any advice? I go to boot camp in march
I'm joining the marines
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Buy a weight vest and start running at least 8 miles with it on
have fun being the henchmen of globalism.
Do a lot of the following:
Walking (with a backpack, increasing the weight you carry)
>being a welfare queen
you're a lost cause already if you go to bootcamp in march and haven't been training
Have fun being an Israeli welfare king.
Train like Goku hehe
Get your moto tats right away.
Think about how the Coast Guard or the Air Force doesn't seem so bad anymore
No it's unironically to shock his body into getting used to running with his kit.
it's also an easy way to fuck up your knees
Accept the fact that your knees and back will be ruined regardless of how well you try to take care of them. Accept the fact that after boot you will be sent somewhere where people will be shooting at you. Accept the fact no one with an education respects you
if it isnt super heavy it wont
Lay low in boot camp and whatever school you go to, absolute best you can get is Lance or PFC out of the two and it's pretty easy to win a board to Lance once you hit the fleet if you're halfway decent.
If you're gonna be a grunt then life is gonna suck, you'll get promoted slower and work more than any other MOS maybe PMO has the 03s beat for cutting scores been a while so I dunno.
I was in the infantry so I can't say first hand but apparently the female marines are murder to work with. Watch yourself.
Just be a corpsman dude, everyone loves the corpsmen...if you're squared away.
I found the military to be more about endurance and breaking your body than putting on muscle or running fast. That being said there are 2 sides and if you land an office job after boot camp and wherever you go beyond then life should be easy.
Do not join the infantry if you want to make it a career if want the use of your knees by the time you're 40.
Got to get that service connected disability.
How can one know if they are mentally prepared for the Marines
Did you get all C's in highschool? You're mentally ready for the muhrines
I don't think he's wanting to go officer.
Cpl of Marines here ama.
chances are if he's not training currently the stress will definitely fuck up his gait and eventually his knees
He's right you know
How do windows taste?
Fuck you dude. Marines are fighting for your freedom. Show some damn respect.
>chairforce fag detected
We're not at war, vast majority of military jobs are office/service jobs, not grunts and even they aren't seeing anything these days.
I have two Masters and served and have a hell of a lot of respect for those who serve correctly. As well most of my colleagues and friends can't speak highly enough about the military, misinformed as they may be it's really location dependent as far as public opinion goes.
Can't argue on the knees and back though, I lost all cartilage in my left knee and have degenerative disks throughout my back haha.
top kek
Stop laughing.
What MOS did your recruiter fuck you over with?
>tfw Cpl about to be Sgt
>tfw still dont care
The Corps dont give a fuck about you
How many Marines would it take to defeat on V-22?
Thank you for your sacrifice. But you're still crayon eaters.
>any advice?
don't join the marines lol
I wasn't actually in the Marines.
What even is your question
You're the most hated kind of person by Marines, just to let you know.
Most Marines aren't.
Why the hell are you dickriding them then?
Why do you hate me.
They fought for me freedom. They made the ultimo sacrifice.
With the new "Deploy-or-get-out" policy does that mean that office MOS's are gonna be obsolete? Or does it mean that in order to be in an office job you have to serve in the field for a while?
Can camo man defeat airplane that kills Marines? How many camo mans does it needs?
They fought because they had no job prospects at home and needed welfare for their bastard children. Marines are meat bags, not people.
For bootcamp, the whole idea is to strip individuality and rebuild you, if you catch onto the game it's manageable. There will be MANY times in boot camp where you sit there wondering while the hell you're there but it's normal.
Be prepared to eat very fast, especially if you're short as that's how the chow lines are constructed.
Never screw over others to try and get ahead, it may work but word spreads fast and follows you.
For school i guess it depends what you're doing. SOI (School of Infantry) is mostly endurance and trying to cram a bunch of stuff you'll be taught a million times over in the fleet. Some of the instructors rethink they are still instructors but the majority are cool if you're respectful.
Once you drop to the fleet make friends with your peers, respect your seniors and stay squared away. If they think they're salty (most are gone now) they will be stupid to you at first but if you play the game and pay your dues you'll be ok.
Disclaimer though I've been out for a few years, apparently it's softened a good amount. Couldn't tell you for sure.
Best of luck mullato.
>Be prepared to eat very fast, especially if you're short as that's how the chow lines are constructed.
>manlets eat last
holy shit life is fucking cruel hahahah
Nationalists are too broke to pay well and communists are a joke
There is no such thing as Palestine sweetie :)
Deployments aren't always combat or joint training, for more office oriented MOS they may deploy to the black sea, Japan ect. and more or less do the same job with some situational training peppered in.
>You're the most hated kind of person by Marines, just to let you know.
Actual Marine here. No he fucking isn't
Because all other branches are pretty much corporate America with a set of cammies.
Ol' Doc without his FMF Pin here, I can give you some advice
Marines aren't the glorious, fine, clean cut gentlemen that most civilians seem to think they are. Marines are raunchy, hilarious, terrible people. You won't be apart of anything else like it I can guarantee you that.
You'll bond with your brethren over doing insanely stressful and stupid bullshit. You'll most likely start dipping and drinking a lot more than you think you do now.
As far as the physical part goes, just get decent at running until you hate life and pull ups. Lifting is great for injury prevention and being strong in general as well.
But overall, if this is something you want to do, make the best of it. Have fun and embrace the green weenie.
Best of luck my dude
Is it true that in the Marines your peers will sometimes try and fight you?
yes. and if you lose, they get to fuck you too
I go to boot camp for Chair Force on March 27.
Yes, they're trying to see how you handle yourself. If you're a punk bitch and hesitate to fight back then obviously you're going to get everyone killed while in combat.
Rarely, if you're fucking up they may but that's more grunt side. Your peers are your support blanket till you pick up NCO and are told to forget them.
Same laws apply for military though assault is assault, infantry usually handle it in house though as hazing charges/assault charges/really any kind of charges can make life hard on your whole company or even battalion.
I'd probably fight back, get my ass kicked but still make an attempt. I've never actually been in a fight before though.
Good post here. This is still largely true for army combat arms also.
No. It isn't prison.
And getting in a fight will get you a 6105 which will make it much harder to reenlist.
It's usually grappling spured on by your seniors. You'll find that contrary to what you may see on TV most marines are young selfconscience guys who lose all brovado.
Then you get the few guys you probably shouldn't mess with as they are everything you saw on TV and more.
My first Squad Leader was called Vlad, he got into some hand to hand back in theatre and bit some guys throat out.
Love that crazy bastard.
Sorry "lose all bravado once they don't have their peers around."
You're gonna have to learn to defend yourself or you're gonna get punked by everyone sometimes it isn't that they'll attack you directly, but have you be their fresh boot that cleans everything and drive you to the point of suicide. It is in this moment that'll decide your entire experience while in the marines are you gonna be a punk bitch or are you gonna stand up for yourself.
This is somewhat typical:
>Killing yourself or your body for the sake of a country that doesn't give a shit about you
Actually braindead.
Hazing is a violation of the Universal Code of Military Justice and SHOULD NOT in any circumstances be tolerated. Hazing only serves to weaken the institution of the Marine Corps. OP, if you are aware of large scale hazing it is your duty to bring it up to your chain of command so that the perpetrators can receive nonjudicial punishments.
>Going to high school and dying for the sport of it
At least his family might get some benefits.
>Going to high school and dying for the sport of it
Thats only in obeseland tho.
Hey man nobody gives a fuck about you.
>Be me, Day 1 of Boot
>Walk up to DI, poke him in his big fat chest
>Say: "Listen man, you're not the boss of me, or anyone!"
>Then I walk away
>Nobody fucked with me every again
That's what I recommend you do, too
Well he didn't say the royal Marines, Queenie.
The first part of this story would result in the worst ass kicking ever witnessed.
But there's actually a bigger chance you can survive all that shit to reap in the benefits, and have bragging rights. With drop-out rates being what they are all across America in community colleges, and the fact that so many people that do end up graduating can't find any work being a military member really is the golden ticket to next level middle class living. I'm sorry you're to fat or sorry assed for it but I understand it's not for everyone.
Don't lie to the kid and make him be a punk. He's gotta learn to stick up for himself if he wants to be respected
user, just remember that if your feet hurt or your back gets tired or if the sun outside is too hot for you, you’d better let someone in charge know. The last thing anybody wants is to see a cadet getting injured during training.
>Canadoot here
Do you military fags really wear your uniform around town day to day like we always see on TV?
If true veterans are at fitness insta THOT status.
not him, but the hero worship thing gets on a lot of service members' nerves after they're not boots anymore
Working towards a degree to support a wife that is probably going to leave you and take half of the money you worked for and your kids. And shit best case scenario you end up dead.
You can coat anything like that, so what's the point of anything if everyone doesn't approve or admire you? Ever think some marines aren't doing it for their country I know i wasn't. My first time in a firefight I killed 2 guys and their friends ran off putting what was left wheel barrels. The countries not going to invaded by these guys anytime soon I assure you.
I didn't do it for "you", how presumptuous, and I didn't do it for some piece of land. I did it because real ticks are a rush of adrenaline you can't replicate with drugs and thourougly enjoyed ending lives. You call that and me whatever the hell you want because it doesn't change anything and it doesn't magically make you more successful or manly to put down the military.
I'm sure you don't care, just know most of them don't either and I certainly don't I'd put you in a body bag too if it was legal and I was getting paid.
Please, never assume that this "service" is for you.
>he thinking the USMC isn't the same as the rest
>mfw they just lowered the standards for female infantry officers
They don't have to pass the Combat Endurance Test anymore
this man is honest with himself and embraces the truth
No shit?
I heard that was going to be a thing but got out thinking it was another rumor.
They needed to though, nobody is joining the infantry anymore. I don't see this helping that.
>They needed to though, nobody is joining the infantry anymore.
What did he mean by this?
Marines are banned from doing this.
Army loves to so people treat them like you treat Muslims in Canada.
Memorize your general orders before you go.
Don't be a fat fuck.
Work on your pullups.
So literally ONE woman passed it the real way.
damn, I'm all for women serving, but this is just retarded. infantry is in direct combat, standards shouldn't be lowered for you just because you have an X chromosome--if you can't hack it, fuck off and find a different job.
it's not even about the women at this point, it's about everyone around them who might get fucked over.
Every grunt I've talked to with a woman in the battalion has told me that they've added nothing but highschool drama bullshit
I meant that infantry is slow to promote, work hours are strange and annoying so scheduling is hard, and honestly it just breaks your body down.
They're offering 2 year contracts even, or at least right after I got out.
The push for female infantry has always been about bolstering those numbers, the experimental btl failed miserably every time. It had our worst turds and the best of the females and they still underperformed.
tru, do this and your kid's will be able to go to any state school in california tuition free. as i typed this i realized we are on Veeky Forums and none of us will ever procreate kek
>volunteering for the most indoctrinated branch of ZOG
Join the Army or Navy instead.
Yes, they really do it. Yes, it's fucking stupid. Glad the Marine Corps banned it.
>They're offering 2 year contracts even, or at least right after I got out.
yeah, one of my high school buds enlisted recently, he was originally planning to go infantry for a couple yrs and then switch to some POG job. he ended up just being a welder, lol
>The push for female infantry has always been about bolstering those numbers
huh. this is enlightening. surely there are better ways, though.
I'm not surprised at all, but I think if they had gender-neutral (and maybe higher) standards, this'd be less of an issue. as it stands now, any basic bitch can probably become an infantry Marine. with higher standards, it's increasingly unlikely that a woman can even join the infantry at all without even having to say that they're barred from it.
Just go dude. Women get to be play Marines. Either way it's going to suck especially for the first few weeks.
You have an X chromosome too, retard
you know what I meant. an X as opposed to a Y, i.e. 2 X's
yes there are exceptions, but no matter what I said, there'd be an exception to it
>Navy instead
The same Navy that got a ship sunk and soldiers killed by Israel and said "NBD, lol" Yeah, totally not indoctrinated.
Can I interest you in a career with the Marines? You get to shoot hajis.
he didn't say, he don't. They can fight, don't need to be smart for that.
to be honest I wanted to when I was younger, but I have T1 diabetes
they're all indoctrinated, but the Marines are by far the most cult-like
stfu moto fag
yeah dont do it. especially if youre gt score is over 120. at least join a dif branch. or pull your head out your ass and go to college, you dumbass kid. speaking from experience here
No they arent. Fuck them all.
134 GT, 96 total ASVAB here and loving it, but mostly cause I get to live in Hawaii. Isn't bad to experience it once, but I probably won't reenlist.
>marine fucked my gf/sister/mom
>the whole idea is to strip individuality and rebuild
Exactly, to make you a good little trained dog and destroy any Man that may reside their.