Why do I want a gf so badly, Veeky Forums?

Why do I want a gf so badly, Veeky Forums?

It's pretty normal to want what you can't have.

Because you are weak and afraid to be alone. Have patience my friend. Do not pursue too aggresdively. Tend your own garden and the butterflies will come.

Et saa lol

Cause you're at the peak of puberty in which your hormones are going wild crazy, and just you want to fuck.

Thanks for the advice, friend.

But I’m only 23.

so you want to ruin your life eh

Just go grab yourself one from Asia.

Because people want what they don't have
>have gf
>want to be single
>be single
>want a gf
Every fucking time

I recently got my first gf two months ago and I feel worse.
> constantly want talks and validation
>wants to know where I am every second
>wants to constantly go on dates
> my bank account isnt as joocy
>keeping me up until 2am on FT
>wants to post everything on social media
Like I thought it would be better. But in all honesty, now I understand what my dad says when he misses his single days.

>only 23

Because you are doomed to the incel mindset that wanting to have sex and not being able to get it is some sort of curse and you deserve a girl, when really normal people understand it's just a biological urge and women are put off by your desperate entitled attitude.

Basically this
>tfw broke up after 4 year relationship
I actually have no idea what I want at this point, so I'm really trying to focus on myself

How do you mean?

We all miss our single days, but I doubt your dad would leave his wife. Truth is, we look back at the past fondly, but most of us are genuinely happier where we are now.

I'm in the same boat. 2+ year relationship where I lived with her and woke up most days happy, experiencing the love of my life. But really what matters is the love and respect you have for yourself as a man, because women unironically hate it when you cater to them all the time, because it's in their nature to be shit testers and demanding. Their mate has to be able to put up with them successfully because it's practice for raising a child.

Anyways, focusing on yourself and working your dreams and passions is the best path one can take.


Learn to be content with yourself. If you can't love yourself first, you can't love anyone else, and nobody else is gonna love you if you don't love yourself.

This. The moment you stop wanting a gf is the moment you will get one

What the flying fuck, Veeky Forums. I just went to some Tinder roastie's house because she said her parents weren't home and in the middle of getting the most awful and sloppiest BJ I've ever received her father pulls into the driveway. We panic obviously so she leads me to the second story balcony where she tells me to go and so I do. I jumped off that fucking balcony straight onto my back and hit my head on the dirt causing me to get an instant migraine. I escape thankfully since he was in the house by the time I got to my car but fucking christ, lads. Tinder sluts, not even once.

But my sex drive is so high from getting Veeky Forums and naturally boosting my testosterone. I’m always thinking about the pucci.

should've fucked her dad too

I want these whining bastards off Veeky Forums.

Because you hope it cures your feeling of worthlessness and having no social life. It will not work because the feeling is correct and accurate and people avoid your company for a good reason.

Do lift. But also follow my example of hating most people and marrying a woman who hates them too. Make a kid. Exclude the external world and live for your family and videogames. My weekend was playground and fallout4 with the slavery and rape loverslab mods. My wife cooked and watched series i torrented for her.

Just checking after months of not going tothreads like these if you're still around


Stopped reading right there

This isn’t true at all. You have to look for signs of interest. Girls who like you will make subtle hints and they don’t come around all the time. Every so often you will meet a girl and have a hunch that she likes you. That’s when you grab you balls and make a move. It’s true if you’re lucky a girl will actually make a move on you but you don’t want that type of woman. Trust me.


Is sincere smiling when I make a joke and them trying to keep conversation going a good sign?

Such a fucking meme. Why would you ever get a gf if you don’t want one? Is this what lonely people tell themselves?

The only time I get a gf is when I *really* want one and my desperation consumes me and turns into motivation. It’s when I’m willing to be rejected a few times and make some bold actions.

Yea, here’s the deal. Do things feel *different* with her. Almost magnetic? And do you think she likes you say more so compared to other girls?

If yes then go for it. It’s still it guaranteed but your best chance is right now.

Its probably worse if i've never wanted a gf and am 25. I feel like i'd never deserve one. I'm a pretty selfish, horrible person.

>wanted to hit the gym this evening
>pretty hyped for it
>crush sends me snap
>shes there, in the waiting area
>probably with someone else
>dont want to take the risk that i may see a fuckbudy of her
>stomach hurts
>cant work out, dont work out
