Is it normal to not feel DOMS in your pecs? I feel it in every muscle except for chest. whats goin on?

How do you even tie your shoes in the morning my man

you're either not going at a high enough volume or intensity. Or youre exercising wrong

>be emaciated holocaust faggot
>sit down at a seated bench press machine
>do 15 reps of 50 pounds
>chest DOMS for literally 3 days afterwards
>do it again, DOMS for 2 days afterwards
>on the next attempt now i can do 60 pounds

feels good fellas. im sure if i tried a real bench press i probably couldnt even do the bar

I don't feel it when I do bb bench. but I feel it for like 2 days when I do 5x5 with dumbbells.

I barely do bench for this reason anymore

Pretty normal for your shoulders to be doing work in any pressing movement lol

>15 reps

>what the fuck is rippletits?
It means your pecs are getting so fucking cut that you can see the striations in the muscles