Who is this erection perfection?

who is this erection perfection?


Looks like Alice Matos

Definitely her on a closer look, both images have two moles in the same exact places on her stomach.

Literally me but with a hat and in front of a door

damn thats a killer body

Looks like a 13-years-old boy but with breasts.

Are you kidding? Her body is fantastic and very feminine



Not feminine. Leanness is not a feminine characteristic.

Incorrect answer.

so is a masculine pussy the antithesis of a feminine penis? who's to blame for this travesty?

In this photo I'm all like "I would berry that not even King Arthur would be able to pull me out"
In this photo you can point at how fake those tits are and how boy-ish her face looks

Finally, in pic related you can see how she evolved. My penor says "no"

Exactly, normal is best. Fat is unattractive, and male body features are unattractive.

Suppressed homosexuality.

Visible abs are a male body characteristic.

her abs are literally BARELY visible and it's after adding all instagram filters and shades

This is my gf. Please say nice things as she is Christian and wholesome


those big quads and light fuzz on the legs is just the right amount of homo to make it kinky fucking a girl

She doesn't have a masculine six pack, only the ourlines of her abs are barely visible. That's feminine.

>using newer pictures when the discussion was about older pictures
She looked fantastic in the picture I posted where she has that ballcap on. She's clearly hopped on anavar after that and put on some muscle mass.

>insert penis in wrong hole
>as panic move contract glutes as hard as possible
>penis evaporates
