If you need motivation not to eat junk food, look no further

If you need motivation not to eat junk food, look no further...

>Major food brands are using aborted fetus cells to flavor and test many of their foods.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's a list of related foods they use the fetuses to test on.

we the matrix nao boiii


Is this legit?
These people should be publicly executed.


1. Snopes is not a valid source
2. Snopes did not deny the validity of the claim, which has been proven to be true
3. Go fuck yourself jew

if you wanted a source less reputable than momsci clickbait articles, this is it

Please read the tiny little article before you even react, holy shit it's only like fifteen lines.

It states that a company has been cloning cells from a fetus' kidney for decades, in order to create artificial tongues that they use to measure taste stimuli.

There is no fetus in your food.


>There is no fetus in your food.
Even assuming this is false. Please tell me with what knowledge you have that you can actively confirm it? Do you see the process with which they make the food? Do you see the ingredients laid out? No.

People are too trusting with their food these days. Know where you food comes from before you eat it you fucking mong.

But you don't do that and never will. You don't grow your own grains and fruit year round, you don't can and jar harvests, you don't slaughter animals that you raised on your own grass and cure the meat with salt you harvested. Your projected mentality is hypocritical and a farce.

>People saying fast food is unhealthy when it comes with stem cells
Fucking moralfag plebs this only makes me want to eat more.

If this was true, I’d eat more fast food.

What the fuck user? Snopes? The Hillary shills? Cmon man...

Eating chicken and meats is far different from eating processed foods which include a myriad of mystery ingredients.

Point is, they are using aborted fetuses to test their foods. If you can actively consume them with no guilt after being exposed to this truth then you are as bad as them.

I mean, he has some infos on his site, but you've to be more than wary handling them. He's pretty shady and he has been warned by FDA already for his "alternative science" approach and he is one of the creators of the "vaccinations contain mercury" meme (which soon evolved into "vaccinations cause autism")

read it again:
The fetus cells are used to make receptors.
That is: Machines to test weither an artificial flavour indeed tastes the way it should.

The fetus cells are not put into the fast food!
The artificial flavour is put in the fast food.

A small batch of artificial flavour is tested by using the fetus cells on it.
The testing batch does not go into food.

The flavouring in your food never even came close to the fetus cells.

Please read the OP again and understand that that is literally what it says you retard.

How is that motivation not to eat junk food? Who gives a shit?

>what is science
Stem cells, user.

It is truly sad that we live in a world where it's ok to commercialize dead babies for major food corporations and nobody gives a shit.

God please destroy us all now.