I wish I could trade my 3 years of lifting for a group of friends

I wish I could trade my 3 years of lifting for a group of friends.
The final redpill: lifting is meaningless if you're sad and lonely all the time.

Are you guys unironically complete friendless?
Even the most retarded people i knew had their group

How can you actually not make any friends at all?Like you go to uni or gym or spanish lessons idgaf,do you not interact with anything that has a pulse?

You do realize you can do both

>unironically complete friendless
You must be new.
Take a look at /tv/ and their friday/saturday threads, 99% of the board have no friends. Veeky Forums is different but still has some of the same people.

Fuck you too, buddy.

i live in sweden, thats why. people here arent social, and i can definitely go through all my life having 0 friends. you americans dont understand

I'll be sad and lonely no matter what I do.
So it is better to lift and be sad and lonely, than not to lift and be sad and lonely

in the same boat user
joining social clubs helps, you get to practice social skills, and get that fix of social interaction
besides some social interaction, we really don't need "friends", we have enough of them on 4chin

I heard americans are friendly as fuck to strangers so you shouldn't have trouble making friends. Whereas in some parts of europe, people aren't social at all and it's very hard if you get into your 20s without friends.
TICK TOCK americans, no excuses.

do you not have a job? Start talking to people in your age group and try to find common hobbies/interests

>oh, you watch football?
>how about them x

>you play basketball?
>bet I would wreck you in a game of 21

desu if you lift but don't do shit athletically you're a loser and deserve to be friendless

>do you not have a job?
i'm actually a neet right now. starting uni next semester... but yeah... my life is 14 hours of computer 1 hour of lifting 9 hours of sleeping

can't do shit if you got bad eyesight like most of this website does. and no, glasses wont cut it in a sport. Neither will ruining your eyes with contact lenses.

As someone who has had no friends for 8 years, i would rather be lonely and fit than lonely and skinny.

It's not hard to understand why some people has no friends normieshit

>lose contact with highschool friends
>never make mire at college
Pretty easy

How are you supposed to have or get friends is a better question

that's fucking depressing man

I haven't had friends in last 6 years and no one ever initiates social contact with me. Dress well, groom etc. so appearance isn't a problem.

Do you guys really have it so easy that people are willing to make an effort to talk to you.

Life is meaningless no matter what friend

I was bullied in grade school and most of high school so I never developed social skills.

>As someone who has had no friends for 8 years, i would rather be lonely and fit than lonely and skinny.

tfw same boat but auschwitz mode but not lonely

at least you knew people hated you
In high school everyone in my friend group hated me but didn't have the balls to say it so I spent the entire time guessing. now I'm a paranoid freak

26 here, USA, friendless since around 12 years old. was actually a pretty easy process for me actually

>was never very social guy but still had some friends at least
>lose friend group going into high school
>knew people but just as acquaintances, not really friends, so i didnt do anything with them
>stay alone, get more miserable and angry which drives people away from me, which makes me more miserable
>learn no social skills

>get to college
>no social skills
>meet no one to be friends with
>no friends = no girls = no life

>graduate college
>now in "real world" with no social skills and no experiences to share
>remain friendless

>go to college
>talk to people, but never make real friends
thats how buddy

True. I'm going to uni next year in a different city and hoping to make a new friend group. Is there hope anons or is it too late?

the true final redpill is that friends are a waste of time

Not true friends.

life is waste of time if you don't have friends

The fuck are you smoking buddy? I wore regular, strapless glasses while playing tennis and track, and I knew football players who wore glasses. And how do contacts ruin your eyes?

contacts will ruin your eyes longterm, regardless of what some faggot who's chosen to wear them says about it. I never said it was impossible to do the things with glasses but it's a huge inconvenience, atleast for me personally to wear glasses and do anything sportish.

One of the most challenging parts of growing older, is that all of your friends begin to drift away. The close and sincere friendships of your youth suddenly vanish. Then, with adult life comes coworkers and acquaintances. You might talk to them on a daily basis, but it's never as close...and slowly it drifts further away. The phone stops ringing...where have they all gone? Then, one day, you are an old man living in a sea of strangers who will not look you in the eyes.