ITT: Small things that made your life much better

ITT: Small things that made your life much better

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Honestly, squatty potty is fucking retarded. Just sit down on the toilet and then make tippy-toe stance and lean forward a bit.

Your shits will rocket out of your asshole.


>Small things that made your life much better
My dick.

cold showers
I have more energy and best of all I sleep. better than I have in years


This, been trying it for like one month, truly lifechanging

ITT: Shilling for your (((overlord))).

my nigga

When during the day do you shower user?

>Small things that made your life much better

Should't you be posting your dick?

Just built a standing desk out of $30 of ikea shit

I unironically put my feet on the seat and slav squat shit into the bowl, changed my life

doing a pajeet squat for a shit kek

A bidet

Why is she shitting with her pants on?

Western toilets aren't made to withstand the stress from squatting on the seat. I'm not sure about how safe OP's is, but the second user's technique should never be attempted. You risk breaking the toilet and heading to the ER to pull toilet shards out of your ass.

starting to use a squat plug for those heavy lifts

lol you are not going anywhere if that happens broken toilet shards are incredibly sharp and you would be falling naked-ass first and with all the big arteries in you groin and ass area you will 97% die

but with a sturdy wooden toilet seat that shouldnt happen i guess, i feel like it could happen if you dont have a toilet seat like me


Fuck off with your scam shit pajeet

This works too, or just get a stool and place it in the bathroom that's what I do

Why not save the money on buying a "squatty potty" and just put three bricks on both sides of your toilet?

Fuck dry toilet paper

i shower from 8am to 8pm every day

Not even gonna post the picture directly because this isn't a gore thread.

Porcelain is freakishly sharp when broken, user. It's in the same materials class as glass and obsidian (ceramics)

just pay the $25 you faggot

you know there’s a way to advertise shit without ruining the board

holy shit ive stood on the toilet and let me shit drop all the way as a meme before and i usually slav squat like how much weight do you think it can withstand from a slav squat before being destroyed? I dont wanna change my ways but i dont want toilet shards up my ass either. I weigh 125lb lean and have never felt like it was even close to unstable

because I'm not a fucking broke construction worker


not flushable tho

youre welcome

This. I am normally very shy but on phenibut I actually WANT to talk to people. Goes to show how being an introvert/extrovert is mostly just brain chemistry.

he invented lycra

Honestly this plus tren improved my life so much its insane

WTF.. are there Squatty Potty salesmen on Veeky Forums?
3 cheap/free bricks on both side of toilet

Nobody ever thought about making a flushable version ? Sounds like a million shekels idea.

I'm coming to the end of a 2 year test-e cruise which I started when I was 21 because I had low natty test.

It was probably the best decision I've made in my life srs. Masculinised my face, gave me confidence and a strong sense of self worth, never feel depressed, I wake up every-day in a good mood, etc. etc.

Would recommend

I squat on the rim and I am never constipated. You have to go deeper.

It literally says it is on the package, and its never clogged my toilet.

>Taking a shit with her pants still on
Women in 2018 amirite

i just wet normal toilet paper a bit with water desu

TP breaks up when it gets wet, wipes won't work well if you do the same thing. Even the flushable ones still clog drains up

>not taking 12 hour showers

Never going to make it

This stuff affordable ?

Mah nigga

How’s the hair holding up? Also what were you doing?

Can you give me the plans for it. Like what you used and how you did it? I don't like to sit for long but I'm going to college next year and I need a desk to study

It won't clog your home most of the time. The real problem is cities having remove giant balls of wet wipes from sewage since they don't dissolve like normal paper. Costing thousands of dollars to repair and remove.


hair is solid af, still have thick hair and a very good hairline though i think i just have good hair genetics since my dad still has plenty of hair at 70

started doing roids planning to blast so did the usual 500mg test-e for a few weeks then had a bad shoulder injury (unrelated to lifting, cycling accident), so i dropped the dose to 200mg test-e and have been continuing that dose for the past 20 months. also found the perfect balance of test and AI so i also have clear, glowing skin and a great mood because of optimal estrogen/testosterone balance. not looking forward to coming off but i probably shouldn't push my luck, don't want to end up infertile

Don't fucking try it. Get a sit or do it normally, don't squat on your toilet. Don't FUCKING ask how much it MIGHT withstand. You could always have a bad model.

its just a normal heightdesk, but im 5'11" so its a standing desk for me.


Could you give me some info on how you take this stuff? I've been looking into it, but how much are you supposed to take? I've seen all sorts of ranges from 250mg to 2000mg suggested. Also, how true is that shit about the delayed response that your body has to it, where it takes a day or two for it to take effect?

i put 1000mg into a water bottle and mix it up, then drink it on an empty stomach, usually kicks in an hour later

The infertile thing is a meme

Take 250iu hCG EOD and you will maintain fertility

Different user, yeah I've never taken above 1.5 grams and only 1-2 times per week. It takes two hours max to kick in on an empty stomach, longer if you already ate.

This guy poops

I win.
Bidet > everything else very day of the year.
Especially if you have a model that heats the seat and blow-drys you off.
Nastyasslets BTFO

Just wait. One day it will clog and you'll have to pay a mexican plumber 7000$ to pull """flushable""" wipes out of your plumbing

I too love wood-pulp fibers on my asshole

american detected


blue filter app for my cellphone, tablet, and computer. I go to bed a good 2 hours earlier than I did before and get a full recovery and feel great in the mornings.

>doing this


What does this do?

What does this do user?

What does this do user?

I dont get it, you wouldnt take a shower by wiping off with a towel. Why the fuck would you wipe your ass without moisture?

How do I start this

You like being squirted in the ass user?

Jesus fucking christ that looks like a shark attack

of course he does, he's european

Screenshot and post this if you aren't samefagging

me too. its flushable, cheaper, and these other 2 people are fucking morons

its that good

I'm not gonna have fucking garbage in my bathroom. Don't you ever have guests over?

>buy the squatty potty

The true squatty potty


Goes in your butt. Protects you from ghost rape if you're prone to sleeping on your front.


Holy kek

I laughed



they sell flushable wet wipes in aldi, too bad

They're not really flushable

My Asian wife.

Stretches your dick out to the point you can't get fully hard anymore unless you use it.

At that point, why not get the pornstars snip?

that's what made it for me. I'm doing it for her and for my family.

>pornstars snip
What's that?

Snipping the tendon in your dick so it hangs low. Adds in 2 inches guarantee. The problem is that your dick falls straight down even when hard. That's why pornstars need to hold their dick in all pornos.