>He's still eating brown rice instead of black rice when it tastes the same and has the same fiber and calories but also has shit loads of antioxidants.
Never gonna make it.
He's still eating brown rice instead of black rice when it tastes the same and has the same fiber and calories but also...
Other urls found in this thread:
>eating carbs
oh dear
>He believes in pseudoscience
>believing carbs don't exist and are an actual thing
heavens to betsy
Black rice is expensive :0(
>he actually gets oxidized
>Need to eat like a gallon a day
>He doesn't eat rice
So it tastes like cardboard too?
Lemme stick to my blue rice instead
Or maybe my orange rice hmmm
Although anthocyanins have been shown to have antioxidant properties in vitro,[39] there is no evidence for anthocyanin antioxidant effects in the body after the plant is consumed.[40][41][42] Unlike controlled test-tube conditions, the fate of anthocyanins in vivo shows they are poorly-conserved (less than 5%), with most of what is absorbed existing as chemically-modified metabolites that are excreted rapidly.[43] The increase in antioxidant capacity of blood seen after the consumption of anthocyanin-rich foods may not be caused directly by the anthocyanins in the food, but instead, may result from increased uric acid levels derived from the metabolism of the flavonoids in the food.[43] It is possible that catabolites of ingested anthocyanins are reabsorbed in the gastrointestinal tract from where they may enter the blood for systemic distribution to have biological effects.[44]
As of 2017, there are no substantial clinical trials indicating that dietary anthocyanins lower the risk against any human diseases.[45]
Source: your ass
It's still arguably better for you than brown rice. There is zero reason not to eat black rice instead.
t. Black rice farmer charging double the price of regular rice
why would you eat rice when black beans exist
dat protein
>Being a poorfag
Definitely never gonna make it
Totally. I can get my protein from shrimp, scallops and smoked salmon. Life's good not being a poorfag.
the glycemic scale is pseudoscience now eh?
the absolute state of brainlets on Veeky Forums these days ...
Your shits are either rocks or all liquid.
>he's still eating any food except caviar
Stay poor and weak, proles.
>why would you eat rice when black beans exist
you need to pair beans with a whole grain to make a complete protein
Got some in my bag on the way to uni OP. Tastes great in a black bean salad. Live long and prosper.
>u will never eat black rice with yuki at omatsuri-mura
Black rice tastes horrible, not at all like delicious white rice.
More expensive, tastes a lot different, has a different texture and makes you food look shitty.
>eating the literal primary food source of the ENTIRE enimal kingdom to sustain life
Thanks for the 2003-tier momscience.
No, op. You're not gonna make it, ever. You have a shit physique, shit lifts, and your diet still hasnt helped you like you expected.
There's no incomplete protein. Not a single non-chemical food that doesn't have all essential amino acids.
>white rice
NEVER gonna make it what the fuck is wrong with you?
Nice projection.
are you saying I can eat my lentils without shitty rice? please be true
Pretty much. Glycemic index is tested on people who are in a fasted state. It doesn't matter at all. In fact proteins and fats make your blood sugar spike as well. A fucking banana has a higher GI than a can of coke.
Is this bait?
Of course you can.
Go ahead, what is an incomplete protein and why is it relevant?
lmao tell me about them ketosis memes retard. You'll be dead from a fatty liver, hypoglycemia, and insulin resistance soon enough
enjoy ur phytates and arsenic lol. you know there's a reason gooks only eat white rice, right? shit's poisionous if you don't process the hell out of it
>having such an inactive lifestyle that you can manage without carbs for energy
oh no
This is so ridiculously incorrect.
White rice was a product of european invasion and agricultural-mechanization techniques. It was better for mass production because fewer pests wanted to eat it. Vermin are smart enough to know that without the germ bran and hull, their is hardly any nutritional value left in just the starch of rice.
Phytates are about as poisonous as water. Phytates are fucking everywhere. The inhibition of nutritient absorption is parroted by "MaRcS DaIlY ApPle" and other shit heads that don't understand the fact that literally everything you put in your mouth will impede or enhance the absorption of something else. Complaining about phytates and celebrating white rice makes you look like a fucking moron.
Also OP, I'm poor as fuck and never going to by black rice unless im trying to impress qts
that extremely comfy, thank you for sharing
>tfw no yuki gf
How does it compare to red rice? I really like that
Red rice is an in-between. It lies between black and brown in terms of nutritional content. It's red coloring is due to the same antioxidant that black rice has, if you add more the rice becomes black/purple. If you like red, you may as well upgrade to black.
What about taste? How does red compare to brown and black?
I haven't seen black around here, but there is a Thai shop I should check out
It tastes pretty much the same. Maybe a little nuttier.
>not eating black beans
Ok if we wanna talk about goat carbs...
white caviar is even more pratician.
lurk moar
Black rice is harder to find and more expensive. Try health food stores, or just buy it online.
This stuff gave me the autisms
They sell it at Walmart you fuck
I have literally never seen it at any walmart. They do however sell it on their website, which is how I get mine.
Why you care what I eat?
Because I care about you, user.
> still eating high gi grains
Not gonna make it.
Zyzz ate rice every day.