Where do you get your haircut?
Where do you get your haircut?
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I travel 30 minutes on the train to go to the only place thats not a turkroach barber.
cut it myself
not fitness related, saged and fuck off
Unironically my mother cuts my hair
>letting women cut your hair
I go to a Hair Cuttery staffed by Ethiopians and get a fashy, using pictures of WN dudes as examples. They love me cuz I'm handsome and polite
I haven't cut my hair in a year
I don't. I rarely ever get a haircut because it always comes out fucked up. So I just let it grow.
my girlfriend cut my hair for me
now i'm dead
That's legitimately depressing
The hipster barbershop. Gotta have the perfect part all around or I get upset. They use a buzzer with a laser level on it so it always comes out perfect.
Great clips actually.
I go to a retired Navy barber that runs an old-timey barbershop.
I shave it myself out in the yard
Hipster place that gives you free beer while you wait
Old Cambodian guy cuts my mane, he's top notch
a cute Asian woman at a local hair cutting place. She does a really good job with men's buzz cuts.
>get a fashy, using pictures of WN dudes as examples
My gf cuts my hair. It's comfy and not awkward.
>not awkward.
Do you find the small talk between you and the barber that bad?
>dad cuts my hair
>always get compliments
ethiophians are you mad?
one day one of them is gonna slit your throat after hes done praying to allah on his carpet on his midday break
Yes. My social anxiety is so bad I got a dog just so I could have a reason not to meet people.
That sucks my dude, hope you manage to get out of it soon.
Great Clips and I check in online
There are good great clips and there are bad ones. I went to one in another city and had a great time. Then I came back home and tried the one in my city. They fucked my shit up AND charged more.
get bent
Nice trips. I'm bald so I shave it myself in the shower every 4-5 days.
My dad's hairdresser. I dig that preppy hairstyle
I just recently bought some clippers and now I do it myself.
I can maintain it every week and don't have to go anywhere or pay any money.
>reason not to meet people
You have to walk it and you get people staring at it and ask you if they can pet it, how old is it, what's its name and shit, how's it a reason not to meet people?
nothing wrong with managing your own hair really
dont take this the wrong way
Vitamin Question
I get my haircut from these Vietnamese women who took over a Great Clips shop after the franchise departed from our area. They mostly service older white guys who flirt with them all the time. They put me with the same lady every time I go there.
I think they do this because they think I find her cute, which is true, but mostly I go there because the ladies actually know how to cut hair, unlike Great Clips.
I think his lack of social experience has led him to not think this one through. It's also possible his gf walks his dog, which is a bit upsetting.
An old Jewish man cuts my hair and does a damn fine job. The only problem is the picture I use to show him what kind of haircut I want is of an SS officer.
I use clippers at home and just buzz it, going bald so don't have many other options.
Local hipster shop
Big chains will always Fuck your shit up
Just pay the extra 10 bucks and get it done right
What makes you think he could get a gf with that social anxiety
Nevermind I'm retarded
80 year former army barber...
The clean military cut NEVER goes out of style
How did the shekel grabber react?
He just cut my hair. I tried to zoom the picture to leave out the SS badge, but it was pretty obvious. He's a sick barber and charges less than memeclips surprisingly.
I cut my own hair. I bought clippers with guards and learned to fade. You can save a lot like this in the long run.
Pic unrelated.
Oof. Big boy offended by post.
I go to a salon and pay $35
please show us your hair
I do my own, a buzzcut.
Cheap and easy.
I'm not the guy you were replying too but I got a mean looking dog so people cross the street when they even see me.
I buzz off all the hair on the top of my head every Saturday. I think it's just like asking for a 1 or 2 at any haircut place.
I cut it myself with an electric trimmer. 5 on the top, 3 on the sides, 4 in between. Basically just a short crew cut.
I recommend any anons who like this style or buzzcuts try doing it themselves instead of going to a barber. The trimmer pays for itself in a few months and it's impossible to fuck up a buzzcut.
my wife buzzes my hair to a 1 every few weeks cuz im 22 and my hair is thinning
it looks like a $35 hair cut desu, that said I'm not a fan of it and most lads with a hair cut like that in the UK love taking cock up the bum
Looks pretty good. How much of a pain is it to style each day?
fair enough
works pretty well for me but haircuts never make or break a man's attractiveness
it was a pain at first but I got used to it. takes about 5 mins, now, and most of that is just drying time. the bigger pain was finding the right hair products that actually hold without looking obvious
styling hair is definitely a skill, though. "good hair doesn't come from a bottle." you gotta learn how to use a brush and blow dryer together to make it obey
Can you briefly explain how you style your hair and which products you use?
Are you from the Bible Belt my man what the fuck
>jealous of nice hair user
fuck off i bet your hair looks like shit
Cute post
met a bulgarian qt at a seasonal job and said fuck it. eastern euro women are top tier.
It's probably different in the US but over here it's associated with a certain type of people
local non-chain barber
The picture is very related.
You said something fucking autistic and posted anime. How could it get anymore related than that?
>ugh getting married young isn't hip and trendy, Rick and Morty said so
You have to go back to your containment website.
I don't get hair cuts
>pat dry after shower, NOT any more
>comb bangs straight down, comb the rest in the general direction
>blow dry everything but bangs, apply product to same area (apply to roots, not the surface)
>shake the hair lightly with fingers so it's not all bunched together
>hold hair back with comb and blow dry until dry
>bangs are still wet. hold it up and back with hands, lightly blow dry, apply product, shake
>use a half round brush and blow dryer to shape bangs and dry
>allow hair to dry completely while eating breakfast etc. about 15 minutes
>use hair spray to set
it probably looks more complicated than it is but I was detailed
I use gatsby moving rubber because my bangs are long, but Jonathan Dirt Texturizing Paste worked better for shorter hair. these are both much cheaper than most Salon products. there were a couple I tried that were AWESOME but cost 7-8x as much per ounce.
I use whatever matte hair spray. Sebastian Reshaper is awesome but is way too expensive. avoid the
I've cut my own hair for about the past 10 years. I like the way it looks and I get compliments on it occasionally. People are always surprised when I say I do it myself.
>don't have to make awkward small talk with hairdressers
>don't have strangers routinely fucking up my appearance every month
I don't know why more people don't do it. It's not as if cutting hair requires a fucking PhD. When I started I just said to myself that if I fucked it up then I'd buzz it all off but it never came to that
I just dont walk her.
unironically greatclips,
>cute spic named anita cuts my hair
>pretty good consistent cut
i usually get 2/3 on sides and back, scissors on top,rounded corners
>Not going to a black barber.
Never gonna make it
>cutting your hair
If you dont have a lion's mane, you're not a man.
I usually have some apprentices do it. They want some practice and my hairstyle is pretty much low tech shit so no one ever fucked it up. I get it for free and some compliments on my good hair. The apprentices are also cute af. It's a win/win, really.
>Excuse me ma'am
>My apologies sir
Beauty school in Sweden.
It's a third the price of anywhere not run by an arab, they're actually being taught to cut hair, and the girls are all 17 year old blondes with gentle hands who will wash your hair for half an hour.
This happened to me when I worked retail and my back was facing a customer. I usually have short hair now but when I had long hair it would happen once in a while.
Drake Bell?
you caught me
Mr haircut in athens
Filipino guy who cuts hair out of his basement. Pretty cheap and pretty good.
But Turkish barbers are goat
I have long faggot hair that I've been growing for a year, I bought scissors to cut it myself eventually but I'm too scared to
This always makes me kek
My mom has always cut my hair. I have literally never had my hair cut by anyone else.
If you want to look like a cookie cutter dark skinned douche. Might as well go to a mexican barber.
I go to a salon. Pls no bully, only place that knows how to care for my hair
number 2 buzzcut. I freed my self from great clips evil
Sports clips. Only place around here that decent for under 20. Short on top, skin to above my ears, fade it between. I was in the military, and long hair feels weird and unporfessional even after being out for 3 years.
ayyy you and me both senpai, I give myself a number 2 as well
started balding last year so I trimmed that shit off
I cut it myself with a clipper. Although I'm growing it long until the winter is over because I don't own a hat.
>cutting your hair
My cousin is a barber and he always cuts my hair and shaves me for free