Gyno - who else got their life ruined by this?

Gyno - who else got their life ruined by this?

You ruined your own life by using steroids

i had my life ruined by zog actually

stop drinking milk and eating cheese, dairycucks are the worst

If it’s bad, cut it out

If it’s mild, just get big and lean and it’ll look fine

I did the latter, you can too


I got nips sticking out aswell.
Does this get any better when you are really lean?

Nothing wrong with a little nip. As long as everything else is big it'll be a benefit (girls will think big chest). The problem is the skinny fags where everyone can tell it's mantits.


I was worried I had gyno for a while. I had puffy nipples and man boobs. Then I started getting fit and realized it was just excess fat. Now it’s starting to look better.

>implying there arent plenty of people who get gyno from drinking tap water during puberty

>be me
>get told that drinking bottled water all the time is dangerous, could cause things like gyno for my whole life
>come to Veeky Forums
>get told that tap water is evil and causes gyno
WELL WHAT THE FUCK IS IT? I drink only tap water and I think I could have gyno, but if I do then they look very much like abs

how do you look at OP's pic, look at that dyel physique and go "yeah man it was steroids"

fucking retard


>tap water


I dress in layers and have sex with my shirt on, never got surgery, and I try to keep it good shape to reduce the effect

haven't gone swimming in public since I was a child


Damn, I guess I got gyno.

>Always the skelly king
>Get a job and have access to fatty food all the time
>got 10 Kgs fatter in a year
>stopped doing exercises since my job got me tired
> starts looking like my chest is getting strange
> after some months I can see my nipples are all wrong and I get some ugly things pointing in my chest
> Now I started making exercises again bu my nipples looks like it's getting worse
> There is some strange thing inside my chest and I am almost certain it can't be only fat.

Just because I was getting compliments for not being so thin and shirts fitting well on me now I got this fucking gyno, why I can't win the game?

not as bad as OP but I swear I have it. Can't wear tight shirts to show chest gains which sucks but it doesn't look so bad shirtless

>dodged the gynobullet

thank you chance

I fucking hope that's the case for me. Until then I need to find some buttoned up shirts to wear during the hotter months.

Don't drink water 4 life

What do I drink then? Please don’t say soylent

>tfw mine is as bad as op´s pic
Fuck my life

Is it bad, Veeky Forums?

I don't think you have gyno

>tfw no mommy bf with big thicc nipples to nibble and suck on

btw what do you do for core and shoulder workouts? I'm having trouble improving those two.

You can easily pass them off as abs

>exercising/lifting for the last 7 years
>have hit 9 or 10 different gyms at my city
>due to work I've traveled and hit gyms in multiple cities/countries.

I've never seen what you guys in this board call 'gyno'. At least not in the level jokes, memes and pics like OP's.
Perhaps is a thing well noticeable in roiders, but I believe this is more like the /fit usual shit we read daily.

I have gyno since I was 17, now 19.,I remember that I used to drink always plastic bottled water everyday becaude I thought tap water was bad but now I only drink tap water

Tfw lost all motivation to work out since no matter what I do I'll always look like shit because of these nasty nips

>haven't worked out seriously in over a year now because of this

hold me bros I'll never make it

If you have it bad and it bothers you on the daily. Like you're consciously aware of it every time you look in the mirror or when you're outside, just get the surgery my dude. I got in New York for $5,500. Best decision of my life. It honestly hurt my self confidence so much. It made me embarrassed to take my shirt off and even with a shirt on I could feel my gyno tits portruding out and I absolutely couldn't stand it especially since I work out and the rest of my physique looks good but I can just never do anything about the gyno.

Get the surgery and your self confidence will thank you for it. Pic not me btw

You just have low nips youre fine

Use tape to hide your nips, wear loose dress shirt, find a job and work until you have enough for surgery

don't you have two huge scars on either side of your pecs akin to a boob job?

>Pic not me btw
Too late, the rape van already left the station. You done goofed.

Just do more cardio and get medicinal treatment till it goes away.

Tap water is bad if it has flouride in it. Have fun with your alzheimers.

Not all tap water has it. Call your water company, they don't hide this information.

Same here. Still need to see 10 pounds more

Had very bad case. Had surgery. Huge scars, like 7 inches each pec. Got more depressed because of the scars. Gained a ton a weight. Now trying to lose weight, even if I lose it all, still scared forever.

Mild gyno can actually help you achieve a “big chest” look after you actually gain some muscle mass. My friend and I are around the same weight and both have been lifting for about a year but he has virtually no visible distinction of his pecs even shirtless while I got a nice bulky look to me.

Same, I got the gyno removal before I started university and it's really the best decision I've ever made in my life.

My surgeon cut below the nipple so the scar blended with the nipple.

calling bs on this one
pics or didnt happen

use scar cream and save up to get them lasered off

Me, over ten years ago I went to the doctor and she confirmed that there is growth there. Had me do bloodwork, but never sent my issue further so I could have surgery for it.

I've had it for over ten years now, and it has restricted my life a fuck lot. I can't be intimate or wear most clothes. It's not as bad as it was and having some fat hides it, but it's still noticeable from some angles.

I'm just waiting to land a proper job so I can afford the surgery and start fucking living finally

>Just get surgery bro
>You'll look fine bro

lmao at the way 99% of Veeky Forums thinks they have gyno

>virtually no visible distinction of his pecs even shirtless while I got a nice bulky look to me.

Yeah well the moment the shirts come off it's the opposite. You can see the pepperoni nipples and how the nipple protrudes, so there goes that

>world's tiniest nipples
You have the opposite of gyno

Because the people with it hide it like they should, its repulsive.

I got tits but how do i know if its gyno or just chest fat?

I've heard that sometimes the nipple area goes concave after the tissue is cut out.

What are your thoughts on this? im guessing this didnt happen to you



Is this gyno or high body fat?

You're just a fatty

Yeah probably bulking a bit too hard but that's alright.

gyno is hard flesh under your nipple not just fat

nice any before pics?

Mine's alright, they loss sensitivity for a year plus

You can tell from the way the nips hang there is something tiny behind them but it doesn't look bad at all.

Might even disappear if you get leaner.

it's not gyno at all

damn, you got it worse than me.

I just found out that this can actually be fixed really cheaply if you get it done using local anesthetic instead of general anesthetic. Like 1500-2000 dollars versus 4500-6500. I'm getting it done in a couple months when I save up money.

Btw I look almost exactly like the OP.

I'd go bankrupt to cut that shit out user. Not worth the insecurity and shame.

tap water has estro in it from the birth control, probably worse for you when you live in a city.

Get surgery man. Seriously.

Nothing special. Crunches where the thing holds your ankles and your torso hangs off a pad. Shoulders I do Db ohp, lateral raises, and dips. All high reps 10 to 12 with slow negative.


Letting your uncle Jim do it doesn't count

Lmao tap water tap water.

My country doesn't recycle it and we get from deep ground and I am still soy boy with gyno who hasn't eaten any soy. Explain atheists