How the fuck did he do it?
How the fuck did he do it?
Do what? He looks like a downie manlet with edgy tattoos, if that is what you would consider "making it" then you're probably in a very dark place and life has been very cruel to you and I wish you nothing but the very best
not sure if bait or not
damn brahs, bane was so small back then no one even recognised him
who the hell is this? should i know this guy?
what a dyel
lifting weights
wh-what guy?
I don't know, should you?
Dunno, maybe training?
By Crashing Planes
He legit used steroids and lifted, thats how he got his physique for the film Warrior. He is only 5'9 with almost narrow shoulders. Just keep lifting user we will all make it.
Ill dump some Hardy to keep the motivation up.
He stopped smoking crack.
No he didn't
Strong T-Shirt fit
dat dere celltech like everybody in hollywood
It's true, he used to be addicted to crack(and probably other drugs as well). Not making it up.
As this picture shows, all he does is flex his traps. As evidenced by his left trap almost never being seen in movies while his right trap is what we think of when we think of Tom Hardy.
No you dumb fuck, thats not what I meant. He still does smoke crack to this day.
Strong poses on strong Bikes in strong UK.
What? how do you know? you dumb fuck
he looks fucking rough in that pic
i guess all that crack got to him
Exactly mate
Typical dumb response
Coffee before gym?
Hollywood chicken
All that considered he has more female attention, gains and money than you.
Always funny when insecure people try to put down their betters, and if this is bait then why?
How pathetic are you that the highlight of your day is trash talking on a homoerotic fitness board waiting for a reaction.
Well here you go, your reaction, hope it helps you through whatever you're going through big guy.
Go get fucked behind a dumpster you gigantic aids seeking faggot!
Whoa this user is really mad lol
Always funny when people try to defend their betters from people they don't even fucking know online. Sheesh that post was beta af!
This is legit from Hardy's instagram. Maybe he truely is still a beta underneath all the roids.
Reading books keeps you Veeky Forums as well.
god damn beta faggot piece of shit homo
Maybe, but how much time are you dedicating to respond to anyone who responds to your bait?
For all you know I'm a gimp, a 90 pound bottom to some 6 foot 5 power daddy dom, that doesn't change the fact that this is more less your achievement for today. That regardless of who I am be you've got Tom Hardy photos to spare.
Maybe I am the most beta fool on this whole board but it's safe to say I'm in good comapany.
I really hope you find a way to deal with your pent up aggression rather than anaomyously challenging anyone who disagrees with you on the internet. Unless that's your idea of Alpha?
Not really, note is says same skills.
If a woman wants to be a firefighter go right ahead, but if she can't lift a grown man over her shoulder in a burning building with next to no visibility in access to her gear then it's safe to say she doesn't have the same skill.
Mmm... Be very careful now
How's that?
I have a use for you