r8 my form
R8 my form
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looking good. looking clean. looking tight. looking fresh. keep it up. i like that
>he doesnt do 800lb air barbell tricep pushdowns
its a reverse grip bicep curl lol
No, he's just about to clean it.
>bar not in the middle of the feet
Not gonna make it
800 each end brainlet
>not counting the bar
fucking brainlets when will they learn
>being so weak that you have to count the bar for it to sound impressive
>hyuck hyuck hyuck
>Reverse curl into OHP
Mirin hard desu
it's actually 1600 lb becUse there are two of them
Is this possible natty?
It's a fixed weight barbell. Pic-related is 60 pounds, not 120, and not 120+bar
>Veeky Forums the cartoon
popeye was a fuckin doper!
This has to ber recreated by Bugez
>gets stuck in the sauna
RIP Zyzz
Haven't kek'd this hard in a while
Meatcucks BTFO
> But the reasoning behind the sailor man's love of the leafy green (and its subsequent commercial explosion) contains one major flaw: Spinach doesn't contain nearly as much as iron as we think.
> In 1870, a German chemist named Erich von Wolf was researching the nutritional benefits of spinach. In his notes, he accidentally printed the decimal point in the vegetable's iron content one spot too far to the right, according to Samuel Arbesman's "The Half Life Of Facts," as reported by BrainPickings.
> Mathematicians know what that means: Wolf accidentally increased the vegetable's iron level to 10 times the actual amount — 3.5 grams of iron suddenly became 35 grams.
Your superfood is a myth, leaflet.
Do any companies still manufacture spherical dumbbells and barbells?
Also... anyone want to go visit the USA Weightlifting Hall of Fame with me some day? It's in York, PA. I'm only about 45 min away.
>doing anything overhead
What is his problem though?
I don't want to fly to America sorry
Are you cute?
No, I'm thin and somewhat built, but I'm still an ugly fourth generation Slav.
I knew spinach wasn't actually that great but I never knew it was from a fucking decimal point error. That's ridiculous.