You guys said lifting would get me a gf
You guys said lifting would get me a gf
>skelly lifts for 6 months and gains 2 pounds
>You guys said lifting would get me a gf
I just got a gf, she admires me for all the weight i lost and I'm still obese. She's skinny and active, goes going often, which is awesome because I was planning on going on my first hike next month. I hope you liked my little anecdote and got jealous
I'm happy for you, buddy. How much have you lost? What's your next weight loss goal and when have you set your deadline for it?
Nothing will get us gfs, acceptance is the only way out
Don’t be too happy for him. He will gain what little weight he’s lost back because he’s doomed to mediocrity forever. Also as soon as his girlfriend pulls her head out of her ass, her standards will normalize and leave him. It’s an inevitable truth and he is delusional.
Dum frogs
You sound like you're projecting either insecurities or previous hurts onto this guy. Let him enjoy his progress.
>see girl around campus
>next time I see her I'm saying something. I promise on zyzz.
Im holding you to it, faggot. It's now or never
> trusting Veeky Forums about women
My anecdote got you jealous AND bitter, how hilarious
I'd like to know more.
they're all whores and only other dudes will care about your bodyfat percentage
at 5'3 and a physical adonis I know the manlet curse and know the whoredom of women
no we didn't, that is a rule of Veeky Forums that lifting doesn't cure autism and that it's all about height, face, and frame
>tfw thought height didnt matter
>obese to Veeky Forums
>still get disgusting looks from women
why anons its not fair, i just want to die for not being a 6'2 chad. fuck my parents genetics . i get shitted on for my height, and i can't even go out without looks at something to compare my height to see if im taller than it, and every male i see i assume is making fun of me cause im so fucking short
How do I accept it?
NYR here
i'm 2 months in and 4-5 pounds heavier
when do i start cutting?
I'm to poor for new cloths so can't get to big
This is great
gas the anime
It's true man, just gotta deadlift a little more
You fucking better cunt.