What routine is best for fighting off rapists if I ever go to prison for some reason?

What routine is best for fighting off rapists if I ever go to prison for some reason?

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Rape them first. Establish dominant position

just never wipe your ass. Nobody will want it then

Don't wash your ass after taking a shit. But they will break your teeth and make you suck their cocks. They will also force-feed you dairy products so you get a big fat ass and heavy moobs.

constantly shitting all over yourself and masturbating, no will will fuck with you

It's entirely a matter of social standing and in prison you would not have it

Follow the law, huwiteboi

MMA training 5 days a week, lifting every other day for size and strength.

Why is pull-up spic wearing about to check you for prostate cancer gloves?

That's just leaving some brown lube on you for them to use :^)

Join a gang.

Yeah, don’t


Be over six feet tall

You'll just get stabbed 40 times you fucking idiot

Boxing or muay thai probably.

Remember. Snitches NEVER become bitches.

You need a tattoo.

Get good at callisthenics. Since most prisons got rid of their weights, your bench press won't matter there.

Ass clenches x 100

Following the law 1xf

He'll end up in prison if he does that until failure.

How about don't be a dumbass nog and end up in a high security prison?

Keep starting fights with people until they give you a quarantine cell.

Brawl in Cell Block 99

squat plug, makes your butthole tight like a vice

Terrible, terrible place to work/be in. I hope no one has to do what I have to do on the daily.

quit. i wouldn't be a prison guard for 100k a year

None. Its called "gang" rape for a reason. Just don't be pathetic, and make friends.

Just lift normally and take some boxing classes so you aren't afraid to fight. But in prison you just gotta not be a bitch. There are lots of unaffiliated people who serve their time without getting fucked with. Just don't think you'll be making friends with people of a different color unless you're minimum security where everybody plays boardgames together.

Deadlifts. Once they insert their dick snap it in half with you add clench.

Glutes. And legs you can clinch your ass so tight nothing can go up it.

Don't get knocked unconscious is a great routine. Sleep with one eye open is another.

Gimmie some chon chon

You don't get fancy velcro weightlifting gloves in the can user.

the spics asked the guard for gloves because muh hands

Eat simple as that, or else you’ll look like 90% of boy toys on here only worried about abs that think they’re big. Basically stop worrying about only fucking whores that already slept with 10+ guys and revaluate your muscle goals

just be cool and dont be a fucking snitch

most people in jail are frail fucking losers anyway

>Implying they would want you

I liek dis

Get big before you go in.

Once you're in then burpees are your friend

Lots of smart asses on this board

buttclenches x F

this unironically, rape some scrawny faggot on your first day, its an unwritten rule, rapists dont rape other rapists.

They usually choke you unconscious and then when you come too then has already happened.
The only way you can make your self not a target, this is usually done by fighting anyone who tries to assert there dominance.
IF some one calls you a bitch,weak or soft or if someone talks your food.
Chances are you probably will get beaten in prison but if your a pussy then you will be someones flesh light

Just keep yourself to yourself, don't lie about why you are in there and get on a program even if it's something stupid like bible reading.

You are more likely to end up someone's bitch if you go running to a gang thinking it's like the movies.

Don't fuck with the guards either always be polite and compliant with them

This, use the ol' Ben Franklin trick. Ask to borrow something small or for a favor, it'll make them like you

Fucking saved

I'd say you should align with the white supremacists.

Go all Shamo on them.