DHT inhibition

I tried doing some research, yet most was flooded with hair loss treatments. What really are DHT functions post puberty? Is it beneficial? Would it be a good idea to lower DHT levels in favor of test? Will I avoid ED and other side effects by stacking 5a-reductase inhibitors with aromatase inhibitors?

Any experience?

any /fraud/ advice?

DHT functions in many organs of the body, there are DHT receptors even in the brain and CNS. Also 5AR doesn't only produce DHT, it also produces important neurosteroids that work in the CNS. Ever wonder why so many people complain of brain fog, memory issues, trouble articulating, and feeling "out of it" while taking 5AR blockers like finasteride?

The drug works well for many people, but it is poison.

jesus christ, no. how can you think that's a good idea?

how can you not?

Do you honestly think after millions of years of natural selection your body would waste valuable resources on a chemical as abundant as DHT? It's value isn't fully understood (hence why many think it's fine to eliminate it in favour of a lack of baldness) but that doesn't mean it has none.

Evolution also put your balls outside your body where it can be easily damaged and you can end your bloodline in one accident.

I wouldn't put too much trust in evolution. We are perfectly designed animals. Always room for improvement

>We are perfectly designed animals. Always room for improvement

nice rare brainlet

why did natural selection leave some men with low t and high e?

>half the testosterone benefits are actually caused by DHT
>ignoring the vital effect of DHT on the male CNS
>ignoring the vital effect of DHT reducing the effects of estradiol in many types of tissue

You enjoy your broken dick, anxiety, depression, gyno and general state of soy, user.

It doesn't do much. All the finasteride stories you read online are either fanfiction or mentally ill hypochondriacs. The vast majority of those who take it love it and have no sides. The role of DHT was actually discovered by observing a tribe of islanders who had no 5ar and were perfectly fine otherwise except they didn't bald at all.

>abnormal genitial development
>most likely a range of other invisible issues (DHT is a potent neurosteroid)

Just because a group of people look healthy, doesn't mean they are. They would most likely be better off with DHT (higher IQ, quicker learning abilities, higher libido etc.).

you're a fukin idiot

I take fin, in very low dosages. No side effects so far. You can try it out.

However, you have to take it before your hair falls out or you really won't have much from it.

That's my biggest regret... not taking it 2-3 years earlier when I had much more hair. I still got a lot, I'm maybe a NW1 or NW1.5 if even that but I had much more hiar before.

Seriously. You will be very depressed when you get bald or are balding.

You are correct. But it's just as likely that it doesn't do much. It's a part of the maturization process, and once the process is finished, there is no real point in having it anymore.

I never understood why people try to block DHT...

I take as much DHT as I can afford wallet and health wise year round... I fortunately have good hair genes but even if I didn't I'd still do it and just shave it off if it starts looking stupid.

DHT is great... Great for gains. Great for libido. Great for feeling not depressed as fuck... I can tell the difference when I take a break from it. I feel like what I imagine regular people feel like. Sad, slow, unmotivated and dumb.

DHT is mostly a maturization hormone. As you age your body reacts to it, without it you look much younger. Blocking it after you are mature (between 18-25 usually for most races) makes sense since you don't really want to mature further (which mostly means degradation in cognitive abilities).

>Blocking it after you are mature (between 18-25 usually for most races) makes sense since you don't really want to mature further (which mostly means degradation in cognitive abilities).

Are you fucking retarded? Your body becomes dependent on it when you are matured.

so why would the body continue to produce it in the amounts it does? Many hormones rise and fall throughout puberty and into adult life. If DHT was useless as an adult, I highly doubt we would be producing it.

Because it doesn't kill you, and by the time most men go bald, they have either had children or have enough social standing to get laid.

do you realize that those sides are due to testosterone experiencing aromatase instead of 5ar. pls learn to read maybe you'll notice I mentioned stacking it with AIs.

Low estrogen is worse than low test.

But, go ahead. You'll learn.

sorry, I'm not XXY.

>I wouldn't put too much trust in evolution
what could you possibly mean by that?

your balls need to be cooler than the rest of your body because they contain large amounts of easily oxidized lipids (dha and cholesterol among others)

the more you know

that tribe is all fucked up though

you take proviron or andractim?

Enjoy your prostate cancer

I guess most of you are misunderstanding me. let's say I'm supplementing dhea or straight up test and want to keep my dht and estrogen level the same or slightly below. dht to androstenedione ratio has to be at most 1:1. I don't necessarily want to absolutely murder dht, it's metabolites, and estrogen but temporarily limit it. inhibiting both aromatase and 5ar should do it?

yes an AI and Dutasteride (presumably you want to nuke all types of 5ar) will do what you're looking for.

Would not recommend though. stupid is as stupid does

are there 5ar sarms???

Wow, you really are this fucking stupid huh.