what op asked
>work out
>take 1 rest day
>go back to regular schedule
shoo poltard
It's very important that you donate blood. African americans very rarely donate, and without your contribution it will be impossible to save the lives of
those affected by gang related gun violence.
Konstantinovs does it, and other things too
The interviewer asked KK that most competitors have blood pressure problems so how does KK deal with his bp. KK replied that he tries to lower blood quantity. He literally just drains his blood - sometimes 200 ml sometimes 300 ml sometimes up to 1 liter. He says he feels fantastic doing this. For the first few days after draining he feels a little weak but he just needs to eat right and drink a lot of water and he is good to go. For KK, draining his blood is like changing engine oil in his car.
Women lose their stress hormones during their period. That is why they live longer than men. Men should also drain their blood periodically so that the body regenerates blood, they lose their stress hormones too and most importantly men can and should cry (like women do during their period) while draining blood. It is an ideal match to drain and cry even during the attempt.
Shit idk
Probably some tax loophole so we’re not considered employees or contract workers, since they mark up the price 500x before selling it off to pharma companies and hospitals
I lost 10 pounds in 5 days because of a viral stomach infection. You should try that.
plus all the HIV and other STDs Africans have make blood donation not possible
tried to donate blood because was feeling pious and wanted to know my blood type. failed about half the 'have you had x in the past y time' questions. oh well
>food I eat goes to the tapeworm in my guts
Why aren’t you doing this to cut user?
I love that from.
I shitpost all over it
>Have you ever had anal sex in exchange for drugs. [x]
And they still take my blood.
The first time i donated blood i did it with 2 girls, the only two people from my class that where old enough to do it with me.
Lots of fun. Boner when the needle went in was noticed. Fun times.
So what you're saying is I should start a MANstural cycle?
what a waste of digits
such a shitpost
this reminds me about that thread where OP was asking whether getting gangrene on their dick would make it bigger
would it tho?
he was talking about how his friend cut his dick while shaving and got gangrene, and after surgery he told him it grew in length by a few inches
i unironically like getting wounded aswell it relaxes me a lot, shame i'm not a masochist so i cant harm myself on purpose.
maybe as predators/fighters we evolved to lose part of our blood
gotta keep the neckbeard for neck gains, though
>breathe out
anyone tried this to lose weight?
how much do they pay? asking for a friend.
1.5 hours wtf. When I donate its 45 min tops. Also Canada vs USA
Don't get paid to donate either
he siad plasma, not blood. you dont get paid for blood donation. you can sell plasma
Given the amount of salty junk food they make you eat afterward it’s not worth it
It's only like 500 kcal and you can only donate once every 6 months.
I take one of the tiny apple juices and that's it. Always say I'm going to lunch/dinner immediately afterwards. It's not like the 70 yo women that run the desks are going to forcefeed you lmao.
He'd probably shake off your inferior genes and then fuck your girlfriend
>shoo poltard
>/v/ meme
Kill yourself, would you?
>And they still take my blood
They quietly get rid of it later and don't report having you there.