How does it feel to tattoo a food on your leg?
They're branding themselves now
Absolute state of that carpet.
>wearing shoes inside
I thought this was a meme
isn't that how most burgers do it tho?
it is
my bro got new carpet and i have to take my shoes of at his house but most peoples dont ask that of guests
I legit thought that was a sandy dirty beach until your comment
Seems like wooden flooring
I never wear shoes inside.
do they even play baseball? and what is with the daggers? it should be replaced with dildos, that would make more sense.
i've always found tattoos a bit gross and a sign of people not respecting their bodies
Most do. But it's fucking disgusting.
No shoes inside and bidets are two things burgers need to start doing.
Not me
I can tell just from their calves that they are 56%-ers
What do they think a soyboy is? Like they must have got together and said
>yes we are soyboys, let's show how soyboy we are by getting a tattoo!
But like, are they only saying that they're soyboys because the people they don't like use the word as an insult? Are they capable of forming their own opinions or do they automatically love what the other side hates? I don't understand them.
Adidas tracksuit doesn't even have a real leg.
Meat tube
It's carpet. You can see the pile in the carpet.
Stained, dirty, discoloured carpet.
This can't be real. OP, you made this up.
it's not like anybody disagrees with you
adidas tracksuit has 2 different socks...
No, they definitely do, you're just a poor faggot who never learned any manners.
The Estrogen level in that room, I thought they were ugly woman until I read the tattoos.
you've clearly never been in a slav's house
>concrete with no ambient lighting
i always wear my shoes inside when other people around cause i dont like showing my feet wanna fight about it
it's fine as long as you clean your floors
The tattoos have a baseball on them you fucking doofus. It's probably the ironic name of their rec league team.
Americans are dirty as fuck. In Europe, any country, you always take shoes off inside someones home.
I was about to argue with you and say not all americans wear their shoes indoors, but i don't associate with rednecks and have no clue what kind of squalor they live in; i also hate this country and am ready to leave, so go ahead and say whatever
Well I very often see in American movies and TV shows wearing shoes indoors at peoples homes.
I’m American and we always take ours shoes off.. very very rude when some fucking punk doesn’t, like who the fuck raised you?
It's rude for the host to place the burden of removing shoes on the guest. The guys may have embarassing foor conditions etc. All it takes is a quick request for them to wipe their feet and a quick vaccum after they leave if they left any debris. YOU are the punk.
ewww the pores on her nose
Mate, i have marble floor, asking someone to take off their shoes when it's winter wouldbe rude as fuck
Finally someone gets it