Me put 3 rock on back

me put 3 rock on back
me go down up 5 time
tomorrow me put 4 rock on back

me strong
me still not get women
me mad

You can do it Willem Dafoe!

me sniff back air
have good mindthought!

>putting 4 rock on back
you go to snap cave soon
have fun no get big

you make it
me you we make it

that mind thought when no mate to secure my seed in

>still lifting rock
>he no have wheel


we all make it

>this day rock heavy. rock not heavy last day

>stalling on overhead rock
>Ogg says to use microrocks

grug say not leg rock roll up hill
legs wrong way

pick up rock
no know it all about wheel
wheel get woman
rock pick up man no woman
ah ah ah

me smart
me make starting glug
put big rock on back
next day put big rock and small rock
more small rock next day
one day be good strong

Me want not share lift rocks
Me want lift rocks in me cave

>not lifting 6 rock
Me thinks you berry picker as fuck


humans did not look like that 4,000 BC

>me Graad
>sun go down
>me mate Skukla
me leave cave me get mate
no leave cave no mate

>me at chikin rice broccli
>me no jeff seid


>he no pick berry for mini nutrient



came here to post this

>me eat only bark bread and plant
>me smart grug stupid eat meat and shit worm
>me die of common cold

that thought when no mate to make babies with

>friend always go to cavern to lift rocks
>me not like cavern, long walk and have to share rock with berrypickers
>smart idea come to me
>me keep rocks next to my bed, no need to go to cavern
>have all rocks to myself
>no berry picker or trash lady to steal my rocks
feels good to be smart rock lifter


home cavern rock lifting for superior species


>lifting rock for """fun"""

>persistence hunting kills gains

how do cave draw on liteningbox?


me hair go bye
how to put hair back on head

cave lift masterrace

you stop drink white powder


>grog go to rock place to lift rock
>grog think lifting rock will make grog happy
>grog lift rock
>grog happy
>grog go home
>grog no longer happy
why grog feel this?

Kroog have big beak shape nose. No trust Kroog lies

>those skull words when grunk no good hunt
must lift big rock

Grog need go kill self

>one chance at life
>not born with neanderthal anatomy
i- i'd be okay with being a manlet for a chest as wide as that...

Kroog nice guy
you trust Kroog
Kroog help you

toe rip man say go down up 5 time 3 time
sand skin man says 5, but sand skin man nose is strangely large

me see big ugly rat today me call now ugly rat jew jew

Obviously they made it look like Willem Dafoe on purpose, right?