Will “making it” land me a gf like pic related?

Will “making it” land me a gf like pic related?

>this is also a general Veeky Forums latina thread

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Making it means that you have the confidence to get any gf you want

you have to work on your mental side as well then you can do it

Yes, we're all here for the white hispanics


waiting to become a big muscular hunk in order to start learning how to pick up chicks? Are you retarded? start now. Muscles has nothing to do with it.

Latinas are fucking crazy.

good luck with a latina, they are mental, they missed the genes for logical thinking

Your social skills are more important than your fitness status. Make sure you maintain both.

If you actually do make it, sure. But that requires more than just gym gains.

>also true of other females


>But that requires more than just gym gains.

Such as?

Social gains, confidence gains, personality gains.


What do Latina women even look for in guys, lads?

No dignity, loss of all your time, and the capacity to withstand the pain that comes with a cheating whore who can put in less effort breaking up with you than she ever will trying to love you for who you are pretending to be.

You don’t even have to make it. Just be white.

>Just be white

When will this meme end? Latina women don’t even like race mixing.

>t. White hispanic

Ywn look like this

Post pics, user

Latinas just have no filter for their crazy, unlike in most other women where the crazy comes out in much more deceptive and manipulative manners. It's a more honest and direct kind of crazy. Too bad about their average faces.

If you can bench 200 once you made it

>white hispanic
>el goblino

I’m not even admitting I’m white, you faggot. I’m Latino, but that doesn’t mean I’m some 5’0 Indigenous or mestizo.

Everyone race of woman loves white guys just like every race of men loves white women.

you’re either indian or mestizo you fucking retard.

>Everyone race of woman loves white guys just like every race of men loves white women.

Sure, there’s some truth to that. But I guarantee you a Latina women will invariably take a Chad Latino over a Chad White guy.

Moreover, white women aren’t even that great, especially if you intend to marry and procreate with them.
>no child bearing hips
>age like dogs
>can’t cook, sense of entitlement, won’t make for a good housewife

yeAH dude once you get a 315 bench u just have a gril awarded to you!
its as simple a that!

Hmm. Maybe they'll take a conquistador over a Minnesota Swede, but they like white.

Latin America is like India, white invaders on top, brown natives on bottom, and gradations in the middle. Everyone wants to move up

Es verdad.

"Making it" as explained by some bros is acheving more than a good body or getting mires.
It's achieving objetives in life. Could be a nice job, a career, a gf, a lovely family....
Getting shredded actually is an excellent example as it requires attitude and discipline. It takes great effort due to all the commitments we have daily (family, work, etc...).

If you want a latina "linda" like the one in the pic, work for that and perhaps you get one without the need to get jacked. And you would make it according to your plan.

You cucks can't even keep your own women in line how do you think you're going to handle a Spanish one?


Brehs I am very close to moving and leaving the United States for good.

I am considering central america, south america, or east asia as possible destinations.

Where could I find the qtiest qt's if I looked vaguely like this guy

Thinking about Chile.



dude exact same everything but from canada


perhaps one day lad I will look across a table and I'll see you there in Latin America, with a mestizo qt wife and maybe a couple of kids. You wouldn't say anything to me, nor me to you. But we'd both know that you'd made it, that you were happy.

>get a gf
>suddenly girls notice me
>fucking 18 years old slut adds me on fb after ONE class in college where I didn't even speak to her
>ex gf comes back out of nowhere
What is this? I just want to lift and be alone.


In english doc

If a girl has already judged you and accepted you as a mate, other girls don't have to think about it, they just go straight for the D

Honestly I just want to put my face in their ass cracks.

So this
I'm not some degenerate so I won't cheat on my gf. But I want that 18 years old bros

What the fuck is that thing in his jaw? A tumor?

Precisely. Man, Matt is totally low-key gay in that movie. Or maybe just very beta/undeveloped. Though he is 200-proof Chad when he gets the doctor's number

Getting fit will only get you so far.
I've met gym bros who are ripped giants but they can't get a date with even an undesirable woman because they have 0 self confidence and are often long term neets.

>logical thinking

pick one user

god damn that man is beautiful I think I'd rather fuck him than the girl, no homo

No, it means you have the confidence that you don't care if a woman rejects you or not

Europoors literally do not understand the history of the Americas and Latin America.. there are plenty of Latinos of wholly or mostly European descent.. look at messi or canelo alverez

Latino is not a race it's a cultural/linguistic area

You don't look vaguely like this guy, otherwise you wouldn't be thinking about living another life in another country just to get girls easily

Also for the record I'm a French Canadian and i fit in while travelling in Cuba, there were a lot of Cubans who look whiter than me even
.. obviously Latin America is diverse but point still stands

the interest in cute girls is only relevant because of the topic of this thread desu. it won't ultimately have a huge effect on my destination but I thought I could get some opinions from the resident chad board.


she can anteriorally tilt her pelvis my direction anytime, if you know what i mean

>I'm a French Canadian
Just say you're gay


Contradiction desu

I know. They can't come to ethnostate. At least not the boys

You can be white and hispanic if you're born (example) in Argentina from irish grandparents

*the ethnostate

That's true, I forget there are lots of non-Meds in Latin America

Short answer: maybe.
Long answer: listen man. Lifting ain't a free pass to hot chicks. Now it helps, don't get me wrong. I can tell you that getting into bedrooms is much easier after lifting for years. But landing a girl who loves you that looks like that? That's gonna take more than just lookin' jacked, my friend. GOMAD can't grow your shitty personality. And if she dates you for your body, she will probably leave you for someone with a better body. Listen to good music, read, be a more whole person.