
Just gave in and bought my first pack of ciggies is it actually as hard as what they say to quit ?
Should I throw the pack away only wanted one

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try a few, you may like it
You wont get addicted, its a meme

Don't smoke. It'll fuck you up forever.

If you only try a few you wont get addicted.
just make sure you dont smoke any tommorow

I’ve smoked heaps of times just craving now and actually bought a pack to myself

I’ve smoked out while Drinking etc just never wanted it sober until today

Fuck you Damo gimme ya fucking lighter cunt

try it with coffee its good as fuck

smoking habit is mimetic

Too late mang hahaha but I’ve smoked with various droogs

you can get addicted to anything if you use it to fill a void in your life. bored? have a snack. eventually you get addicted to food. bored? have a cigarette. you get addicted to cigs and so forth

just be conscious and careful, I'd say you have to be pretty fucking pathetic to have 1 cig and get addicted

Should have just bought a loosie

Why, WHY, would you ever START smoking, with everything that we know now about how addictive and bad it is for you with absolutely zero benefits? If /unfit/ existed, the mods should permanently ban you from our board and reroute you every time you try to come here.

Fucking mongs. This is why there's no hope for humanity.

Well said, fuck you dumbass OP

Kek why would you waste money on cancer sticks? I can understand if you were buying them to use the tobacco with weed, but smoking cigarettes on their own? What's the point? Have fun paying for lung cancer retard

>absolutely zero benefits

just get loads of nicotine gum that way you dont put all that crap into your lungs

>zero benefits
The absolute state of anti-smoke memers.

>stimulant has effects in line with other stimulants
Wow it's so good, totally worth smelling like shit, your teeth rotting in your mouth, and lung cancer

Quit cold turkey three weeks ago, it's easy as fuck.

Don't be an idiot, don't start.

You literally have to be some stupid underage dickhead actively trying to get hooked to end up addicted to cigs.
If you're an adult and understand moderation you'll be fine. Just don't smoke more than one or two a day or something.

Talks about one miniscule ingredient in a cigarette comvienitly forgetting the 100 other chemicals.

If, in 2018, you're STARTING to smoke, then you're being STUPID.
>Decades worth of solid science and medical evidence it'll make you diseased and kill you sooner or later
Throw them away, smack yourself for smoking even one of them, and never do it again.

Nicotine is a POISON. One drop of pure nicotine on your skin would stop your heart.
LOL, no

Try vaping.
I worked for me but again I'm a fag.

>You literally have to be some stupid underage dickhead actively trying to get hooked to end up addicted to methamphetamine.
>If you're an adult and understand moderation you'll be fine. Just don't smoke more than one or two a day or something.

Vaping is just a drug-delivery device, always has been, always will be. Avoid completely.

Nevermind, I though you were a smoker trying to quit but you're just a faggot.

Reminds me of a friend of mine. Nigga tried to get hooked on cigarettes to prove to himself he could quit. 9 years later he's still smoking a pack a day.

>dead man walking

getting addicted's a fucking meme
smoke every time i go out cos the smoking area's the only place you can actually talk to people, no craving
have smoked sober also, and not once have i felt a need to, dont even feel any effects desu, just like the taste

Cigarettes are fucking expensive. Stop while you still can.

Okay, then stop smoking completely for a week and tell us how you feel.

I smoke 6-8 cigs a day at work and I feel absolutely no desire to smoke when I'm at home on weekends.

Yeah throw it away. Its easiest to stop right now because you aren't addicted yet. The way you get addicted isn't like smoking one cigarette and then you're hooked on a pack a day until you die. You're gonna say, "I guess I can have one more cigarette at the end of the week." Then at the end of the day. Then you'll feel like one in the morning. Then in the afternoon. Bam you're going through a pack a week.

I started smoking in the army because I was young and its part of the culture and now I only dip but I'm cutting back. It is hard quitting smoking. It sucks. Don't be overconfident that you're exceptional and can quit as easily as making the decision to quit. The vast majority of people aren't like that.

Nibba caffeine will fuckin' murder your ass too

Same here, once i got out of the service the need to smoke or keep a dip in for 30+minutes is gone. Not ever stressed and i occasionally have a craving for tobacco when i drink.

i smoke cigarette tobacco out of a bong 3-20 times a day and also workout everyday and make gains
i don't do any cardio though, my lungs really aren't in the greatest shape

Today my father drowned in his own blood due to chemiotherapy treating his lung cancer. Month ago he was driving a car, surfing the web and enjoying life. After first day of chemotherapy he said, that smoking is really the stupidest thing to do. Choosing your poison is a fun thing to do, but I think that living with family and friends is better.

Dont smoke fuckers. I used to run 5 miles non stop now cant even run 1 miles because breathing. I only smoke 2 or 3 a day and now its been 1 year but its so comfy to do. I have my last pack right now after that I will quit for gums