Submission and testosterone

Reminder: There are many common actions that can send your brain a feedback of submissive-avoidant behavior and kill testosterone.

Reading about test you realise one thing: although also dependent of physical and nutritional factors, a lot of it comes from social circumstances. *Anything* that signals submission or avoidance will raise cortisol and lower test. Small things like aversion to eye contact, not wanting to be part of a group presentation, losing or avoiding arguments, not reacting to provocations and so on have led to lower testosterone in studies, and when an "hierarchy" is formed, all engagements will lead to more testosterone for those on top, and more T-killer cortisol for those on the bottom. You're creating a loop.

This is BIOLOGY. It doesn't matter what you think of it. You can think you're too civilized, polite or shy for some of those confrontations, it won't change nature. You're sending your body a signal, and your body is reacting with that famous evolutionary strategy of pussying out so the dominant monkeys won't kill you.

The solution? Pay attention to small, day-to-day challenges, engagements, and anything that can signal social defeat to you brain. (

Random dude staring? Don't be the first to look away. Is a professor or boss reprimanding you in front of everybody? Have some reaction, don't take it quietly. Is one of your friends mocking you? React. Is someone in a group project telling you what to do despite not having the formal authority to? Deny and set authority yourself. Is someone in your group conversation loudly giving political opinions you disagree with? Confront them. For some of you with Social Anxiety, this can be hard at first, but as time goes by and you not only get used to it on a psychological level, but you adapt to it on a hormonal level with more test, and it will come naturally.

so in essence, confront the fuck out of everyone and everything? Confronting strangers is considered strange where I am from

is skateboarding low-t

>For some of you with Social Anxiety, this can be hard at first, but as time goes by and you not only get used to it on a psychological level, but you adapt to it on a hormonal level with more test, and it will come naturally.
Inspiring, I'll be sure to try this after my cycle, might as well start practising now.

Bla bla bla

Wanna know if you are high are low test ?

Its simply, try to make it in the olympics from here till 2020, if you cant you are low test

End of discussion

if you live in some shitty warm country, you could take up cross country skiing at 39yo and represent mexico in a year

My guess would be: if you're not being challenged, you have nothing to respond to. If strangers avoid any interaction where you live, you probably won't be challenged. Same thing goes for people you know. Be dominant and aggressive according to the norms of your milieu, because being excluded for being too aggressive will not trigger the body response of social dominance.

But you have to be honest with yourself. I often avoided confrontations because I'd tell myself the guy staring at me meant nothing and that it was all in my head, or that the dude at work being a cunt was just playing and I was overthinking it, or that certain people being rude were just unaware, etc.

what do you guys do when you're walking along the street alone and there's a much bigger guy walking towards you about to pass

do you make eye contact, look down, look away or just not acknowledge anyones there?

id rather be low test than a total cunt 24/7

You wouldn't. You just happen to be.

Look, give a nod, but don't stare. Even tough guys don't stare at other men. Unless they are indian

Last time i stared a guy for so long he gave me his number lol


No bitches love skaters. It’s cardio so your gains will be gone

>bitches love skaters
I fuckin wish
I've been skating my whole life and I have never had sex or a girlfriend
Does keep you lean tho

nice post pussy

I assumed skaters always banged. I might be stuck in the early 00s tho.

no they do look cool as fuck though

Tfw no bf

Don't be dangerous, but don't be harmless.
Both extremes make you a fag

>Both extremes make you a fag
This is about evolution and hormones, not your preferences.

Yeh skating is very zen once you get good enough to cruise around. I haven’t skated in forever but I’m glad kids still do it, it gets a bad rep but it’s still cool to me.