Do guys actually care about them gloots

Do guys actually care about them gloots

Women don't have asses, they only pretend to by fucking up their spine.

being gay is the straightest thing you can do in this world of whores.


Worst is when you see a flat chested butter face and she has a crazy hot sexy juicy looking hips and ass. It makes me ignore their other negative features and I want to pound dat pussy from behind and see that ass jiggle.


It’s nice but it isn’t as important as how good your face, weight, and legs are

>being gay is the straightest thing you can do in this world of whores.


Yes, but they fall behind tits and face.

We do but if you dont have one naturally as a girl you are shit out of luck and squatting is not going to change a damn thing.

Then why did you post a chestlet, asslet and skinlet?

I like ass more than tits am I gay?

You are just a lower tier man if you dont demand both.

I like both. But mostly it's face, legs, and ass. As long as she hasn't got the chest of a dude I'm alright.

Checked, you satanic fuck. Also I totally agree

More than you can possibly imagine

Legs is literally the low test, beige preference. It's like saying you like a girl's hair most. Designed to be as inoffensive as possible in order to appeal to as many women as possible. However trying to appeal to everyone shows low self-worth, it shows no real principles or strength. You come across as feminine to any woman and when you say you like legs all women are repulsed. They want to hear you like huge tits, way bigger than any of them have.

Lol I like relatively big quads, and big calves, and a big ass. I like a nice lower body in general. You seriously think, that in today's society of stick figures and landwhales, no woman would get offended by me liking these traits? Nah fuck that bro.


women are most attractive when they are strong.

How confused do you think a chick would get if you rejected her with ''No thanks, you look like you don't even squat 1pl8''

The most attractive part of a woman is her lips and anyone who disagrees is gay.
As long as she isn't obese I'll be down for anything so long as there are some juicy dsl's

yeah, that's usually the first trait I notice in the face.

>hurr durr i want my son to have good looking lips

Ass>legs>hips>face&any facial features>core>tits>shoulders&arms>feet

you may not like it but this is the patrician taste
there is nothing better than a truly thicc, well built, pear-shaped girl
an ass without adequate strong legs is just cellulite and is gross
if you think tits>ass you have the taste of a 12-year old

>tfw feet and ass

Can someone add honking and tooting effects to this

yes, yes we do

This guy knows whats up. Tits are for little boys; legs/ass/face is patrician tier

Brian Shaw refused to propose to his now-wife until she deadlifted 300.

Pfft anyone can deadlift 300 lbs.


Yes very very much

not white guys

I started dating Latina women because ass is so nice. Soooooooo niiiiiiice.

I care more about a woman who would consider me attractive

Now what kinda feggit ass question is that?!

No, see? All I look for in a whammin is a big ol nigga dick!!! Faq outta here already


Id literally jizz in 2 seconds

>I want my son to have a fuckable ass
user, I...

it should be fucking obvious by this point.



yea unless youre in which case you really care about them\

>being gay is the straightest thing you can do in this world of whores.

i wasnt ready for these feels user

This man speaks the truth

almost perfect except i'd put tits before core.

Feet are the best, gtfo


post moar chastitty pls

Not me.
I lust after petite women (5' 4" and under).
Years ago I plowed a female who was 22 and looked like 19 (errrrrrr) and was 5' even and weighed around 90 lbs.
Her stats were like 24 x 24 x 24.

>small hands make what look bigger ?

Ummmmmm is she like 6' tall ?

i dont know
post moar pls

fpbp by far

Can confirm, would even fuck a 4 or 5/10 faced girl if she had an amazing ass.

satan knows what's up

No, you're just a nigger


Listen to this man, for he speaks the truth.

> pierced guy nips


the more I lift the more I like thick thighs and legs with a nice slim torso.

I want strong kids.

Cuddling with another man actually feels really nice, you should fucking try it fellow Veeky Forumszen, especially if you're a failed hetero. Just too feel how it is to be sexually wanted by another person.

True, piercings are shit in general.

Foot fetishes are based around the psychology that you're pathetic and feel the need to be walked all over by women.

Fucking women.

sex sells the only reason you dont like it is because youre a testlet

>Not wanting to get stepped on by a queen with nice legs and feet

Nice armchair psychology. Feet are cute and I want to dominate them

what's her isntagram? cant seem to find by googling her name

It's about the pheromones

>Do guys actually care about them gloots

IF well developed, then YES!, it can be a huge attraction.


it's charity_witt bro

devilish truth

A girl with a nice ass but a shit everything else for men is like a 6’2 dude with a big cock for women


Id eat those asses like mf groceries


>flat chest
>average face
>juicy wide ass

not women, and also most beginners can't.
>in before I deadlifted three plates my frist time evvar.


t. Hank Hill ass

It’s okay girl. Maybe if you squat 20 lbs more you’ll eventually please your Chad bf who is eating his side girl’s ass

Brother I lose my fucking mind thinking about ass.

It's literally the only thing I particularly care about.

Sauce for the left one?

You've literally chosen a small male ass

Gas yourself you degenerate faggot

I do. I actually like smaller boobs with a bigger ass on a generally slender frame best.

Dominating another man and fucking him in his asshole is the most ALPHA thing you can do and it's not gay.

It's only gay if you're getting it not if you're giving it.
What's more manly than dominating another man, eh?

Perfect example of how women cheat. If she pulled her panties out her ass crack you'd see she's just a twig

>being gay is the straightest thing you can do in this world of whores.
Veeky Forums in one sentence

Perfect female stats:
30G chest
Size 10 trousers
Ass that pushes it out with a crease all the way to the outer edges

I still love me a nice ass and pair of tits, but after seeing so many thots at the gym doing meme sexual exercises wearing booty shorts and memeshark top apparel I've become desensitized to hot women all together. Specially gym thots. Now I like me a cute DYEL girl with a nice face or a normie girl with god given curves instead of bitches with scoliosis putting "inspirational" quotes on their thot pics

not untrue

I had anal sex with my think gf. Then a few weeks later I asked my guy friend to become a trap and I fucked him in the ass too but like not in a gay way. He felt better than her. Guys come from sex with women out of the thought that they're the greatest thing ever, but that's just their imagination. Boy butt is better

>putting anything before face

Face>Legs>Ass>Core>Tits>Anything else

I can't handle the stupid shark pants anymore. I'm fucking done.

t. semi faggot
True order, if you're not a soyboy or a minority
Face > Tits > Ass > Core > The Rest

They don't even make their asses look that good and they're not aesthetically pleasing. They're overpriced as shit. My $10 dollar compression shirt looks better and more aesthetic than my memeshark top


>sex sells

To subhumans. You forgot to include that part.

Yeah those pants are about half way up her back. They are designed to make you believe that part of her lower back is actually part of her asscheeks.

Are all gay people simply traumatized heterosexuals?