Will doing pushups every day make my chest big?

Will doing pushups every day make my chest big?

Just get a boob job and call it a day, faggot.

I head Russia has tigers, is that true?

*heavy breathing*

Cringe meme. Also read the sticky.


>Cringe meme
I don't think you appreciate the gravity of the situation this thread is in right now

Stop being a lazy faggot and lift some weights

I've been doing at least 50 push-ups every day since 2014 and my chest is godlike, so yeah, if you eat enough


Pics faggot.

i love this meme, what is it called?

i wish i knew

do russians not understand jokes are supposed to have punchlines?

>first Wojak now Polandball got redditified

Is nothing sacred anymore?


not even, this cancer comes straight from Russia's ministry of propaganda
the edits are courtesy of the autists on krautchan


Rolling i guess



Read the sticky cunt.
You will never be able to get a huge chest without being able to bench at least your body weight. You need to bench more than your weight to really build your chest. You can definitely build muscle, but you won’t pack on gains.