Whats your excuse
Whats your excuse
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I can't grow a beard
what surgeries did this frauder get?
actually none beside his teeth, he now paints his eyebrows to looks thicker and shaped it better, he probably uses some make up and now he has a decent beard to hide his shitty jar/puffy face
A beard would hide my cleft chin and strong jaw lmao, I'd look like a pussy soyboy. 2018 = beards are no longer manly
He didn't, he just lost weight, darkened his hair, dyed his eyebrows (this part is very important), grew a beard, and stopped smiling.
Most men have decent bone structure but theyre too fat for it to show.
What's wrong with ur eyes
so just walk around squinting and bringing together eyebrows at a low bf%
is a constant small squint with pulling in eyebrows the equivalent for the eye that mewing is for the jaw, will it build up the musculature to naturally hold the pose after a while?
Times change my dudes. Once upon a time a beard was a sign of masculinity. Now its a sign of soyboyness and being a beta.
The word fag meant a bundle of sticks, then an old woman, then a homosexual, and now an irritating person.
Same with cuckolding. Read Othello, cuckolding was the absolute worst thing to happen to a man, laws were introduced in the Jacobean era to try and control it. Now we have mainstream cuckolds who are proud to broadcast it. Times change my dudes
Yes but you'll get wrinkles.
>That face
God damn
Beards are for Muslims and Jews
>Now its a sign of soyboyness and being a beta.
Because the people with them have zero fucking muscle and dress like hipsters
Anyone can pull a beard off if they already look good
man some paki muslims have the most disgusting pubes on their faces
may as well transition, cutie
I see, going for the school shooter look
Those are sum nice dick succing lips boy
what did you say my brother?
Hahah you funny man, we cool right?
*dont shoot me*
here's a better picture of my magnificent beard, my brother mashallah
>can only grow a fumanchu
>not even asian
Stop posting your face psycho
Grow some mutton chops.
You'll look AWESOME.
Ayo hol up.
why would a woman need a masculine jaw in the first place?
My 'excuse' is that I'm okay with this
No thanks. I'm happy the way I am.
But I'm a guy.
I'm not a ginger mutant lmao
Mirin Hassan's beard tho
Despite what you may think, Mongolian forums on horseback riding are actually wrong on the social standard when it comes to beards. Normies still think beards make men look 10x older and 10x stronger. That is assuming it's a beard and not just pubes on your chin
Not ugly enough to need a beard
>Evolution gives men beards
>Sexually selected for
>Betas still hate on beards
lol when will beta males ever learn? May aswell whinge about big muscles covering up your alpha skeleton
1-2% of males can pull off a beard.
Only a very small minority of men have inferior genetics which lead to shit jaw lines that need to be covered up with pubes
nature, evolution, testosterone, it all gave you this thing
>but make sure you get rid of it otherwise a beta will make fun of you
>big tits are so gross
>stop hiding your small tits
>i dont need big tits because i have beautiful small tits
>those grapes look gross i dont want any
>i bet those are sour grapes
pic related squinted his way to 6 mio instagram followers. if he could, so can you
its not only ugly guys that have been treated like shit that are looksmaxxing. how hard is it to comprehend that normal people are also aware that being good-looking helps in life?
Any more pics of this dude pre-Chad?
i have a soul
Anyone know what he did to his hair other than darkening it? How did he get the volume?
>I cant see what is so special about him that makes him world wide famous. I see guys who look like this in real life, in colleges, hostels etc. , who arent famous
>Bateman might the best looking guy in lets say a graduation year of a college..the best looking guy in a village/small town or something.. in the best looking 5-10%
>But I cant see how should be so good looking that he became internationally recognized as one of the most attractive guys ever.. and is in the top 0,0001 % world-wide.. i just cant see it. if you show me lachowski or Delon or Hexum i could see it.. but bateman just looks to me like the generic hot guy you can see at every college.
>On pictures he much better then he does in motion. modeling pictures are of course taken in the best lighting etc. look in the video where he plays the high school jock.Didnt you have any guys at your high school/college who looked like him? i dont know whats so special about him. just a generic good looking guy. if he wasnt a famous model most of PSL would say "he has a recessed jaw.. no bones etc" and rate him 6/10 at best
just found this in a lookism thread
squinting truly is the male duckface
>squinting truly is the male duckface
never gonna make it
just fucking lol @ your existence if you arent permasquinting your way through life. you should be squinting in your sleep in case someone breaks into your home. halo effect will have him call the police on himself.
If that's the case, then good thing I have chronic dry eye. I'm always squinting.
>have a good beard
>good height
>good build
>decent facial aesthetics
I don’t need a beard to prove I’m a man.
You have to own it. Girls don't care as long as you have masculine traits (like you stated). Just don't shave if you have a pretty thick beard.
just take care of your skin man, thats the most important thing for most here after losing bodyfat.
>you have to own it
stfu with your silly platitudes
Look this up.
6'3 240 when i started lifting
236 now and i have muscle definition
is this agood thing?
Exactly the same. I do better with women now that I shaved my head. Maybe I'd have been more of a Chad with hair, maybe not, having a big fucking skull sticking out ontop of big thick beard isn't all that bad my man.
I guarantee that “ginger mutant” looks better than you.
i'd love to shit on this guy, but with some sleep, a tan and an improved diet this guy would look handsome as fuck
Shit, should I dye my eyebrows?
I have reddish hair like him.
Is that the face you put on when your mom tell you to call your step father Dad?
>2 amateur photos with bad lighting
>1 professional photo with good lighting
I’m not a disgusting ginger
>your excuses
Awful teeth and being too poor to fix them
Also it's just me or the middle one looks best?
You'll look fine once you stop doing the Kubrick Stare
you need to be 18 to post in this subreddit, reported.
> this subreddit
Checked and kek'd
I got a semi looking at your lips, and I'm not homo. Hopefully you're comfortable with sodomy
This gif gives me hope
I have a long biker beard I've been growing for over a year.
Remember, I am an alright guy.
how do i become more handsome like these guys are?
inb4 stop vaping
Is this enough to grow a proper beard? It's been a week since I shaved.
>tfw I'm the only man in my family that can't grow a full beard
probably not desu ive just shaved mine after about 4 months of growth, it never got to pew die pie levels and my stubble is a little thicker than yours
Because I'll probably be bald before I'm adequately Veeky Forums.
this is me 3-4 months unshaved
start is
honestly friend, you look framecel, put on some size
I cant rn, ill be fat and im going to mexico in 3 weeks just gonna have to deal with it for a bit
you look very good actually
Looks good. Just needs a haircut or some styling.
put on some mass, get a good haircut, learn how to style your hair and please, try not to look this depressed in public
If this is who I think it is then fuck you spood.
Good transformation but the memebeard and squinty-serious eyes are overdoing it
Prefer over
20m bad Genetics
Friends tell me to grow one cos I look like a kid
the middle one looks like bill burrs lost child
im already attractive asf
become a trap
fellas how do I fix my patchy beard, it grows bellow and on the chin but the cheeks look like shit
I want the full thing to look as black and thick as possible