Vegan mental instability thread

Why are vegans so mentally unstable? Does not eating delicious meet drive a man insane? B12 deficiency? Not being raised right?

Pic related

Feel free to post mentally unstable vegans as well. We need to prevent as many people as possible from joining this cult

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What if we turn this thread into something useful?
I'm born pescetarian (Mediterranean area), slowly removed cheese, then milk, then eggs, then red meat and finally poultry. Once a year I may enjoy some local fish. Ask me anything I guess.
I'll start?
If you decide to supplement it I recommend a methyl-cobalamin sublingual spray. I recommend it to anyone, regardless of the diet. Suggested reading:
some cyanide won't kill you but methyl beats cyano but
>methylcobalamin that is ingested (either from foods or supplements) isn’t used directly as a cofactor. It is first converted by MMACHC (a gene providing instructions for metabolizing B12) into cob(II)alamin, which is then further converted into methyl&adenosylcobalamin for use as cofactors. That is, methyl B12 is first neutralized and then regenerated as either of the usable forms.
TL;DR you'll get adenosylcobalamin too from methyl-b12 supplementation and you'll get free methyl molecules, precious for our bodies for methylation processes

I ate some fish today and it has come to point I wanna puke it out in fear that I got this weird anxious feeling about it giving me cancer or something ;(

I'm not vegan just stopped eating meat recently and eating just a bit of dairy/eggs/fish

Should I throw it up, just feels weird in my stomach ;(

people who follow a "strict vegetarian" diet can even benefit from occasional (not: once a week, rather: once a year) meat without fear of the consequences because of some changes in the guts' flora or something, so they get 100% of the benefits and 0% of the downsides
sorry I can't find the paper right now


I think that mentally unstable people are attracted to a vegan diet for one reason or another. Also it could be the ones that make the most noise about being vegan are also mental, but then again I've never encountered a vegan who wasn't a narcissist that needed to let everyone know they were vegan and therefore morally superior.

Do vegans reject their own mortality?

So you think having to go to a synthetic compound to get your basic vitamins is a healthy or natural way to live?

Being a vegan myself I know it's not the healthiest thing or completely cruelty free but it's still something I do and other people should not feel threatened to eat meat and consume dairy. A big misconception is that vegans are crazy and non-nonsensical and while that is true to some degree, not every vegan wants to shove their beliefs down your throat.

I still feel very strongly about being vegan on a moral standpoint but I mean, yea it may not be the absolute best nutrition and my kind has a bad reputation but god damn leave me to do my own choices.

I used to believe that, but when i went vegan some months ago, people go fucking nuts when they know that you're a vegan, my family went complete passive-agressive with stupid comments about the diet all the time, since i did "my research" i don't need to get nutrition lessons, but for some reason most meat eaters (who are normies most of the times) WON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP about vegans and how bad vegans are, I'M NOT EVEN A PREACHY VEGAN.

Where do you draw the line about giving a fuck about lesser life though? You prolly still bug bomb your house, take antibiotics, and mow your lawn.

Even plants chemically scream when you damage their tissue.

>make entire post espousing veganism and condemning actions of people without a similar eating disorder

Vegans always been a sect of ideological fantics.
There's also vegetarians of various kinds but they don't make a big fuss.

If someone in your surrounding turning into veganism, you should treat them as you would any other Scientologist or SJW extremist.
Don't allow them to peddle their ideology, lies and fear mongering filth in your vincinity and make it clear to everyone they should stand up against this mental disorder to protect the weak.

Saying something with a strong emotional conviction. No matter how stupid. Will always lure the gullible into believing it, because of the emotions involved. That's how veganism spread.

b12 is produced by bacteria found in the ground. if you lived in a traditional farming community, b12 would be in thing like water from a well or just on your badly cleaned food.

in modernly farmed agriculture, the bacteria is pretty much killen off. there is no significant b12 in any modernly farmed food.

do you know why meat still has b12? because the farmer feeds the animals supplements.


They reject the natural order of the world, thinking their ideal world that makes no sense is the one that matters.
It's the same pathology of many deranged groups.

>do you know why meat still has b12? because the farmer feeds the animals supplements.

Oh I bet you fucking retard, you people lie about anything and everything, its why nobody trusts you vicious faggots.

Made me kek with that post. Unfortunately if you haven't figured it out yet all of these threads are troll threads. Vegans aren't even real, you think any sane person is that fucking retarded?

hi, here's the user you've replied to
The only vitamin we're talking about here is B12, if I'm correct. I'd suggest you to give a look at the hinted well-thorough article, including the bunch of academic references you may find in there.
To answer directly your question, I find that such supplementation is beneficial to anyone, as I already suggested. In modern-day Western, civilized countries, with all the hygiene standards we're accustomed to, you're unlikely to find all that B12; even 100% meat eaters have been found deficient. *But* even if we say that meat is 100% delivering B12 in abundance, the cost/advantages trade off is simply not worth it. Even memetic "vegan 6 days a week" diets, in a bad attempt to cover all the bases, don't quite nail it.
So yeah, I'm 100% ok with supplementing B12 and dismiss meat entirely. You're drawing a double false dichotomy here: 1) that eating meat is more healthy (it's not, getting methylcobalamin and dismissing meat is proven to be more healthy, hopefully I don't have to link * ) 2) that eating meat is necessarily more "natural" for us.
I concede that meat gives us an evolutionary advantages over other primates. The fact that we can eat meat too grants us a chance of survival everywhere. I'll concede also that for kids, teens and the elderly the meat consumption advantage/disadvantage trade-off is in favour of meat. Any possible disadvantage of meat in these ages is considerably obliterated by the advantages. Yet I believe that for most of the adult life, a plant-based diet is the healthier choice.
I have nothing against supplementing B12 and nothing against GMOs too, for what is worth.
Hopefully you're not one of those paleo guys. Paleo is the most unscientific meme ever born.

* note that I challenge critically M. Greger on some issues, e.g. the fact that he considers cyano-cobalamin "good enough" or that meat is bad regardless of age

how retarded can meat eaters get?
>leading cardiologists say that animal products cause high cholesterol and it is the main cause of heart disease
>vegans consistently outperform every other diet group in life expectancy
>artery plaque reverses when put on a vegan diet
>milk contains mammalian estrogen which is way more potent then xenoestrogens
>appeal to nature fallacy
>n-no I dont get my cholesterol levels checked

cant you see that you are like fatties that dont want to realise their diet is unhealthy?
>inb4 someone thinks the guy is a snakeoil salesman
google him

yet the populations that are highest in saturated fats have the least cardiovascular AND neurological diseases. Hmm, must be an outlier lets just ignore those.

>spending the time to type this out
someone is defensive lmao
enjoy your leaves, m8

Stfu faggot

if a bee is needed to pollinate an apple, is the apple not a product of the bees labour?

why exclude honey or eggs, a byproduct that when farmed ethically does not harm the animal, only to virtue signal with "ethical" vegan foods like almond milk and soy products farmed unethically causing the deaths of many small animals, and symbiotically supporting animal monoculture through trading by-products as animal foods?

can a vegan ethically own a cat if that cat is an obligate carnivore and requires meat? why wouldn't the vegan source their own meat from the same ethical sources as their cats?

That is what happens when doctors try to do what data analysts should be doing. Obesity and meat/dairy consumption are strongly correlated, and when you compare vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters of the same BMIs (which is admittedly also a shit metric, but again doctors are retards so keep using it) the disparity for rates of cardiovascular disease and life expectancy all but vanish.

Being a fatfuck kills you early more than anything, and eating foods that are on the low end of calorie density gives you less of a chance to be a fatfuck. Crazy shit, I know.

Funnily enough, strict vegetarians have been found in a study published in 2000 to have ~6% more testosterone than meat eaters, with the difference that they have less free test (that is, less cancer, less prostate enlargement) and more SHBG

Vegans sadly have some weird homoerotic scale of values. But please don't necessarily mix the vegetarian diet(s) with their whole set of values.

The vegan will make their cat eat vegan and get a soyboi pussy

>chemically scream

If you think inuits can outlive a japanese then you're a retard.

>causing the deaths of many small animals, and symbiotically supporting animal monoculture through trading by-products as animal foods
nice word salad. you realize that meat you eat requires grain to feed the animals, right? you realize you people kill more plants and incidentally kill more rodents than we do? by, like, a huge fucking margin

meet the fruitarians.
The feed themselves only with [what they consider] fruit. Only something that _naturally_ falls from plants. No salad gets harmed for their lunches.
They are way more consistent than "simple" vegans with their ideology.

>thread about how retarded vegans are
>vegans promptly proceed to shit up the thread with their garbage
can't make this shit up kek

>if a bee is needed to pollinate an apple, is the apple not a product of the bees labour?

It would be.... if bees use that apple as a source of calories... jesus christ fucking meatcucks retard logic.

when you can create a new bee hive, isnt that a good thing? and for the bee its not work or abuse its just living the nice little bee life.

honey may be half okay, but you gas the bees and interrupt their peace vor a while. imaging you get smoked and for a while giant hands take your home apart lol.

egg production is a horrible business. small space, dead chickens inbetween, diseases in a flat murribob hall that heats up in the summer and has bad ventilation. there may be some good producers where they have plenty of space, get better food and can go outside and eat insects in the gras.

but thats maybe like 5% of all produced eggs because the majority are poorfags who dont go there.

I wonder if beans scream chemically when they're harvested
what about algae

well if you put them in water they'll start flourishing
so, to me, it's like killing foetuses

how are there still meatcucks that don't cede the ethical ground? lmao literally how. i've never seen a more insecure people. grow some balls and just admit you have zero willpower and need to shove processed nitrate-filled meats down your throats. enough with the fucking pedantry. fuck's sakes

what about semen then
is it ethically acceptable to kill all those potential kids?

>if bees use that apple as a source of calories...
Are you fucking retarded?

The plant parts still react, even after they have been separated from the rest of the plant. Salad and fruit "know" when you are eating it and react by doing the chemical screaming mentioned here It's actually kind of creepy.

A true, moral, utilitarian would only eat ice that is free of all life including bacteria. Those fruitarians are monsters inflicting pain on living, feeling beings, but justify them as being lower life forms. They are still life forms.

the problem here is that (according to vegans) bees have been enslaved. it's totally ok for bees to do their bee stuff. it's not ok to steal their honey, as much as it's not ok to steal cow's milk (and moreover they suggest that farmers "artificially" extend cow's lactation period to feed grown humans)

You better only eat ice nigga

Time the kill all the cattle then, they're eating most of the plants.
The plant feels pain argument is so fucking retarded.

>The cattle feels pain argument is so fucking retarded

He's not lying buddy, take two seconds to google "b12 farm animal supplementation"

>yeah keep eating what humans have been eating since forever it will kill you retard
fucking vegans

why can't we end all the suffering in the world

>Why are vegans so mentally unstable?
Everyone who emphasizes ethics and morality that high above tangibility is delusional.

this may be the greatest anti-vegan argument. #freethebees

Also they vegan would make their cat eat vegan shit, eventually killing it

>providing vegan mental instability screencaps in a vegan mental instability thread
god bless the 3chan

Nice bait

nice argument

The difference is that we accept that killing animals is nessisary for food. Killing small rodents however, is hypocritical to the vegan ideal

It has been scientifically proven that vegans are mentally retarded.

vegans are smarter and smart people develop more likely a mental disorder. some genius sientists are insane for sure,

see the vegan argument that we could "grow more vegan foods on the land that grows foods for animals" is faulty because it doesn't understand a few main things about agriculture (who knew, vegans are disconnected from the actual agricultural process)

the labor required for animal fodder is much less than growing food with nutrients required for humans. ALL of the inputs are lower, irrigation, maintenance, land fertility etc. say ten acres of alfalfa would feed 10 cows at 1200 lbs a cow, during the barren season, and the wilderness that is not farmed is used to graze them in the summers.

in order for those 10 acres of land to produce over 10,000 pounds of energy food for human consumption by growing "vegan" plants, you would need so many more inputs, the land would need more preparation and the plants that humans eat would need more water and compost/fertility than the animal fodder crops that grow with much less maintenance

Animals also conveniently produce very useful fertilizers to create soil that is suitable for high nutrient rich vegetables and fruits. Because life really is a symbiotic circle. Which is why "vegan" plant monocultures still trade with animal monocultures. Which is why supporting local small animal/plant farms is a better choice than supporting virtue signalling vegan options that are just as harmful and collusive with big animal agriculture.

the pollen and nectar of the future apple (aka a flower) is what the bee survives on, user

vegan girls are so easy to get with, i just say i care about animals wellbeing and choose to only eat plants and their panties are already on the floor

then i go home and eat meat with my doggo ;)
love my doggo

wtf now they are stealing a man's mojo, this is literally human farming


vegans have drifted so far from god

vegans all need to be exterminated

what a loaded question...

yee we rollin' in the meat cash

>vegan mental instability

yeah, i've seen it for myself, it's striking how delusional and detached from reality they seem, even if i pretend i'm neutral on the subject. to some degree maybe it's just that kind of people that veganism appeals to but i believe there are physiological components to it on various levels i.e bioavailability, amino acid constitution of the foods they eat and avoid, micronutrients that play a part in brain function, dependancy on ketone bodies etc

it seems like a retarded fad, i just hope it ends soon

animal fodder is also a co-product of many industries (distiller solubles from biofuel production, straw from grain harvests, okara from soymilk) that would otherwise be unfit for human consumption


fucking vegans buying soymilk and having no awareness or care that they are supporting a company who maintains profit through trading with the big mono animal agriculture.

small local farms with chickens and a few other animals are actually much nicer to the animals and better for the plants than the large monoculture feed lots/battery farms and large scale plant monoculture by-products that support them.

If vegans can name 25 SIGNIFICANT historical figures that were profoundly vegan, then maybe their little way of living will hold some weight.
Otherwise it'll always be the ultimate boundary between real meaty men and green scrawny veggies

algaes arent plants

Imagine being so self-absorbed you shitpost, screencap a reply you get and make a thread about it.

they aren't animals
they aren't minerals

The best one is when massive corporations put out vegan produce at a startlingly high price, therefore keeping meat prices low, meaning they can source meat from places like the far east where animals have ZEEEERO rights. So that Vegan cheese you're all going mad for at X store? That's causing for more animal suffering than shopping at farmers markets

>what are protists
>what are eukaryotes

Above 95% of land used for plant ag is used to feed livestock.
>mfw one fact destroys your four paragraphs

>t. never took economics
"Vegan produce". Imagine being this retarded.

Vegans are degenerate scum.
If they just had their diet and didn't bitch and moan about everyone else having a normal healthy diet, it'd be fine.
But they have to go around acting like they're superior for not eating meat.
Bunch of soyboy, sissy faggots.
They can go jump off a cliff.

they feed their kids semen smoothies too?

poorly regulated hormones

>Claims she gets from a nice beta male friend
>Implying she isn't milking Chad and Jamal with her well toned protein strengthened cunny then swalling the load directly from the tap

Yeah, nah.

thanks for contributing

Meat prevents heart attacks. Triggered vegan needs to do some research.

Boy I sure love eating 1 to 5 kg (no vegetables you find in a grocery store or supermarket have the nutrients listed online, they are artificially grown and are bloated with water) of cabbage a day just to get the same amount of protein I'd get from half a pound of chicken breast.

How about you don't keep telling people that you're a vegan when it's not in context. My girlfriend's mother is a vegan and she didn't tell me once, it has never been an issue and I've only ever brought it up when I asked her what kind of food she'd like to eat when I cooked for my gfs family. She even joins our barbecues and brings her own stuff and we have a good time without a single argument.

milk truk just arribe

Furthermore much of the land used to feed livestock cannot be used for agriculture, because of shitty soil, permanently moist ground (as is the case where I live), or other geographic issues. Livestock is also highly efficient since they turn indigestibles into highly nutritious and very flavourful food, and 100% of their bodies can be used by humans, unlike various types of plants, specifically those that vegans need to supplement their diet with.

>A big misconception is that vegans are crazy and non-nonsensical and while that is true to some degree

Then its not a misconception

Imagine pretending vegans aren't crazy

>conspiratorial thinking



How is this person not dead

It was taken from google street view, the way they overlay their photos sometimes yields horrifying results.

>complaining about feeding animals
Should we just let them starve to death you psychotic fucking soyboy.

>stop eating normal food and ingest this unproven untested random chemical with no independently funded studies proving it does the same thing instead
veganism is a mental illness

>Taking six hot loads in your ass is a viable substitute for vitamin B12 and why that's a good thing

you forgot the "and here's" before "why that's a good thing"

His eyes are psychotic.

Post your body, retard.