Why are all women between the ages of 12 and 120 lusting after this DYEL?

Why are all women between the ages of 12 and 120 lusting after this DYEL?

and men.

I don’t know why y’all are so hung up on this dude. Channing Tatum and the Chris actors are hot right now. Oooh, and the super man guy....


Difference is Gosling is a good actor

pretty sure it's his boyish charm and acting abilities, not his physique. athleticism is important but its not everything

you see strength and power as size and mass.

women are generally dumb as fuck and see strength and power as ripped dyel low bf % but to be fair, dudes healthy asf by the looks and women only search for a confident healthy mate that can provide for them and well he ticks all the boxes.

seems to me you are training just to impress bitches and thats a waste of time, kys or just go get a good job and buy a flashy car will work to get the cock carosel thots you obviosly desire to attract rather than a good healthy life partner who supports your goals as well.

>rich & famous
your guess is as good as mine.

Because he looks like he's photoshopped.

is he natty?

>childbearing hips

hes a celebrity

personality m8
Ryan Gosling isn't the most handsome man alive (I'd still rather have his face) or the most muscular but he has a very alpha personality in his filmography.

>aspergers is now alpha

He represents that perfect grey area between "desirable" and "unattainable".
Hot enough to be lusted after, but not hot enough to be intimidating.

That's plenty of body for a woman's perspective, and he's got a handsome enough face. But people that look at least that good are fairly common desu.

But the real reason women go for that actor is because they like the CHARACTERS that he plays and imagine being with them more than with him, per se.

he looks better than you

Because he has a decent body, decent face, good personality (normys don't differentiate between movies and real life), and a fantastic job with lots of money.

Normal guys have different combinations of the above but rarely the whole combination.

He's approachably handsome for upwards of 8/10 women who set the bar for what all other women want. People don't interact with 9's and 10's so their opinion doesn't matter, but there's a massive number of 8's who dictate female sexual habits just like mid level frat bros dictate male social habits for under 25's

>Why are women attracted to the handsome multi millionaire with a decent physique
The same reason they're not attracted to you the broke kinda chubby neckbeard listening to power metal in a bulkin hoodie who guzzles milk all day and argues with strangers on the internet about bread.

I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

that's a human female right?

bellaumbrella on IG, why does everyone on this fucking website assume she has a dick?

piercings are stupid, whats next in her master plan: tattoos?


There are videos of her giving head in different costumes

I dont't believe you

>Implying you wouldn't drill her regardless given the opprotunity

Because he has the dark, mysterious side that draws you in.

Sure you can be attractive, but the x factor, the secret ingredient is the unknown that makes others drawn you in. In Gos we can identify it as awkwardness and aspergers, but it's that very same thing that makes women lust after him, because they can't understand him but desperately want to.

no shit, but first she has to take out the piercings

Because a lot of "women" that are posted are really female(male)

I need this in my life, user pls.

I used to believe most celebrities were normal despite the crazy stories I hear on the internet, but now I can believe them after my encounter with Ryan Gosling.

Dude's a weird guy. I work as a waiter at a decent restaurant in LA and he came in this weekend with a bunch of friends.

I'll try to cliffs this:

-go up to their table and try to contain my excitement that I'm waiting on the Goose
-Goose looks at me and says he'll have a steak with ketchup
-All his weird folk/hipster friends order
-As I leave to go back to the kitchen, Goose walks behind me and tries to come in
-I ask him if he's looking for the bathroom
-He says no angrily and tells me he's there to cook his steak so the chef doesn't poison it
-I try to tell him he can't do that and assure him that no one will poison his food
-Goose ain't having it
-Manager comes and assures Goose his steak won't be poisoned
-Goose asks him if he wants his teeth kicked in
-Goose and his friends are kicked out
-When I go to leave that night, I see Goose across the street wearing the jacket from Drive
-He keeps zipping the zipper up and down as he watches me drive away

Having your dreams crushed is the worst feeling imaginable.... I'm still feeling down from that day


I'm sure you're totally worth the hassle.

user, very few traps pass anywhere near as good as she looks. Passable traps/trannies is mostly a meme.

He is average Hollywood, I don’t get what people see in this Young Hercules over here. He should be making straight to DVD but for some reason people are all over him. I’d bet he took it in the stink by Weinstein at some point.

I think its like matiedoll or something on pornhub. Not sure

The Jim Harbaugh one is the best

I've seen that chick before, that's not Belle.

Jfc everyday some homo makes this thread. None of the women I know have ever mentioned him. I’m pretty sure just 1 guy has a mum and sister who both said he’s attractive one time and now he thinks the world wants to fuck him.
Get out of the house !

He has the athletic look with a visage that shows a warm frame.
It's like this santa Claus guy who is not fat, but simply 15% but his face is still displaying "ho ho ho" children.

They look like twins then.

my mates banging her KEK


>implying it's not his goddamn face



What do you call women like her. She's not just a slut or a thot, a turbo thot?

>What do you call women like her.
Highly fuckable? There's a reason she's queen of Veeky Forums.

> ITT fat powerlifter faggots who can lift 2 plate (whatever that means) but aren't slim and don't have a sixpack
You are literally muscle nerds and that's fucking gross.

>implying girls between 12 and 18 aren't lusting after him

his father

I didn't understand either, user. For years, it was a mystery to me. One day, I just got it. I was suddenly aware of his brilliance. It is beyond what my humble words can capture.

I want to be famous one day and live these out


This guy is bigger and leaner than 90% of Veeky Forums and that's a conservative estimate. This board is totally inhabited by low T, insecure boys.

Being a fit, charming, celebrity who has meme status as an actor literally puts him in the top .0000001%

As a natty he looks pretty fucking good. You just have body dysmophia from the culture surrounding the fitness industry.

>pretty fucking good

No, he looks pretty. That's it.


Why do girls like twinks with abs I can crush ? Shouldent they be biological attracted to bearmode?

That body (and face) is non-meme what women want. I remember all the girls in my class talking about him for 2 weeks straight when this came out.

Begone, thot.

They are attracted to wtf you can achieve with bodyweight because there was no modern gym 4000 years ago.

pls delt this


The dude has a nice bod and you're upset women like it.

He's a S I P B O I, that's why

I thought like you as well until I saw The Big Short. This guy’s range is incredible.

He also looks better in Blade Runner 2049.

>Why are all women

You fucking homophobe!

men lust for him as well...Veeky Forums

no homo

That's not dyel, newfag

No kidding

>Low bodyfat
>Handsome face
>Somewhat developed musculature
It's not difficult mate.