Is this achievable natty?


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This negro is literally a burger away from being /fat/

What a fucking necklet

built fat

Nick Cannon?


Did he get attacked by a million bees?


Some African cultures would use scarification as a rite of passage. You had to lay there and let some elder make all these small cuts in your skin and weren't supposed to show pain. Men that pussied out of the ceremony were beta bux until they could make it.

I know Veeky Forums hates niggers but the history behind this is pretty fucking metal

He has been training since before Creed, so maybe?

In the movie he said he gave himself one scar for every person he's killed.

like tear tattoos on the faces of convicts. now I see him as more of a try hard. between that and his cringe name all that is left is for him to still be living with his parents.

Yes, he's not even that big

They dead

hes pretty massive and goal to me. i could actually be happy with that.

im almost a year in and the progress vision has faded as i compare myself to greater and greater. never stop looking like a worm in the mirror is this hell or heaven

So its the equivelent of letting a jew bite off your foreskin?

I dont think its that great

Sure, if you let the jew bite your foreskin off hundreds of times. Or as you call it, Tuesday

Blacks also have their cheiftans roll up their dick on a stick to elongate it to where it doesnt even work. Is that culturally cool?

Is mutilation that serves no purpose cool?

I'd be happy with that body

Us hwhites have our medical shamen slice our dicks with ultrasharp knives, a mutilation that serves no purpos

What is this proving? That somehow because it happens to whites too means its cool?

I think rites of passage are cool.Especially the concept that "manliness" is something you have to earn.

Each dot represents one of his over 300 confirmed kills
He was in the Navy SEALs

Interesting rites of passage

> proving self in battle
> unaided treks
> killing big game


self mutilation.

Maybe you did, enjoy your life with a fucked dick mate.

You're probably going to need melanotan and a wig, but aside from that yeah

He's my goal body desu , I have a few years to go

He spec ops mit grad bro
He’s unironically the best character

You can get like that starting skinnyfat in 12 months with a brosplit and good diet

Nigga u dumb

Easily if you're under 5'6 like him.

they use cgi for symmetry and the lighting + angle to make it look as good as possible dumb ass. most people on fit have this size and leanness but you dont look like that due to symmetry and 24/7 god lighting

Hello, fellow goyim

lol look up how tall michael b jordan is

If youre black than yeah. He probably doesn't lift at all

Do kids still believe this?


Lol post body

>Most people on fit have this size and leanness

Delusion: 100


I thought he was natty until I saw those traps.

Yes us adults understand cutting off part of your sexual organ is absolutely natural, a great practice that only slightly worsens your sexual satisfaction while pleasing Yahweh, goyim.

Kinda the point for him to be a bit try hard and edgy. Are you slow?

That's because he's using a bodysuit.
God you guys are stupid sometimes.