Ok Veeky Forums, I need your help

Ok Veeky Forums, I need your help.
I was raised in a fatass family, and as a result, I'm fat as fuck.
Its now getting to where its getting detrimental to my health. I want to do some intermittent fasting but my senpai is like
>hurr durr u gotta eat something at least once daily or your body will go into a "starvation mode"
>and "hurr durr I don't know what I'm talking about" bullshit
What do I do? I need to stop them pushing fucking food down my throat

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By saying 'no', user.

Worst typo ever.

They'd probably call some kind of mental health shit

You don't have to worry about "starvation mode" unless you literally eat nothing for days or weeks. And even then you would still lose weight (mostly muscles but also fat). But just intermittent fasting won't do it. You need to permanently change your diet and maintain a permanent calorie deficit.

How old are you? Tell them to fuck off.


read the sticky and fuck off, fatass

Lol tell her to fuck off and be a fucking sick cunt dude.

Try just having a smaller plate or something when you eat if they’re gonna be retard and force you to eat as much as they want. Depending on your goals try going to the gym to burn off some fat (although don’t do excessive cardio, try some HIIT training and weights sprinkled in). Idk just try to get it through their thick skulls that you want a healthier lifestyle

I too was raised in a hamplanet family and I know how they operate because they did everything in their power to keep me from losing weight. What you are trying to do is a direct attack on their worldview and their preservation of victimhood on which it is based.

When they push food on you, you tell them to fuck off. When they tell you that you need to eat five times a day you point at your stomach and then theirs and tell them you'll take advice from people who aren't so fucking fat.

You buy and cook your own food. You become a self-sufficient fucking man. And for fuck's sake clean your fucking room.

When they won't fucking listen you walk away and go to the gym. Their attacks are your fucking fuel. Your very existence and reason for being is to piss them off and utterly destroy their fragile weak-willed attempts to keep you as one of them.

Also: Fasting is fucking awesome. You can fast whenever you want. Want to skip breakfast? fucking skip it. Want to not eat anything for two days? fucking awesome. As long as you have fat to burn then fasting is always warranted.

Food for muscles, fasting for fat. It's as easy as that.

And whatever you do, there's never an acceptable excuse for skipping the gym.

you are 18 and fat. you don't have to be a giant pussy too. shove a fucking fork in the next persons face that tells you to eat. and google fasting and nutrition you fucktard.

Fasting is a meme. Get yourself on a decent diet that has nutritious food and eat at a deficit of at least 500 calories.

I'm a former fatty from a lard ass family so I know your pain. You're gonna have to snap on your family. There's no way to easily do it, but make them know that they're unhealthy and you're tired of living that way. You don't have to make them diet, but tell them to stop discouraging you.


baka desu senpai

>I'm fat because of my family!
you DO realize how dumb you sound right?

Literally the fucking opposite issue for me.

I was 6"1 80 pounds, I have low ass body fat and was extremely skinny. Cut to 2 years later and now I'm 130 skinny muscle, but I can't properly eat anymore and I've not been gaining anything for the past few months.

How do I eat more wtf.

Only someone who wasn't raised by fatties would feel that way. I was lucky to be smarter than most in my family, but I have a cousin who didn't realize how awful our family is with health until he was 16 and 300+ lbs.

I can vividly remember him being 12ish and destroying a plate full of deep fried chicken while my grandmother reinforced his eating habit by calling it "brain food".

Tldr: if your family is ignorant you probably are too.

lovely reddit spacing. newfag please leave

senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai

How is fasting a meme? How will not eating not result in fat loss? OP would ceartily benfit from fasting he has enough body fat to keep him alive. Fasting has been used for all of history.

I'm not OP fag. You're just being a typical autist who can't relate with your "hurrr don't blame your family who raised you to be like you are." Depending on OPs age he may legit not have had choices, he's clearly trying to fix himself now.

You don't think that certain people have genetic outliers that contribute to fat gain?
>Bodybuilding - "Good Muscle genetics"
>Tall - "I got good genes"
>Cancer, Heart Disease etc. - "It runs in my family
Obviously genes aren't an excuse to pig out and blame bad diet on genes. All I'm saying is some people can put on gain weight easier than others.

regardless; with effort, every body will yield to the laws of physics and biology. fatass

Fasting is a meme because you're going to slow you're metabolism, put a ton of stress on your body, and when you stop you're going to pile on fat because your body won't be burning calories at a normal rate. Not to mention most of your weight loss will be fluids and muscle.

Most respectable nutritionists say fasting is a dangerous and not very effective method of weight loss. Veeky Forums is not where you want to take questionable health advice.

I agree with you. retard

You're metabolism increases during a fast. Also your body release GH to spare muscle while your body burns fat.

Except food affects all those things in an extreme way when young, and always affects disease in an extreme way.

Don't pull the genes bs. We're talking about fatties, not people who put on some fat. I come from a "muh genezzz" who couldn't do anything but stutter and make excuses when my cousin and I stopped being fatties.

Is that from your PhD thesis at Veeky Forums U?

not making excuses at all. Diet and Exercise will fix any weight problem. I'm stating that because some people have genetic outliers to gain weight easier they have to be STRICTER on their diet than other people. I'm saying the exact opposite of an excuse. These kind of people have to really watch what they eat and have to be strict about their exercise regiment.

No but Jason Fung PHD says so.
Start watching at 9:09 feel free to watch the whole video great information.


Just spout some bullshit about wanting to be healthy and whatnot. Or just be honest and say when you look down you wanna be able to see your dick.

Fuck your parents off for being slobs.

Would lift with. Thats the type of mentality you need, the family will try emotional blackmail everyday. If you can stick it out for 3/6 months and any time they spout their bullshit just rub that shrinking belly and walk off laughing, even buy your own mini fridge if you can afford it so they dont sabotage your own food with extra calories (it does fucking happen)

Put your foot down OP! Get your own groceries. I've been there, living with my folks on and off, basically had to train them to realize I wasnt going to eat their buttery sketti, white bread slathered in margarine, etc. Even stuff that seems kosha I'll realize was fried in vegetable oil or covered in a sinful amount of bready crumbs. Even plain white rice, contaminated. It's ridiculous how much HFCS is in non dessert items these days, too. Seize your own space in the fridge/pantry, cook for yourself and don't let their offense impede your progress or dictate your own fucking life.

Took months for mine to realize I wasn't gonna eat their food. Years later, do they still bitch? Of course, they act like eating healthy is some absurd meme and have 0 concept of basic nutrition. They think I'm doing anorexic shit. "user, you need to, eat, SOME, sugar,,," yes, from a FWOOT, n a t u r a l shugga, not depression era fruit cobbler (bless your soul but Christ no) You just gotta ignore it and waking up tight and lean is a great feeling.

Just fast from after dinner until sometime afternoon next day. Eat dinner with her. I assume you have a job and don't spend every waking moment with her right?

OP here, sorry for not responding to shit

To these anons, thanks

Genetically, I am at risk for a bunch of shit
I'm sad because I've always wanted a family. I guess I'll adopt.

Not a meme, increasing evidence supporting it

Lol user I accidentally typed senpai
Also, I still live at home.
I was working on getting a job
>foot fucking broke