I haven't eaten red meat in years. Is this bad? Am I missing out on important nutrients and proteins that help gains?

I haven't eaten red meat in years. Is this bad? Am I missing out on important nutrients and proteins that help gains?


check your b12 iron zinc intake

not this user but i have the same question.
i have not eaten any meat, eggs or dairy fof like 2 years and i almost feel like i have given myself an eating disorder. i said to my wife that i was thinking about maybe eating some chicjen but when i went into kfc the other night the smell made me feel sick. what did they mean by this?

You're normal. Human beings weren't designed to consume animal flesh. You are at a high likelihood of developing cancer from eating meat

>human beings evolved to our current state thanks to cooked meat
>human beings weren't designed to consume animal flesh

actually that's really good as red meat is bad for you

stick to white meat and fish

Remember to buy grass fed.
Also be sure to chew thoroughly.
it was probably the smell of niggers not the chicken


Entirely depends on what you are eating instead. As someone posted above you, the most important aspects of meat aside from high protein content is vitamin B12, iron, and zinc (You could also include omega-12 if you are also not eating fish). Most of these are available outside of meat in smaller amounts from foods like vegetables or some nuts, but barring that you can find these in supplement form or fortified cereals if you really can't stand meat.
In short, not eating meat isn't terrible, but it means you should compensate somewhere else in your diet.

>Humans evolved to have exceptional endurance running in hot weather, losing body hair, gaining sweat glands, and getting a neurochemical reward for running long distances in a process that ook several thousand generations in order to run plants to exhaustion

In addition to what was posted, red meat is a good source of creatine, so if you're not supping with that you might start

How come the meat is sometimes bright red on the outside and starting to go brown on the inside? Shouldn't it start to turn from the outside in? Do they paint it or something to make it more sellable?

>scientific evidence of ancient humans/neanderthals in certain climates eating predominately/exclusively meat is all falsified
>human control of fire was necessitated exclusively by plants and not the fact that we as a species have a very rough time processing raw meats and thus need a method of predigestion
ok retard

what sort of meat are you on about? if you’re talking about ground hamburger, it’s like that because (((i’m assuming))) they outside is sprayed with preservatives to give it the appearance of being fresh, or something? i dunno man, i’ve kind of wondered that myself.

For 14 years I ate a mostly vegetarian diet because meat and eggs made me sick to my stomach. I have lifted weights like it's my religion for most of my life but during those 14 years I made noticeable but minimal gains.

I had cyclical severe depression and stomach pain that eventually led to visual and auditory hallucinations. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and candida overgrowth and put on lithium and Zoloft. I felt happier and the hallucinations happened less often but it didn't help my stomach and overall I still felt like shit. I read a study about a lady that was put on a low carb diet to treat severe schizophrenia and it was shown to have fully cured her. So I began a near zero carb diet of eggs, meat, and fish and in one week all of my symptoms went away. I have stopped all medication and maintained a 90% meat diet and I feel fucking great and sane. I went to a new doctor and he diagnosed me with a wheat allergy that most likely developed from eating the high protein/ high carb/ low fat bodybuilder meme diet for over a decade.

Fuck you and your vegan bullshit. Going vegan is for crazy people that shoot up schools.

Kek that's good.

Youre making fun of the first guy because hes retarded but then you got the 2 others making fun of you but thinking you are defending not eating meat. Interesting web of idiots

Yeah ground hamburger. It's put me off ground beef so now I buy ground pork even though it goes off faster.

>developed from eating the high protein/ >high carb/ low fat
where did you get protein from?

wasn’t making fun of dear user, i’m backing his fucking point up
“““ok retard”””

man, i don’t eat ground anything anymore. i just stick to whole cuts of beef/bird whenever i desire meat. ground beef has such a nasty, weird flavour & i can’t put myself past it honestly

I drank lots of whey protein shakes and ate rice and pasta with little fat. I would do that everyday and have panic attacks and anxiety all day but I never made the connection of it being caused by what I was eating. The panic attacks felt like somebody was standing on my chest and it was extremely hard to catch my breath. Turns out that it was my stomach reacting to what I was eating.

Now instead of eating carbs and protein every 2-3 hours, I eat fat and protein every 4-6 hours. I am bigger and leaner after changing my diet as well as feeling mentally sane.

>what did they mean by this?
You fucked up your normal spasms by getting too eager with both of these comments, the lack of protein has negatively effected you cognitive abilities.

>Human beings weren't designed

Here, I fixed that for you

fuck me in the ass your faggot

This is why I can't take veganism seriously despite all the data showing that vegans live longer. Humans consumed meat for so long it makes zero sense for us to be negatively effected by it.

Eat good meat, not shitty mistery meat than they pass for chicken in USA fast food joints. That shit is probably cancerous and bad for you, like they potatoes or whatever uber procesed stuff. Meat is good when well raised, as with any food, the less industrially procesed the better.
Same with vegetables or anything. Fermented stuff tough is good for you, but don't abuse alchol.

And to add, well pastured meat gives you Omega 3 like oily fish, that's why Pastured Beef or Iberico Pig have a more gamey/nutty taste, is the flavour of that top tier fat. Venison and hunted meats are very good too, so if you know red necks you can get good meat for peanuts.

I almost never eat read meat. Very rarely if I eat at a pub I'll have a burger, but that's seriously once every 3 months. I just don't enjoy the taste much. At home I mostly eat fish. I really don't feel like I miss out on anything, and certainly don't feel worse before I stopped eating chicken and red meat.

pretty much this, b12 is the only thing vegans have to supplement with a correct full vegan diet

If you want to taste some chicken again then buy some Gardein. I've only tried their tendies, fish filets, and crabcakes they all tasted like the real deal.

your post wouldn't be so stupid if you put said 'processed meat'

I might have something similar, what were your symptoms?

You don't have to suplement anything with a correct diet.

You don't seem to understand evolution. While it'as nonsensical to say humans aren't "ment" to do X or Y, it's certainly true that something that was an evolutionary advantage can have negative effects. Not net negative effect evolutionarily but negative nontheless.

Cooked foods in general have been more important than meat itself but meat has been important in varying degrees and at varying times. What you don't understand is that evolutionarily things just have to work WELL ENOUGH, NOT PERFECTLY, NOT OPTIMALLY etc.

Eating meat was surely better than starving or dying of nutritional deficiencies when no other alternatives were available, but it does increase the risk of long term chronic illnesses, and guess when these usually develop? Past 40, past peak reproductive age, past what most of out ancestors even lived to, of course evolution doesn't "care" that it makes us sick when we are that old, it only "cares" about successful reproduction.

So simply put it's possible that in a stone age setting the person eating the most meat might have been the fittest, but today with alternatives available he is the sickest. Because standards of health have changed and we are no longer slaves to evolution in the same way.

Oh is that so? did you pull that definition out of your ass?


first time I've heard of Plutarch but nice quote nonetheless

It is you who doesn't. After consuming so much meat for so long, it only makes sense that humans evolve to tolerate it with no major consequences. Reproducing is not enough; a human would also look after its offspring to ensure their survival, and, being social animals, help their tribe.

>Past 40, past peak reproductive age, past what most of out ancestors even lived to,

Meme. The average life expectancy was around 35 in the Stone Age. That is because infant mortality rates were much higher back then. Most people lived until their 50s.

>it only makes sense
Yeah that is a totally sound argument, some guy on a chinese weaver forum says it's just common sense.

>Meme. The average life expectancy was around 35 in the Stone Age. That is because infant mortality rates were much higher back then. Most people lived until their 50s.
[Citation needed]
What did the study say "mean adult age as 32" or so. With mean age overall being 25.

>it was probably the smell of niggers not the chicken

1st retard here. C'mon m8, I can't be arsed to read all this shit, I skim

Yeah it is common sense. Longevity is essential for the survival of your offspring.

>But so could Fred Flintstone. In the last decade, scientists have concluded that humans have lived into older adulthood since 30,000 years ago, during the Upper Paleolithic (part of the era more commonly known as the Stone Age). Michael Gurven, a professor of anthropology at U.C. Santa Barbara who has studied modern hunter-gatherer and horticultural tribes, found that people in these societies who survived childhood lived about as long as 19th-century Swedes did — into their 50s and beyond. His work is one clue that suggests Enlightenment Age Europeans could have had the same longevity as our ancestors who painted caves and hunted the woolly mammoth.

>it was probably the smell of niggers not the chicken

After putting that into google I found a couple forum posts and one article, no study and nothing even remotely scientific. Always just that "Yeah a professor found that". Oh and 2 paleo sites, topkek.

His text on eating flesh is amazing, it's just a tragedy that it cuts off just when he gets into the "meat" of his argument.

>Researchers Gurven and Kaplan have estimated that around 57% of hunter-gatherers reach the age of 15. Of those that reach 15 years of age, 64% continue to live to or past the age of 45.

Keep in mind that loads of people died violently or due to infectious diseases back then.

google "marmite"

fish has the b12 and creatine, but not the zinc and iron content of beef or lamb

the important thing with meat is to have varying types, especially varying types of fish if you have fish often

Marmite is fortified with b12

t. I love it

and so is beef because cows dont eat folated greens anymore

Actually it's dependant on cobalt levels in soil. But grain fed cattle, yeah.

>cobalt levels
this is cool.

eat sea food and a wide variety of it and you shouldbe fine. Don't trust the cickenjew

Yes, it's straight-up dye.

Sounds gross, but brown meat is perfectly good but no one will buy it, so without the dye lots of meat would get wasted and the meat you did buy would be more expensive

I eat oysters so theyre fine

red meat is a scam on the proletariat.
enjoy subsidizing the least efficient livestock industry, well outside of the river of shit that is pork.

chicken and seafood is good.

Just eat literally any fortified cereal lmao

Pescetarian masterrace