How did these guys cut so hard?

Hey Veeky Forums

I'm in the middle of my cut and my friend sent me this pic of him and some of his friends in the middle of their cut last spring.

How the hell did they shed so much mass? I asked him for their secret but he said "the goyim can't know", whatever that means.

Are these /fast/ results? I'd do it but I'm worried about losing too much lean mass, I'm still new to the gym and don't want to lose any mass I've put on. Lately just been cutting 500 kcals a day. It's damn hard to get enough protein though.

So yeah, /cut/ general I guess.

I think they went to some sort of camp

this is not funny, OP is probably white and should be exterminated with his race



oy vey bad goy delete now!

I'm black

Its okay being this edgy if its actually funny. This is just shit

excuse me for my racism pls fuck my wife while i watch

They probably ate inedible objects to feel full without the calories.

What I wanna know when I see these pics is how all those efficient Germans fell down on their job so bad.

I mean, weren't all these kikes supposed to be sent straight from the train to the gas chambers?

They shouldn't have been alive to starve ...

.. I mean, if what I was taught in school was right ?

Aka a high carbon diet.

ha ha ha so funny
tought about being comedian?

This is what they look like without Germans to take care of them. Allies bombed the supply lines


>What is the difference between the various types of ghetto, work camps, concentration camps, and death camps?

together brother we'll take (((them))) down

Thats a very unaesthetic handshake.

I agree should have used the one from Predator.


are you saying jews are both black and white

typhus and lack of food. how every jew in ww2 died.

Lol no, black "power" is well into the negatives, which is why Shlomo wants us blacked

liquidation rate was limited by crematorium capacity.
if you can only burn X amount of corpses per day, then you dont want to create more than X corpses per day, cause you dont want a bunch of corpses piling up in your camp.

thats why only a certain amount of inmates could be processed each day.

do us all a favor and start by cutting your wrist

>still believing in the holohoax