Never understood this

Why do people always say

>train for 3 years and take roids when you reached your natty limit

Why not use roids to achieve natty limit? If you’re bigger than the natty limit you’ve got too much muscle and will only attract homos anyway

It's to do with building discipline, understanding diet and proper lifting technique. Showing you are serious about something before jumping headlong into it, plus gives you time to research gear, dosages, AI etc etc

yeah when girls like that saw prime Arnold they were like "Ew! Go away!"

Only lanklets should roid. Plain and simple. Its so disgusting seeing manlets with delts the size of their heads along with their T-rex arms.

The difference between a jacked natty and a roider is nothing to a woman, they won’t even know the difference. They’re both just jacked

Why not take roids and just bench 20 sets a day and never hit natty limit like half of the people at my gym.

Maybe because you like having working kidneys into your 40+ years.

Literally and unironically this
If you're a manlet and roid kys (if you haven't already because of being a manlet)

Ive been lifting 7 years and i still consider myself far from natty limit. At least performance-wise.

>1550 PL total
>3:30:00 marathon time

ligaments, tendons, joints

roids give you muscle growth, while everything else has to keep up naturally (disregard deca), snap city baby

Ligaments and tendons dont grow, they're essentially devascularized dead tissue.


No they arent you moron. Stop fucking giving advice you retarded, uneducated piece of garbage. Tendons and ligaments are very much living tissue and they are avascular meaning they don't get DIRECT arterial supply. They gain nutrients through synovial fluid and extracellular matrix which is why damage to them or increased stress is so slow to repair. Google Davis's law. Your cartilage will increase in density and respond to increased stress but it's much too slow to the rate of enhanced muscle development. Even normal muscular development can be too fast which is why most athletes actively do soft tissue work.

Loving this cope

Why dont you go ahead and search up what extracellular matrix is before posting nonsense.

ligaments and tendons do in fact strengthen under stress, but that other dude is taking it a bit far

Samefag get lost, you got BTFO #rekt

Like this?

I want my testicles to keep working.

> What is HCG
> What is cycling
If you want to be permanently big then you'll absolutely wreck your testicles. But studies show that taking a year off between cycles allows for full recovery. That said it will mean you lose the steroid gains. Fine for me as i just use a cycle to recover whenever i've had a surgery or had to take months off for a health issue i have.

>That said it will mean you lose the steroid gains
then what is the point?

After browsing Veeky Forums I'm getting convinced roids fuck with your brain capacity too

lmao at butthurt brainlets

Nah, it's just the cognitive threshold to lift heavy ass things isn't very high

>"I-I'll get to my natty limit before i roid, for sure!"
>never gets to natty limit, never roids

just pussies too afraid of needles to make it

Taking steroids unless your a body builder or really small is probably a stupid idea.
The problem is today to many dumb asses think they know everything about science, medicine and fitness.

now that youre here

Never understood why roids is recommended at all or why you would want to take them.

Its a character flaw.

To get back in shape quickly after losing all my muscle. It's plainly unfair having to spend 2 years bulking naturally just to lose it all repeatedly.

I'm in my 30s user. My body is going to start declining soon.

If I was a woman I would be prescribed hormone therapy.

>Someone provides and argument
>Loving this cope

Never change

Saved! Thanks for the screencap

>easy muscle gain
>more energy
>higher sex drive
>more confidence
>no negative side effects whatsoever (for me at least)

I don't understand why anyone would take them either

How do you train for marathons?

>no negative side effects whatsoever (for me at least)
>for now at least

This is exactly what Zyzz, Rich Piana and the thousands of people that have health issues from taking steroids used to say
