How can I stop staring at girls' feets during yoga classes?
How can I stop staring at girls' feets during yoga classes?
Do you really want to stop?
I fucking hate feetfags they are the fucking worst
>I fucking hate feetfags they are the fucking worst
I don't even understand them. I get the literal definition, that they're obsessed with feet in some bizarre sexual way, but I have no understanding of why. Just weird. There's nothing attractive about feet.
There's no such thing as feetfags, that's like saying titfags or assfags, appreciating female feet is the standard.
no it isn't and they fucking spam it everywhere, especially on /tv/
>not wanting to suck on a girl's toes
Nigga you gay
It is not about the feet but about seeing naked legs going up to the ass.
of course it's about fucking feet
that's why it's called a foot fetish you moron
It's a fetish you dumbfuck, it's not meant to be understood. We don't choose to like feet. It's completely random. I've been a footfag since I was like 5 years old
Why not hands?
I have a leg stump fetish.
Feet can go get stuffed.
Low test
Just fap before the class
So glad i don’t have this perverted retard fetishi
You dont. Embrace the gift you have been given
Man I love my foot fetish. You're lucky.
i dont have a foot fetish, but i like guys who do. i want someone to worship my feet, i want to give a footjob while im sat on his face.
C-c-can you show your feet thx
i posted them in a thread on fa if you really want to see them
What's wrong with appreciating the delicateness and beauty of a young woman's feet?
Yes. Plz link the thread for me thx again
I seriously want to get rid of this fucking disgusting fetish
I would prefer to be gay
When males are transitioning from boys to men during puberty, beta males are more awkward and submissive than higher test and more dominant males. The female interactions that occur during this time cause them to stare at the ground, so they develop while watching and looking at girls’/women’s feet. When they finish puberty, all that time spent staring at feet becomes their foot fetish/obsession.
>tl;dr: it’s just a development of being beta
Lmfao I don't believe you. Women like this simply do not exist. If I have a ONS and don't want her to call me again I come clean about my fetish. Sure fire way to repel any infatuation she might harbor.
I've had 40+ (Inb4 too little) and not a single one has shown any tendencies whatsoever toward being sexually dominant in even the slightest way.
I don't want to believe anymore
Thats total bullshit mate
I developed my foot fetish at a really young age of 6 whilst watching my attractive teacher dangling her shoe everytime she crossed her legs.
most guys who develope a ff report they get it at a very young age.
>have had a slight foot fetish since I was a kid
>get my new gf two years ago
>tfw she has an even bigger foot fetish than me and loves sucking on my toes
I'm ok with this feel
I were never into feet then hooked with a woman with stunning legs and had the flawless feet then i were hooked.
instead of checking out their asses you look at their feet? how pathetic
yeah im not sexually dominant, but its not like you have to only like sex one way. who cares anyway? sorry none of your past females wanted to put any effort into making it a more enjoyable experience for you.
I like feet but I don't get the "feet in my face while I'm lying on the ground" thing.
I have feet-kissing fantasies but always being dominant
Stop doing yoga?
What do you get out of yoga?
If you can't appreciate a nice pair of female feet then you're a fag.
footfag here reporting in
ive been a footfag as far back as I can remember. not even kidding, i remember trying to rub my teachers feet when i was KINDERGARDEN.
been thinking about why i might have this for broscience theory is that it has something to do with some sort of signal of good somehow well formed, beatiful, accentuated feet are some sort of
primal indicator that the woman would be more prone to survive/pass on good genes for survival...maybe showing like good blood circulation, strong runner, good balance, etc. something along those lines
What do you think of this film?
the way i understand it there are basically random connections between these very close areas (feet and genitals) in these fetishists brains