Hey user-sempai, can you spot us for our next set of squats?

>Hey user-sempai, can you spot us for our next set of squats?

fat asian girls with pig nose will always look like pigs

shooo shooo
begone chink thot

t. angry used up white roastie

please more thick azn wheyfu's

Excuse me miss your buttcheeks are showing

t. neckbeard who thinks grass is greener on the other side


sure, let me just fluff it up first



Does anyone have any experience with asian braps? Does it smell like rice?

whoever you are that keeps posting these pics you need to die
for the sake of mankind
you must die you middleeastern


Bitch, why the fuck do you need a spot for squats? Just bail

Asian girls are ultrafeminine. No braps. No hair. Perfect perpetual fucking machines

Brapposters are BASED, i repeat they are BASED.
You are a filthy degenerate if you cannot appreciate brapposting. It is BASED fucking ART.


i based in ur moms base last night lmaw

SE Asian braps = fish sauce

sparrow's hot sisters


why would you need a spotter? it's not like you lift any actual weight. you just get cosmetic surgery and do meme low weight lifts in the smith machine

>tfw can't get excited over Asian butts
something about the shape is always off

Go away you fucking weebs

I hear you
also their elbows are way too pointy

Breathe in, breathe out. Ahhhhh..

you're not on reddit anymore my man

only if can you spot me for my next fap?



Certainly, you can use my face instead of that medicine ball too

Brap posting is fucking funny


Nice pieces of ass, sadly they are asians so no thanks