Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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Because the state regulations won't her play with the boys, but they also don't label testosterone as a banned substance because it's prescribed by a doctor. It's also an FtM for all you brainlets who about to post
>he doesn't even pass as a girl...wow...

Testosterone, for any use or from any source, is banned by WADA. The only reason """she""" is allowed in is because she's not tested. Men on TRT are banned from all tested sports.

Determinist pigs. The reason he is beating all the women is that our toxic patriarchal society makes him feel more powerful for being a man. Gender is a social construct get a clue, it's 2018.

wow amazing satire bro, anybody knows if Steven Crowder needs a joke writer?

the weak should fear the strong

I think this guy is a pretty cool dude, he asked multiple times to compete against men, but is blocked by state legislature. He was fucked either way and I think backslash against him is fucking retarded, since he never asked to wrestle girls.


We should just ban gender separation in all sporting events. Let the top women slug it out against the men. I for one would love to see the blood bath that would be contact sports.

he shouldve not accepted the award or not competed at all

why doesn't he just taintracks?

>the weak should fear the strong

Lol why do progressives know all the stupid cuckservative pundits?

I only know the young turks

>t. otherkin

Seconded. I think trannies are abominations, but if he/she/it wants to wrestle against boys (which would be punching up) and the cocks that be won't let it, I'm all for it destroying all the girls it's forced to compete against, and then shitting on their ceremonial bullshit. Tranny or no, that's fucking alpha.

They should be in their own league for freaks on drugs. Anything else is liberal faggotry.

>Women's "sports"

Goodness gracious I do not care.

It is a biological girl, but a biological girl on testosterone

honor is a male abstraction, she competes agaisnt women while being on testosterone meaning she doesnt have any honor meaning she isnt a man.

do you even know how testosterone dosing for transgender people work?
his testosterone levels are way below that of an average male.
nobody said anything about honor, which is a concept for butthurt sandniggers.

There's dignity in just walking away instead of making a show out of yourself

>gay boy
>wins straight girls' title

So they let biological men like Fallon Fox destroy women in MMA, but they won't let a biological girl into competing against men lol.



Any more pics like this?

Shouldn't have competed then, it's disrespectful to the girls. As long as he competes with them they may as well not even bother trying.

But how was he making a show out of himself, though? He is a wrestler, shouldn't he compete just because some retart legislature? he has every right to wrestle. him competing might actually be the spark that changes that retarded rule and he and people like him, will compete against men in the future.

>MMA and wrestling use the same set of rules

I mean yeah, this is Veeky Forums and everyone of you are disgusting subhumans, but you could at least try to put yourself in his position and see that it's unfair for everyone involved.

Reckon it's possible to become trans and paste women in a sport like boxing?
Asking for a friend who definitely doesn't have mother issues.

On one hand, it's unfair that someone gets to "win" because they are competing against females

But on the other hand... none of the females deserve to "win" just because they aren't competing against men.

So I guess there isn't much harm done.

But still higher than a womans you fucking idiot

Then make the whole thing unisex without giving trannies a competitive edge


That would be unkind to the wrestling coaches because the females will stop participating.

Barnum & Bailey's shut down last year

You're retarded.

I'm a trans man and my testosterone levels were just tested at 1,200 ng/dL. That's about 2x average.

Performance enhancing drugs give user competitive advantage. Headline worthy.

>But on the other hand... none of the females deserve to "win" just because they aren't competing against men.
Just like the time that male tennis player ranked 203rd beat the snot out of both the Williams sisters.

>17-0 boxing record
>36-0-1 kickboxing record
>punches do absolutely nothing to a man, gets fucking laid out

How did anyone think that was going to be a good idea for her?

they should just have a womens league and an open league where anyone can compete but it will obviously just be men and the odd tranny

Pretty sure she demanded/asked for the fight. Thought she had beaten everything women had to throw at her and wanted to fight a man. Imagine if she actually fought a top level thai guy lmao. She'd get her eye sockets elbowed into pieces

huh?And im guessing you want to solve this problem by having ftm transgender men compete in the mens league? because that sounds right.

This is great.
why are you even mad?

>I'm a trans man
kys freak

Netherlands has gender neutral toilets, They are a mixbag of teenagers fucking, old men perving, people dealing drugs out of the stalls, and there is Neon lighting, It is as if the 80`s has returned lol

>The Weak should fear the Strong

Woulda been super easy to let her get reked in the male division

I second. If they're going to fuck him when he try's to do the honorable and fair thing he might as well patrol thots


Should have their own transgender league. Abomination.

I'm look forward to the future of women's sports being completely dominated by trannies.

glad I'm not the only one who got a semi over that face.

i imagine the seats being fucking empty at a event lol, Or either it is full just too boo at the transwoman.

Neon lights are so people can't find their veins to shoot up kiddo

Idk man, he wants to wrestle with boys but the schools wont let him. I think its p messed up desu.

I-it's n-not your r-real t-testosterone...

Its about time womyn felt a taste of equality

Huh, fair enough. Competing seems like the better option because it shows their rules are a complete farce and has the biggest chance of him actually getting the result he wants.

Really fucked up for the girls. I feel bad for that chick in the photo on the floor with some roided person over her. Its super unfair.
Yeah the tranny asked to wrassle other men and was denied. Shouldnt wrestle girls if they actually think themself a "man" though.

>gender is a social construct

Sex certainly isn't a social construct. The sport is sex limited not gender.

The only reason we do this is to give an arena for those less physically endowed to have a chance. Just like how you manlets have size class in wrestling.

>It's also an FtM
I'm okay with this. Let roasties reap what they sow.


wow amazing sarcasm bro, anybody knows if the daily show needs a joke writer?

What would sex with Gally be like?

This is great, you guys clearly don't hate roasties enough. Also remember that roasties will ALWAYS vote in favor of whatever trannies want, so there's no need to pity them.

The stupid should fear the smart.

It sucks they won't let him in the men's league I hope he keeps destroying the women's in the meantime. This is just stupid and the only people at fault are the idiots who wrote the law this way.

Men's league should be open to anyone, men do not need to be "protected" from hightest-roasties. I understand how people get weird about letting trans women (males) who are super tall and look like men into the women's league but this is a completely different situation. Females will always have physical disadvantage to males, if he wants to fight with men that's his choice and it's pretty badass actually.



lol :D

>letting someone taking steroids compete against natties

>Someone who's on a monitored level of testosterone for the last couple years
>Someone who has balls that have produced testosterone their entire life

So many brainlets in this thread huh

So much salt in this thread. Someone taking estrogen pills wants to compete with the boys has my respect, and probably outlifts half of this board

The weak should fear the strong

>Braasch was described by one journalist as "a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple bottles of ice cold lager". The matches took place on court number 12 in Melbourne Park, after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two shandies.

It's fucking great.

When SJW factions cross streams and will starr devouring their own.


>Determinist pigs
you're meant to specify biological determinism m8
better luck next bait

Then a biological male decides they can be female and get scholarships as a female athlete. The end of female only sports is happening people just cant see it.

Actually the regulations stated that this "thing" could've petitioned to be on the boys team at any time, but NEVER did. Why the fuck did they never even once try to petition to be on the boys team? I think they did it because they enjoyed the attention from winning on the girls team. The insufferable bitch had the nerve to say they won purely because of "technique", not the steroids being pumped into them. It's fucking disgusting.

They were never "blocked by state legislature", they NEVER PETITIONED to be on the boys team.

She's taking T, which means she's stronger than the girls, but honestly, she'd probably get destroyed if she went up against biological males.

Honestly, they should either have their own league, or not compete.

Wrestling is over 2,000 years old. Leave it to the fags to complicate it.

Tbh it might help highlight how there's something uniquely wrong with them, instead of trying to hide amongst "normies" just to cause drama

Wow I thought it was a dude, "mtf."

But it's just a chick on steroids. Which only those chicks who claim "transgender" status get to take.


All the more proof men are superior

She shouldn't be allowed to compete against girls while taking test, it is literally a performance enhancer.

Fucker needs to chose between wanting to peruse wrestling goals, or indulging in her mentally ill gender dysphoria fantasies.

What I want to know is how shitty of a parent do you have to be to let your kid start this shit before they're even 18? It's like smoking cigarettes: you wanna become the opposite gender after high school? Cool. Go ahead. You're an adult now and your parent shouldn't have that much say in your life and allow you to make mistakes. Your parents let you do this shit while you're still in high school for several years? What the actual fuck?


>Testosterone supplements

Would've been in the same boats as , but come the fuck on. That's not even remotely fair. Hopefully whatever college she goes to will allow her to wrestle boys so we can see if they really have that much of an impact

dude. Are you mentally challenged? That's a gal abusing controlled substances and in dire need of psychiatric help.

Why wouldn't they let her...him..whatever compete againts males? Let her get her shit kicked in so people can realize that traps should have a cathegory of their own

ffs listen to you

He is still a manlet (female).

>UIL policy explicitly states that high school wrestlers go by birth certificate
>Lul he never petitioned to break the rules
Should I start taking tren then fill out a TUE, so I can powerlift in USAPL? I bet they'll make an exception to their explicitly stated rule just because I asked nicely. This is nothing more than a cheap cop-out, so they can act like they're not the bad guys.

>say I identify as a male-to-male hypermasculine tranny
>get legal pharma-grade steroids
my plan is truly flawless

Good women should be at home making babies anyway get the fuck out of sports/work

because leftie geniuses decided that gender isnt real so anyone can claim to be opposite or "other" gender and do whatever

Okay, I'm retarded. Is the tranny a chick who is becoming a man? Or a dude who's becoming a girl?

I can't tell what the fuck is going on from his/her/its picture.

It's a girl transitioning into a boy

Shes not allowed to fight against boys, and they make her fight against other girls

Chick on roids

Oh, well serves them right. If they're going to be pussies and not let her fight dudes, let her kick all the girls' shit in to help them see the error of their ways.
