Is weed good for post-workout to release body tension?

is weed good for post-workout to release body tension?


Damn right faggot

>tfw meditating while high after a workout
Feels good

I eat an edible when i go to the gym

I meditate during the gym

No. Post-workout is the most critical time for healing. Your body is going to go into overdrive dealing with smoke inhalation how will it repair?

>I eat an edible when i go to the gym
Seems dangerous if you're lifting heavy.
By not smoking it.

I max and go for PRs stoned


I want to start smoking again, but shit gives me intense panic attacks randomly.


>Your body is going to go into overdrive dealing with smoke inhalation

What you need is a stronger mind

How do I get a stronger mind?

Wrapping a resistance band around your brain.

Nope, wtf why would some one lie about that

You autist

Damn right. Arnie said he needed it for his appetite, he would work out for 5 hours a day then go home smoke a fatty and eat 10 full baked chickens.

Same. I smoke all the time before a workout
I typically smoke a sativa before a nice heavy lift routine. it increases my focus (when im lifting by myself).
also if i eat an edible before working out, i feel as if i can isolate muscles easier by feel.

Become more grounded in who you are as a person. Read some personal development books

So you're a drug addict, something really to be proud of.

Any recommendations?
Also, black pepper seems to help with weed anxiety. You can eat it or just smell it and immediately takes that feeling away. It's fucking bizarre

weed isn’t for everyone man
if it makes you crazy don’t do it
or try a vaporizer




what is with the amount of underage teenagers on this board?

I've never seen a respectable well disciplined pot head

If you aren't smoking it for lung-cancer and fucked cardio